Mrs. Yan smiled and took Mrs. Su’s hand. “Forget it. After all, it’s the son of General Ye Fang. Now General Ye Da is still fighting in the wilderness. Who knows... we don’t care too much.”

Jin Shanshan’s hustle and bustle is cold, “Mrs. Hey, what do you mean by this?”

"It doesn't mean anything, Mrs. Ye shouldn't misunderstand." Mrs. Yan said with a smile. "Ye General will protect the country. We would have been grateful. I heard that the battlefields are very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will kill the battlefield... ...Oh, I’m listening to what others are saying. It’s really impossible to talk to me.”

Ye Hao smiled faintly. "The sand field is dangerous. However, if people are not lucky, they will have nothing to do when they are sitting at home. They don't even know how to die."

My wife’s face was slightly stiff. “Hey, you’re so ugly.”

"Oh, the original lady also knows that the speech is ugly." Ye Hao smiled.

"We are talking about children." Mrs. Yan looked at Ye Hao and said.

Ye Hao glanced at them faintly. If they changed, these people would not dare to pursue the nephew in front of her. They just wanted to marry her and Ye Jia. No matter how they look, the whole thing is wrong. Ye Muzhen, though It’s wrong for him to start with the first move. However, she didn’t stop at the beginning. She felt that many of the friendships between the children were from the troubles. Nowadays, the adults are so swayed, but the children are in the future. There must be a knot in meeting.

Children don't have so many people who are bent around, and they don't like to fight one thing. The adults have to hold back and only deepen the contradictions.

Ye Hao looked at Mrs. Yu coldly. "What are the children?"

"It’s not your family’s voice, you don’t worry,” cried Mrs. Su.

"What's so fuss about a child's fight, my brother called your grandson, do you think you have to get back to justice? The child's forgetfulness is simple, and his mind is simple. Maybe he will play together again in a few days. You Some adults are quarreling. Everyone lives in Kyoto. When they look up, they don’t see their heads. Do you want to become enemies?” Ye Hao asked sharply, staring at them with gaze.

Su Jinxi has not cried, he looked at Ye Muzhen and turned his head to other places.

"Lei Hui, you give us the master." Mrs. Su was shocked by the sharpness of Ye Hao’s eyes, and her mouth moved a few times. She saw Lei Bingfu behind Ye Hao and suddenly blurted out.

Lei Bingfu gave a slight glimpse of how she pulled her in. "I think Qin Wangxi said that it makes sense. Today is the annual flower viewing meeting. Don't make you unhappy because of a good thing."

Mrs. Su snorted, "Since the goddess said this, then forget it."

She sold a face to Lei Bingfu, hoping that she would bring Yingying after she returned to the palace.

Mrs. Su led her grandson to leave, and Mrs. Yu and Lu Jinger also left, and the noise here was not happy.

"Qin Wang Hao, I did not do well enough." Five Wang Hao said to An Yi apologetically.

"It has been very good to have anything to do with you. If you let me do something like this, it must be a bad thing." Ye Hao said with a smile, "The sun is too strong here, let's go to the other side."

Lei Bingfu said with a smile, "I am looking forward to taking you to the hunt today."

Ye Hao chuckled and said, "Let's go again later."

"Aunt, I have to go." Ye Muzhen cried excitedly.

"Okay." Ye Hao smiled and nodded. "Hey, brother, no matter what happens in the future, you must first move your brain instead of first. Here is someone here to protect you. If you are outside, if you win it, One thing, if you lose?"

Ye Muzhen whispered, "I am angry, but Mo Zhenbang and Su Jinxi always bully people. When Ming Xie’s brother was there, he taught the Mohbang state. He is dead.

It is not surprising that Lu Jinger is a man who can teach her son.

"Before you have to teach others, you must protect yourself first." Ye Hao whispered.

"Mrs. Su and Lu are not relatives? Doesn't she recognize you?" Jin Shanshan whispered to Ye Hao.

Ye stunned. "Is that Mrs. Su is a little mother?"

Jin Shanshan nodded. "Yes, I met her before, but I don't think it is like this... it's amazing."

"I can't see it." Ye Yan sighed, she liked Su Xiaoxiao, but she never saw Mrs. Su. "My mother seems to be coming too. I will go to her first."

"Then go, we are waiting for you here." Jin Shanshan said.



On the other side, Mrs. Su and Lu Jinger went back to the otter and applied medicine to the place where Su Jinxi was injured. The child followed them to play with them.

"I saw Qin Wangyi for the first time today. It is no wonder that Qin Wangye likes her very much. It is really good." Mrs. Su said to her, she still thought that Ye Hao was the daughter of Lu Jia, a little grandmother. So I can't speak too much in words.

"Oh, the beauty of the world is more, like her, she is the first time I saw it." Mrs. snorted coldly. If it wasn’t for Lu’s stalking, her daughter might have entered the palace long ago. However, Qin Wangye may not lose the throne.

Lu Jinger sat in a gloomy face. Before she saw Lu Hao again, she always thought about what Lu Yi would become. Even if she got older, she could find a reason to comfort herself.

However, every time she sees Lu Hao, she only feels that she has been hit.

She used to be proud of Lu Yan. Although she is a side squat, but the five princes love her, do not like Wang Hao, what is the result? The palace is now being held by Wang Hao. Even the five princes are afraid to fight against her. They are hiding in the young and beautiful little squatting houses all the time. They have long forgotten that they have vowed to her.

If she had her son around, the days in the palace are not good.

"She is no longer a queen, but she still carries the Queen's shelf, making people look good and hateful." Mrs. Su whispered.

"Looks like it, she and the Lei Huizhen seem to be good." Mrs. Zhang picked her eyebrows and said.

Lu Jinger snorted. "How about that? Qin Qinye’s identity is awkward. They are in Kyoto City. Can the Emperor really have peace of mind?"

This topic suddenly turned to the wind, and it was too heavy. Both Mrs. and Mrs. Su had heard about it at home, understood the seriousness of this statement, and did not go to Lu Jinger’s words.

"I heard that the Queen is sick, and I don't know if I will pick up Kyoto City..." Mrs. Su smiled and asked.

"Yeah, I haven't seen the Queen Mother for a few years," said Mrs. Yu.

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