Chapter twenty-two chapters

Ye Hao returned to the doctor's office and found that all the medics were standing in the yard outside. The yellow medical officer sat on the side, his face was gloomy and dripping out of water.

“Hey!” Chen Jinru hurriedly waved and let Ye Hao stand in the past.

"Yellow Medical Officer." Ye Hao and the Huang Medical Officer teamed up for a ceremony.

Huang’s medical officer gave her a cold look. “Where have you been?”

"Cienning Palace." Ye Hao thought about it back.

"His Royal Highness, it seems that you are not used to the life of a medical girl. It is better to be in the early morning palace, to be your princess, when you want to go to the Cining Palace, and to live a life of honor, why bother? Here is aggrieved." Huang medical officer sneered with sneer.

Ye licked his lips, and the pretty face of the squatting posture was helpless. "Yellow medical officer, the Queen Mother called me to go, can I not go?"

Huang’s medical officer naturally knew that Cheng Aunt had called Ye Hao to go to Ci Ning Palace, otherwise she would not call all the doctors at this time.

"The Queen Mother summoned, naturally, can't help but go." Huang Medical Officer said faintly, looking at the other doctors. "However, there is something the official wants to remind everyone, in the medical girl's office, there is no Princess Her Royal Highness. Your status can't help you here, and advise everyone to study hard and get a good result at an early date."

This is even a ridiculous saying that she is saying her! Ye Xie chuckled in her heart. Now the identity of a medical woman is not comparable to that of the past, but it is not comparable to that of a general palace lady. To put it bluntly, the identity of a medical woman is like a showgirl, but the showgirl is a woman belonging to the emperor. Medical women can be freely married.

In the imperial dynasty, I don’t know how many famous girls want to enter the palace to be medical doctors, because as long as they can get the appreciation of Qi Yuling, they can be sealed. Now, although there are still doctors, I still want to It is not easy to seal the grade.

However, it is not easy to not mean no, so there are still many people who send their daughters into the palace, and some people hope that they can come close to the emperor through medical doctors.

She is a bit curious, what is the right result of the yellow medical officer's referendum.

Ye Hao looked up and looked at the front, but saw Gao Xueping looking at her with a disdainful smile, as if laughing at her.

Huang’s medical officer continued to say seriously, “The division of labor has already been explained to you tomorrow. Lu Yan, you are here at the latest, and you will be responsible for the medicine tomorrow.”

"Yes." Isn’t Huang’s medical officer waiting for her here? Ye Hao did not say no room at all.

"Everyone is going back to the house." Huang’s medical officer saw Ye Hao’s disagreement. He wanted to say a few words of irony. She was afraid that it would be too obvious and would make people think she was targeting her.

However, when she saw this Lu Hao, she remembered her niece. She had already planned, and let the niece go to college to study. In the future, she could enter the palace to take over her position. Who knows that it was actually destroyed by Lu Hao, Fu Xiang I have no chance to enter the palace as a doctor in the future.

How can she easily endure this breath?

After Huang’s medical officer left, Chen Jinru immediately took Ye Hao’s hand. “Hey, how do you promise to come down? How do you get medicine, so many medicines, not to mention that you are leaving...”

Gao Xueping interrupted Chen Jinru’s words. "So, do you think Huang’s medical officer is doing something wrong?"

After Chen Jinru hid behind Ye Hao, she did not dare to offend Gao Xueping, who became an apprentice of Huang.

"Yellow doctor is wrong and right, we can't judge anyone." Ye Hao looked at Gao Xueping with a faint look. She didn't care what Gao Xueping would say to Huang Huangguan. Anyway, Huang Huangguan had already pinned her.

Gao Xueping snorted with disdain. "His Royal Highness has a self-knowledge."

"It seems that you didn't take your Master's words as one thing, only Huang Huangguan said, there is no Princess under the palace, since you want to treat me as the Princess of the Princess, then kneel down and talk." Ye Hao said faintly.

Gao Xueping’s face changed, “Lu Yan, you...”

"What's the matter, now I am called Lu Hao, isn't it called my Highness?" Ye Hao looked at her and asked faintly.

"I see how long you can hold on." Gao Xueping snorted and turned back to his room.

Other palace ladies looked at Ye Hao, and several of them left their heads silently.

"Hey, tomorrow, we will finish the work early to help you get the medicine. You don't know, the yellow medical officer is going to take out the medicine from the whole medicine store. You have to take a few days to get it." It was the teacher who came to the medical girl’s office today and whispered to her.

Ye Hao remembers her name, Xia Yaohua, is a very cool girl, "Xia Shijie, nothing, you helped me, but will let the Huang medical officer find my fault."

Chen Jinru whispered, "I think she is deliberately targeting you. We are going to talk to Qi."

"Qi doctor is not in the palace these days, it is useless to find her." Ye Hao said, Qi doctor is trying to find a way to give Lu Yuzhi antidote these days, although she feels that Lu Yuzhi's poison is impossible. Cleared up.

The longer the pain on the 7th, the worse it will be.

Chen Jinru was somewhat worried about Ye Hao. The Huang medical officer stated that she was targeting her. "What should I do?"

"See the move, let's go, let's go back to rest." Ye Yan said with a smile, and when she entered the doctor's office, she was ready to face the martyrdom of the Huang medical officer.

On the following day, other medical doctors were arranged by Huang’s medical officer to do other things. Ye Hao went to the drugstore alone and looked at the medicine in the drugstore. She frowned and asked the medicine tube next to the drug store. Chaos, isn't it usually cleaned up?"

"There will be a cleanup in half a year. Here is a large drug storehouse. The precious medicines are usually placed in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The medicinal materials here will be changed every year, and the medicinal materials will not be so diligent." The **** eunuch said.

Want to change a batch every year? How much money is wasted? wrong! What is wasted is the ink of Murong Cham, what to do with her, let him empty the treasury.

"The girl is here to pick up the drug storehouse? Why are you alone?" asked the drugstore father of the drug store questioningly.

"I came to take medicine." Ye Yan said with a smile.

"That's not the same. If you get a good job, you have to put it all together. You can slowly clean it up." If you want to come to a person who doesn't know how to be a human, you will be assigned to do such a hard work.

Ye Hao nodded and walked into the drug storehouse. A strong medicinal taste penetrated into the nose. In addition to the medicinal taste, there was a mild and mildewy taste. It seems that some drugs have accumulated for too long and are no longer usable.

"There is a small square outside, just outside the medicine, I will help you out, you a little girl, where can lift," said the father of the drug.

Ye Hao smiled and thanked him. "That would bother you."

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