Zhao Ning hasn't figured out what Ye Shu's words mean, and Ye Muzhen has already rushed toward Su Jinyu.

Su Jinxi’s head is half a head taller than Ye Muzhen, and his age is slightly larger. The youngsters next to them saw them fight and twisted together. Only the older Mo Yan was helpless and anxious.

"Don't fight, you all stop!" Mo Yan was shouting loudly.

Zhao Ning saw Ye Muzhen, they had already started, and they looked at Ye Hao nervously. "Hey, aren't we really going to die?"

"Children, don't blame if you don't fight, let them fight one more." Ye Yan said with a smile.

Lei Bingfu covers his mouth and laughs. This Qin Wangxi is really a wonderful person.

Zhao Ning wants to say how to do if Ye Muzhen was beaten, but she saw that Ye Muzhen had pressed Su Jinyu to the ground and slammed two punches.

"..." Zhao Ning suddenly had some speechlessness. The child looked small and his strength seemed to be not small. He could still beat Su Jinxi to fight back.

"Let you bully people!" Ye Muzhen cried as he screamed. "Tell you, Xiaoye is not a good bully."

"Ye Muzhen, how dare you hit me!" Su Jinxi burst into tears.

"It’s you!" Ye Mu said, "Think about what to do with big bullying."

Mo Yanbang called, "Ye Muzhen, you... you are looking for death."

"It is obvious that you are bullying people first." Others cried.

Zhao Ning looked at Ye Wei. "I don't know how to fight like this."

"His parents have been on the battlefield, and his brother grew up in martial arts since childhood." Ye Hao said in an understatement.

"No wonder, but it is enough to fight, is it necessary to stop them?" Zhao Ning asked.

Ye Hao glanced at her, she only recognized Mo Zhenzheng and Ye Muzhen, others

"What happened? Who hit my grandson?" Suddenly a sharp voice sounded, and on the other side, there were several beautiful women dressed.

It seems to be an acquaintance. Ye Hao saw Lu Jinger and her wife, all she had seen before.

"Grandma, they bully people!" Su Jinxi cried.

At this time, Wu Wangxi also heard the movement coming. "Positive brother, what happened, how did you fight?"

"Five kings, you are just right. I don’t know where the wild children came from, so I made my grandchildren like this, and I’m bleeding."

"Mrs. Su, you said this wild child, so I know that it is the child of General Ye’s family. Where is it wild?" Zhao Ning heard Mrs. Su say this and immediately opened her mouth unwillingly.

Lu Jinger hasn't found Ye Hao here. She carried her chin and walked over. "Bang Geer, isn't it for you to take care of your younger brothers? How can you be bullied?"

Ye Mu said with a blank expression, "I am not bullying him. He is the one who has no purpose to collide with others. He has been wrong first, but he still refuses to admit it."

"There is a big place, it will inevitably have a collision when playing, and there is a fight to beat people." Lu Jinger frowned and screamed. "Is Yejia teaching children like this? This teaching is really worrying."

"The tutor of our family, is it worrying to get you?" Jin Shanshan did not know when it came, and looked at Lu Jinger coldly.

Wu Wangyan glanced at Lu Jinger with a stern look, and said with a smile to Mrs. Su and Jin Shanshan, "All children are playing, everyone should not worry."

"Mother, Su Jinxi deliberately knocked Li Minhao down, but Li Minhao apologized. I told Su Jin to stop doing this. He must say that we blocked his way." Ye Muzhen saw Jin Shanshan, and his eyes flashed a grievance. He is full of thorns on his neck, and there are people who can protect him. He no longer has to be afraid.

"A good dog does not block the road, let you let something go wrong?" Mo Yubang slanted Ye Muzhen, an old man invincible.

The five kings looked coldly.

Mo Yubang shrinks his neck and walks to Lu Jinger's side.

Lu Jinger kept his son behind him, and he did not want to show it to the Five Kings. "This garden is not big. Banger children have a good time here, and they are naturally upset."

"So, it is normal to be beaten." Jin Shanshan said with a smile.

"How do you say this, do you teach children to beat people?" Mrs. Su immediately shouted dissatisfiedly.

Lu Jinger said, "Mrs. Ye, it’s your son’s arrogant beat, but it’s a small collision. Why do you want to beat people? The children still have to teach them from a young age. Don’t be like your North Ming country...”

This is to join forces to bully Jin Shanshan.

"How is the North Ming State?" Ye Hao’s voice was cold and indifferent. She came to Jin Shanshan’s side and looked coldly at Lu Jinger.

Lu Jinger was about to ridicule a few words, turned to see Ye Hao, she was suddenly caught in the neck, the sound was stuck in the throat can not come out.

"Qin...Qin Wang妃!" Mrs. Yu exclaimed, and they actually did not find Lu Hao here.

"Hey, when did you come?" Jin Shanshan was very pleased to see Ye Hao.

Ye Hao said with a smile, "It’s been a while."

"Hui 嫔 娘." Five Wang 妃 at the same time saw Lei Hui 后面 in the back, a slap in the face.

"Aunt." Ye Muzhen saw Ye Hao, his face showed a happy smile, but he was somewhat scared, worried that Ye Hao would blame him for hitting people.

Ye said that the head of the 揉叶沐晟, "doing a good job, dealing with those who are bullying and bullying, should be like this."

"Hey, children can't teach like this." Lu Jinger said stiffly.

"Oh?" Ye Hao slightly raised his eyebrows. "When do I discipline my nephew and ask you to teach me? Five kings, is this the rule of your palace?"

The five kings took a look at Lu Jinger. "This is obviously a small matter. Everyone is a friend of the world. Don't make it unpleasant because of this little thing."

Lu Jinger looked at Ye Hao’s eyes and was shocked. More is not reconciled. How could it be? After so many years, Lu Hao can still maintain such a young, she has exhausted herself to keep herself young, and Compared with Lu Wei, she not only has no body posture, but her face is not as bright and white as before. Her eyes have even fine lines. How can people have such a big difference with people?

Why are the years only kind to Lu Hao?

"This is a small matter, but my grandson was beaten. Is this the way it passed?" Mrs. Su refused to give up and asked.

"Mrs. Su, I really want to pursue it. You may not be justified." Five kings said faintly, this garden was originally very big. The young master of the Su family had to go to other people, and even the apology did not justify others. Isn't it alive?

Lu Jinger wanted to open her mouth and saw the fierce eyes of the five kings. She had to scream and stop talking.

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