There are several peaks between the wasteland city and the Yuanguo. From this forest, it is a mountain. Because the mountains are steep, the patrols of the Jinguo will not come to visit frequently. There is a tacit understanding between the Yuan and the Jinguo. The border between the two countries has always been easier.

Mingyu climbed up the hillside and looked around in the distance. The bustling heads walked in the woods, and the clothes they wore were not the soldiers of Jinguo.

"That is... the soldiers of the Yuan Dynasty? How are they here?" Ming Yu asked questioning Yan Xiaoliu next to him.

"Yeah." Yan Xiaoliu's eyebrows wrinkled, and the Yuan soldiers appeared here. This is not approved by Jinguo. What do they want to do?

Ming Yu said, "Here is the place of our country?"

"Yes, the soldiers of the Yuan State cannot easily enter the territory of our country. The generals may not know this. We will go back and tell the generals." Yan Xiaoliu whispered.

"Wait a minute." Ming Yu took the hand of Yan Xiaoliu. "Look, there are people over there."

Outside the grove, there are still dense heads.

so many people? Yan Xiaoliu’s face became heavy. “I’ll see, you don’t move here, don’t let people discover.”

Ming Yu shook his head hard. "I want to go with you."

Yan Xiaoliu pressed his body down and whispered, "No, it’s too dangerous. If it is discovered, I may not be able to protect you from leaving. You are waiting for me here, I will be back soon."

As a soldier of the Jin State, he has the mission of defending the country and defending the country. He saw that the soldiers of the Yuan State appeared in the territory of the Jin State. He must check it out.

Ming Yu looked at the picture below and had to admit that Yan Xiaoliu made sense. She whispered, "Then you will come back soon."

"You don't make a noise when you hide here. If you are found, you will leave by horse. Don't worry about me. I will go to find you." Yan Xiaoliu confessed.

"Good." Ming Yu can distinguish the importance of things, at this time will not be Yan Renliu.

Yan Xiaoliu didn't worry about a few words, and then he leaned down from the other side through the woods.

Although Mingyu also wants to see what is going on, she knows her own weight. If she goes with Yan Xiaoliu, it will only be dragged down.

She knew that her mother used to be the Scorpio of the Yuan Dynasty. She lived in the Imperial Palace for a while when she was a child. However, now the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty seems to be the one who is called the water. Is he not a friend with her mother? Why didn't he ask even if he asked, he sent troops into the land of Jinguo.

This is a foul. If you are not careful, you will fight.

I heard that the soldiers of the Yuan Dynasty were brought by her mother from overseas. If they fight, aren’t they who beat themselves?

Ming Yu thought in confusion, there was nothing moving there, she quietly looked up and looked down, except for the soldiers who were resting in the same place, as if they did not see the generals.

"It's all up, get up!" Suddenly, someone is shouting.

"Before going through the dark, you will get through the spirit."

“Is it going to be discovered by Jinbing?”

"They are busy fighting in the wilderness and will not find us."


Ming Yu listened to the discussion under the hillside, and a heart smashed up. It seems that the Yuan soldiers will not have good things in Jinguo.

I don't know how Yan Xiaoliu is there.

Should she tell her about this first, or do she first go to Xiaoliu?

Ming Yu was hesitating, and suddenly the sun was blocked. She looked up and saw a middle-aged man wearing a Yuan costume looking at her with wide eyes.

Oops! Ming Yu’s heart is tight, and he will run away when he jumps up.

"There are people from Jinguo here!" The middle-aged man has shouted and reached for the back collar of Mingyu. Take her to the hillside like a chicken.

"Let me go, let me go, I just go into the mountains and cut wood. Who are you?" Ming Yu shouted, knowing that she would not stay here.

The middle-aged man squinted at the little girl’s body, and said, "You don’t even have a hatchet, cut any firewood!"

Ming Yu shouted, "Who said that there is no hatchet to cut wood, can I go into the mountains to take medicine and not firewood?"

"What happened?" A clear voice came, and on the other side of the woods came a general in armor.

Looking at her figure, it seems to be a woman.

Ming Yu feels that this person is a bit familiar, as if he has seen it.

"Shen General, caught a little girl, hiding on the hillside to listen to us, afraid of being a Jinguo person." The middle-aged man said, "So I took her back."

"Put her first." Shen Luoyang frowned. "How can Ye Yannan send a little girl to visit."

The middle-aged man let go of the jade.

Ming Yu turned and looked at the general, a pair of sloppy eyes grievous and innocent, "this general, I just passed by here..."

"Here is the wild mountain, how can you pass by?" Shen Luoyang looked at the little girl in front of her. How did she feel like she had seen it? So familiar.

"I sneaked out, afraid of being caught, this is the path to go." Ming Yu whispered, but fortunately they just tied the two horses elsewhere, or they will definitely be discovered.

Shen Luoyang has been staring at Ming Yu. "Why are you going to sneak? Where do you live?"

"I lived in the Wasteland City. When I was young, I didn't have money at home. I sold it to a big family and raised it as a child. They always wanted to hit me. I ran away." Ming Yu said with a grievance, it seems that the eyelids are red. same.

"Wearing this is still being beaten?" The middle-aged man doesn't believe in his face. This little girl seems to be like a child who is spoiled from childhood.

Ming Yu said with anger and anger, "I have stolen this clothes, and I have not worn it on weekdays."

"Then where are you going to escape?" asked Shen Luoyang.

"I don't know, where to go, don't get caught." Ming Yu said, "Who are you?"

Shen Luoyang took a step forward and held Ming Yu’s hand. She knew why she felt that this little girl was familiar with her. She looked too much like a person.

"Ming Yu!" Shen Luoyang did not call out the voice, but surrendered her name silently.

Was it recognized? Not so bad!

Seeing the expression of Ming Yu, Shen Luoyang knew that he had guessed it.

This little girl is Mo Mingyu, the daughter of Scorpio, who will meet here.

"Little girl, since you see us, we can't let you go back at this time. You can rest assured that we won't hurt you." Shen Luoyang whispered, "You are with me, let's go."

The middle-aged man frowned. "General, she is a Jin Guoren."

"What about that? Is it that you who have the heart to start with a little girl, are you still a man?" Shen Luoyang asked coldly.

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