Wasteland city.

Ming Yu took the horse in front, Yan Xiaoliu followed closely behind her, and they followed a carriage.

Yan Xiaoliu was helpless and funny looking at the petite figure in front. "Mingyu, Kyoto City is in the direction over there, you are on the wrong road."

"Who said that I want to go back to Kyoto?" Ming Yutou said, "I am going to find Mingxi and ask clearly. He asked me if he didn't ask me. I want to send me back. Is it mine?" Is it burdensome?"

"It is not Mingxi who wants to send you back. The general thinks that you should be safer in the palace." Yan Xiaoliu spoke for Mingxi.

Ming Yu Jiao snorted, "I am in the palace, someone wants to kill me, where is it safe?"

"Then you will return to the carriage first, so do you not take the horse with you?" Yan Xiaoliu walked two steps and walked side by side with Mingyu. "Under the circumstances, Mingxi is no longer in the military camp. Where are you going? he?"

"Where is he, where do I go to find him." Ming Xi said.

Yan Xiaoliu said, "He went to the capital city, do you want to go?"

"Why can't I go?" Mingxi naturally asked, "If you don't want to follow, then don't follow."

"You can't go to the capital city, it's too dangerous." Yan Xiaoliu frowned and said, "I heard, Ming Yu."

Mingyu’s eyes are red. "You must force me if you want it? I just came out. Is it because of you, will I keep you in the military camp for so many days? I haven’t played enough yet, you are I will send it back!"

After Yan Xiaoliu woke up, he knew that Mingyu had escaped from the palace for him, and he kept moving around him for a few days. He was moved by his heart, but he was not good at expressing it. Now he sees the grievance of Mingyu, and he is more anxious. "Ming Yu, I don't mean this, I... I want you to stay here, but the emperor won't allow it, and if you sneak out of the palace, the emperor will worry."

"Isn't that simple? I am not asking people to send a letter back and tell the father that I am in the wilderness?" Ming Yu said.

"Ming Yu, obedient." Seeing that he is going to the city gate, Yan Xiaoliu quickly took the hand of Ming Yu.

"You..." Ming Yu stared at him angrily. "I knew you wouldn't come to see you."

Yan Xiaoliu smiled. "You said this, I will be very sad."

"Then stop you, I am more sad." Ming Yu called.

"Going out here is not a military camp, it is a mountain road, and it will lead to the Yuan." Yan Xiaoliu said with a smile, "You don't even know how to find the Mingxi."

Ming Yu glanced at him. "I just want to go to the Yuan Dynasty!"

Yan Xiaoliu endured a smile, only to tell her that she was going to find Mingxi.

"Princess, we are the time to hurry, please go to the carriage." The guards who were arranged by Ye Yinan to **** Mingyu whispered.

"What kind of carriage, can I ride without it?" Ming Yu Jiao Jiao, turned over and went to the horse back.

Yan Xiaoliu stared nervously at her. "You are careful, let's get down first? It's still in the city, waiting for the city, you want to ride and ride for you?"

Ming Yu looked at Yan Xiaoliuyi. "Okay, but I don't like this horse. You will bring it to me."

"Okay, okay." Yan Xiaoliu heard Ming Yu say so, immediately turned to take a black horse behind him.

At this time, Ming Yu took Yan Xiaoliu away, and the guards were not by her side. She gripped the horse back with a force, and the reins flew out. The guards of the goalkeeper did not return to God. Then I saw Ming Yu riding a horse and rushing out of the city gate.

"Ming Yu!" Yan Xiaoliu was scared to stop the heart, and hurriedly chased up.

"Stop, Mingyu!"

Everyone was shocked by Ming Yu’s actions, and it took a while to get back to God and rush to catch up.

The riding of Ming Yu is taught by Murong Yu and Ye Yannan. Although it is not superb, it is definitely not lost to which guard.

Yan Xiaoliu clung tightly behind Ming Yu, the road was too narrow, and he could not allow him to catch up. He was afraid of accidentally disturbing the horse of Mingyu, and it was even more dangerous.

"There are mountain roads in front, too dangerous, stop." Yan Xiaoliu shouted loudly. "If you don't want to go back, don't go back. I will accompany you back to find the general."

"I don't believe you, you originally intended to send me back." Ming Yu called, there is no intention to stop.

Yan Xiaoliu is anxious to get angry. "Then you stop, let's talk."

"You don't let the guards behind you not follow." Ming Yu looked back and found that there were many guards behind.

"Be careful!" The branches in front of the road traverse the roadside.

Ming Yu pressed down and shunned the danger, otherwise he must be beaten.

"You look at the road." Yan Xiaoliu was scared out of a cold sweat, and ordered to the guards, "The people behind are not allowed to follow, waiting in the same place."

A guard called, "Young Master Yan, in front of the border of the Yuan Dynasty, you are careful."

Yan Xiaoliu rushed to speed up to keep up with Mingyu.

They went out of the mountain road one after the other, and Yan Xiaoliu chased him in a relatively wide section, and jumped on the horse's back.

"Stop!" Yan Xiaoliu took Mingyu's hand and controlled the speed of the horse.

Ming Yu originally wanted to open the guards, and listened to Yan Xiaoliu’s words and gave him the reins in his hand.

They stopped under a hill.

"Do you know that this is very dangerous?" Yan Xiaoliu holds the Mingyu dismounting horse, and the handsome and handsome face is covered with a layer of ice. He is really scared and afraid. If Mingyu has a little mistake, he does not Know what to do.

"My riding skills are all taught by the father and the emperor. What are you worried about?" Ming Yu whispered.

Yan Xiaoliu said with anger, "If you do, you should not do this."

"I did it anyway." Ming Yu grinned. "It’s not good for you. If you are hurt, you will send me away. I haven’t even played for a few days."

"Let's go back first." Ming Yu found that they had reached the border of the Yuan Dynasty and took the hand of Ming Yu to leave.

Ming Yu took a few steps and suddenly stopped. "What sound did you hear?"

Yan Xiaoliu’s face is serious. “No, let’s go.”

He heard it! Since he woke up with injuries, his internal strengths and others have increased a lot. He heard heavy footsteps. He has been living in the army for so many years. He can hear that this is the neat footsteps of horses and soldiers. .

The army that emerged in this place...will not be a kingdom.

"I heard it, from there!" Ming Yu pointed to the other side of the hill. "Let's see."

Yan Xiaoliu frowned. "No, we have to go back."

"Is it a man of the Yuan Dynasty? How can they be here, do you want to enter our place?" Ming Yu took Yan Xiaoliu’s hand and went up the hillside. If the Yuanguo did this, it would be like to go with Jinguo. Going to war.

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