Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 221: I want to marry her.

In the early morning, Murong Chan went to the emperor to enter the palace. Just after the early morning, he immediately went to the royal study to see him.

Huangfu looked at his friend who was a few years younger than him. He said helplessly, "Azhan, when the emperor is not too capricious, I have to go to class at the college. What do you call me in the palace?"

"I have something to ask you." Murong Zhan Qing's face is not a little embarrassed, let Huang Fu sit next to the coffee table.

"What do you want to ask?" Huangfu raised an eyebrow. "Don't you believe in the divination?"

Murong Zhan stared at him with deep gaze. "You know Ye Yiqing, then you must know that he has several daughters."

Huangfu glimpsed, "Why do you ask?"

"I heard that Ye Yiqing’s daughter was born to find a man, and figured out that his two daughters lived together. Did you give them a divination?" Murong Chong has been thinking for a few days, why do people like Ye Yiqing believe this unfounded Say, think about it, only Huangfu can convince him.

The emperor must be clear that Ye Yiqing has several daughters.

Huangfu shook his head and smiled. "In the beginning, Mrs. Ye found a Taoist priest for the fortune teller of Ye Xie, but Ye Yiqing did not believe it. I met him by chance. He translated a book left by Zeng Zu for me and learned that I would Bu Yi, I asked for a calculation for his daughter. At that time, Ye Hao was extremely ill. Because there was no full moon, the royal doctor did not dare to take the medicine. The result of my divination was that the two sisters could not be together, otherwise they would be opposite each other. Ye Weigui can't speak, but he is red-faced, and Ye Yiqing leaves the sickly leafhopper, and sends Lu Hao away... As for where to send it, I don't know, or I recently learned that Lu Hao was Ye Hao's sister. ”

"You know that she is the sister of Ye Hao, and she said that she can seal her as a princess?" Murong Zhan's face was gloomy and cold.

"I am afraid that you will know the identity of her and then kill the murderer. If you have more princess status, can you protect her? This is my last thought to Ye Yiqing." Huangfu said with a smile, no one will take Murong Zhan. The anger is in my eyes.

Murong Zhan said coldly, "Isn't it a tyrannical sorrow, will it kill an innocent little girl?"

"It sounds like you have a lot of pity for you." Huangfu took a cup of tea and took a sip of tea. He was still worried that ink-filled Zhan would know how to be jealous and would be jealous. Now it seems to be white.

"I want to marry her." Murong Zhan said seriously and firmly.

"Cough..." Huangfu almost squirted the difference in his mouth, looked up and looked at Murong Zhan with amazement. "What do you say?"

Murong Zhanjun's face is reddish and his tone is unpleasant. "Hey, I want to be jealous."

Huangfu looked at him seriously. "Azhan, you know that this is not a casual statement. You are already clear about your identity. She also knows her identity. Between you... between Ye Hao and Ye Jia, she Even if you are a child in the land, you will not marry you if you have a deep relationship with Ye Yiqing."

"She will marry." Murong's thin lips are tight, but my heart is not so sure. Ye Jia and Ye Hao are the biggest knots in my heart. He doesn't know how to unlock her heart.

"Don't force her." Huangfu frowned. "How did you know her life? Did anyone know about Lujia?"

Murong Zhan was silent for a while before he whispered, "I told her."

Huangfu suddenly looked at him sympathetically. "It seems that I really don't want to marry you."

"..." Murong Zhan almost became angry and angry. "Who said that she did not want to, but there is still a knot that has not been solved."

"Do you tell her that Ye Yiqing is not dead?" Huangfu asked.

Murong Zhan has some helplessness. "I don't know the whereabouts of Ye Yiqing, but tell her, can she believe it? If Ye Yiqing is no longer in the world, isn't it adding her resentment against her?"

Huangfu laughed happily, quite a bit of gloating, "I don't want to do things that you can't force her."

"How much do you know about her." Murong Zhan is cold.

"She is now my student." Huangfu smiled faintly, watching the face of Murong Cham completely black, and his mood was very happy. "Hey, I learned the divination."

Murong Zhan gnashed his teeth and said, "What does she learn about Buddhism?"

"How do I know that she wants to learn, I will teach her." Huangfu looked at the opposite ink-filled Zhan Zhan, "You are both ruthless to Ye Hao, how can you be tempted?"

"This is not something that can be controlled!" He insisted at the beginning that he would not let the Lujia girl enter the palace again. He only had dislike of Lu Hao, and then how to be tempted? He can't tell, only know that he is increasingly reluctant to let her go, even afraid to lose her.

What's more, in his mind, Ye Hao is comparable to Shangyu.

Huangfu shook his head and smiled. "I can't help you, you have to ask, I have all said it."

Murong Zhan whispered, "If you are his master, you will persuade her more..."

"What if she doesn't even know what my master does?" Huangfu asked, he didn't want Lu Hao to marry Mo Rongzhan in the future. Her little girl like Chunhua should have more wonderful. Life, should not be buried in the harem of the harem.

"Go it!" Murong was mad at the air.

Huangfu laughed and laughed and left the royal study room. He did not immediately leave the palace, but went to the direction of the Royal Hospital.

This palace, he said that he has lived for a few years, is not very familiar, but still can recognize the road.

After passing through the small square in front of the Royal Hospital, his footsteps stopped and looked at the small figure in the square under the sun.

“Hey?” Huangfu said in surprise, who would dare to let her drink medicine here?

When Ye Hao heard someone calling her, she thought it was a hallucination. She looked up and saw Huangfu. She smiled. "Sir, how are you here?"

“How can you only take medicine here?” Huangfu asked, “Nobody is helping you?”

"Everyone else has something to do." Ye Hao said with a smile, wipe the sweat from his forehead. "Sir, let's talk to the side, it's too dry."

Although it is only March, the sun in the day is still a bit scorching.

Huangfu and her went to the side of the eaves and looked at her little face that was sun-baked. He asked coldly, "When the medicine is not what you are doing, who is letting you take the medicine?"

Ye Hao laughed, and she couldn’t say that she was targeted. "Sir, how are you in the palace?"

"The emperor asked me to go into the palace to say something." Huangfu said faintly, "I will come over and see you."

"I am very good. I have to get used to the life of the doctor when I first arrived." Ye Hao said with a smile, and there was no complaint in the hearty tone.

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