Wang Congzhi did not deny it, nor did he immediately reveal his true features. He just gave Mingxi a tribute. "Where does the young man come from?"

"We are from Jinguo." Mingxi did not directly explain his identity.

"Sure enough." Wang Congzhi looked at Ming Xi, and his mind guessed his identity.

Ming Xi let the nephew give him the horse. "Let's hurry."

"Wait a minute, their orphans and widows are in danger here, send them a ride." Wang Congzhi pointed at the mother and son.

"Let's go together and find a place to be placed." Mingxi looked at the people around him. They were still watching the dry food in their hands. If they left their mother and son, they would be bullied.

So they took the pair of mothers and sons and continued to walk in the direction of the capital city. They found a quiet village on the road and placed the mother and son down before they continued on their way.

Wang Congzhi took the horse to the entrance of the village. He looked back and saw the smoke in the village. It looked peaceful and he sighed slightly. "I don't know how long this tranquility can last. I hope that their mother and son can live here."

They can do very little, only to find a remote and quiet village, find a house that can be placed, so that they can stay.

"At least better than when the people are living." Huo Huang said.

"Those who lived in the country...there were people who had a family." Wang Congzhi showed a trace of sorrow.

Ming Xi said, "After the chaos, it will always be peaceful."

Wang Congzhi looked at Mingxi and said, "You are no longer the emperor of Jinguo, why is it here?"

"For the sake of the world, are you credible?" Ming Xi asked with a smile.

"Do not believe." Wang Congzhi rolled his eyes. "I heard that you took the Beitang propaganda, how did you let him run again?"

Mingxi smiled lightly. "I also want to know how he ran, so I came to him."

Wang Congzhi raised his eyebrows and looked at Ming Xi. "Why don't you kill him?"

"If I see him again, I will kill." Ming Xi said.

"Qian Danqing really went to kill the North Hall?" asked Wang Congzhi.

Ming Xi turned over the horse. "Yes, and it is not killing."

Wang Congzhi silenced and whispered, "Qian Danqing and the emperor are small."

"Don't it be a childhood with the Queen?" Ming Xi asked like a smile, but he heard it. Qian Danqing seems to mention the Queen of the Queen.

Actually not for his own sister, is his sister not Qian Guizhen?

Wang Congzhi did not speak again. He turned over to the horse. "Since the North Hall declares that it is going to set the capital, it must be a niche. We must first step into the capital."

"Beitang can not be safe to settle in the capital city, do not know, first find the North Church Xuanyuan." Mingxi said.

"First go to the capital to save the queen." Wang Congzhi said, perhaps the Queen will know where the North Hall is.

Ming Xi and his nephews rode a horse together. He caught up with Wang Congzhi. "If you are not meeting us, where are you going?"

"Leaving the North Ming State, I went to Qiguo to lobby for a rescue." Wang Congzhi said.

"Why don't you come to Jinguo?" Ming Xi asked.

"Qiguo does not borrow, then go to Jinguo." Wang Congzhi did not return, anyway, he did everything he would not let the money family succeed.

Mingxi chuckles, it is a personal thing.



Beitang has just left Jinguo, and the assassins encountered on the road will continue to flow.

He recognized these people as the slain of the money family. He knew that the money family had raised a group of dead soldiers, but there was no evidence, so they didn't care too much. Now they know that Qian Danqing's dead soldiers are to deal with him.

"You emperor is enough to be a pocket, no one will save you, even if you want to assassinate you." After killing the last assassin, Shen can't help but ridicule the North Hall.

"These are all Qian Danqing's people." Beitang's face was gloomy. When he was imprisoned in Jinguo, he was sure that the Queen of the King would send messengers to save him, but the messenger did not appear. He knew the capital city. It must be an accident.

Anyone can betray him, only the Queen of the King...

She and he are young couples. For him, she has never been to death. Now, in retrospect, he has been treating her badly these years.

I only hope that she and the great emperor can be safe.

"No one is coming to save you." Shen Qi continued to ridicule.

Bei Tang looked at him coldly. "If you don't have the ability to **** and return to Dingdu, you can say it frankly."

"If we are gone, can you still go back alive?" Shen said.

"The emperor, we must hurry." Fang Yusheng hurriedly reminded that these assassins were dead, they could calm down for a few days and quickly returned to the capital.

The North Hall will no longer be compared with the sinking, and the night will speed up the road.

Not long after entering the border of the North Ming State, he began to discover that something was wrong, there were people everywhere, and the people were sorrowful and sullen, all blaming the tax is too heavy.

How is this going?

Beitangyu directly went to the local county to ask questions. The result was only that the court increased the tax, and all men under the age of 12 and under the age of 60 were recruited.

"The emperor, Dingducheng is only afraid of an accident." Fang Xiaosheng said with a trembling voice.

"Hurry!" Beitang said, his face was blue.

When they have not yet arrived in the capital city, Shen Shen has already inquired about the situation of the city.

"I heard that the Great Emperor was missing, and the Queen of the Queen was seriously ill. Now the court is holding money."

"What?" Beitang screamed out, "How can the big prince disappear? What happened to the Queen?"

Shen Wei waved his hand. "I only heard this saying that your great prince encountered a beast on the way to Jin Guo and was taken away by the beast."

"Impossible!" Fang Shengsheng cried. "How can there be a beast on the endless!"

"Man is sometimes more terrible than the beast." Shen Shen said coolly next to him, "The beast can not count others."

Beitang’s clenched fist, “I will not let go of the money.”

"The emperor, you have been driving for two days, or take a rest for a night and then hurry." Fang Yusheng advised.

"No, keep on the road." Beitang said persistently.

Suddenly frowning said, "We have not slept for two days. If we continue on our way, we will not be able to protect you when we encounter an assassin. We are all human beings, not iron."

The North Hall is eager to return to the capital, but he also knows that it is useless to rush back. The city must be in the hands of the money family. He must first find a way to contact the old department.

"Resting." Beitang whispered, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.

He really shouldn’t hold the money home to the status of today.

If it weren't for him, how could the Wang family be suppressed...

"The emperor." Fang Yusheng looked at Beitang with amazement. He seemed to see tears in the eyes of Beitang.

"You must have Qian Danqing smashed the corpse!" Beitang said with a grin.

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