The body of the North Hall was gradually raised, but he lost Jin Dan, and all the demon powers were lost. Now, in the eyes of others, he is just like losing his internal strength. Although he has no life, he has no martial arts. It is no longer the prestige that swayed the beast and forced Ye Haonan to retreat.

Even so, Qian Danqing still held him high, and did not dare to let Beitang announce any accident.

"The big prince has disappeared. Now Beitang is a son of you. He won't be like you." Qian Danqing said to Beitang.

"He won't treat me, but he will not be merciful to the money." The corpse has a memory of the North Church, knowing what Qian Danqing had done. "Hey, don't tell me, you have nothing." Do you want to let Beitang return to Dingdu City?"

Qian Danqing’s eyes flashed a murderous murder. “There are people from Jinguo who protect him.”

Beitang Xuanzhen has always been the son of Beitang, and Qian Danqing cannot let him know that he wants to kill Beitang.

If the North Hall announces that it will be settled in the future, it will not let the money home.

"Jin Guo..." Beitang announced that he had snorted. If his Jindan was taken away by Mo Mingxi, he could kill Beitang at any time. "I will not let Mo Mingxi pass." ”

Qian Danqing glanced at him. "The Prince is now the most important thing to raise his body."

Beitang announced to Qian Danqing, "Do you think that I have no martial arts, will it be a waste in the future?"

"How can I think so, you can get better, the money family can follow suit." Qian Danqing whispered.

"You can rest assured that as long as you kill Mo Mingxi, I can naturally restore martial arts." Beitang Xuan said that he is now able to determine that Mo Mingxi is also a practitioner, although he does not know where he came from, but The aura of his body can't fool people.

As long as he killed Mo Mingxi, regained Jindan, and then ate him, his skill would definitely double.

Qian Danqing only said that the North Hall was just saying that his martial arts had been abolished. Unless he started from scratch, what would be the use of killing ten Mo Mingxi?

"We have to go back before we return to Dingdu in Beitang." Qian Danqing whispered, "The big prince is missing, and the Queen of the Queen can't do anything now. The North Hall will definitely contact his old department."

"Isn't the North Hall declared?" Beitang Xuanfei frowned.

Qian Danqing said, "If he is seriously injured and escapes, he will not live for a long time."

A wounded scorpion is not very likely to survive in the mountains.

"Why don't you kill the Queen of the Palace." Beitang Xuanqi said that it was trouble to leave the Queen. Although the Wang family has been suppressed, as long as the Queen is alive, he will not be able to successfully enroll. .

Qian Danqing’s face changed and his voice said coldly. “You want to kill anyone, don’t want to move the Queen.”

Beitang Xuanqiu raised his eyebrows and looked at Qian Danqing. "Hey, you are very uncomfortable with the Queen of the Kings..."

"She is just a woman, can't do anything." Qian Danqing don't open his face, and he won't let Beitang announce that he cares about the Queen.

For so many years, he only wished she could have a good time in the palace, but the North Hall failed her.

But she is not dying for the North Hall.

Now that he killed her son, she must know that he did it.

I am afraid I don't want to see him again.

Beitang Xuanqi sneered and didn't talk. "Okay, I believe you."

Qian Danqing looked at the sky outside. "It's almost the same time, let's continue on our way."

"Good." Beitang Xuanxiao smiled and nodded, but he thought about how the person who saved him did not appear again. He still didn't know who he was.

It should be even better than Mo Mingxi!

This human world... is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and thought that only he is different, and more people than him.

I don't know what will happen next.



Murong Zhan and Ye Hao came to the kingdom of the Yuan Dynasty at the fastest speed. They still did not know that the water had already led the troops to leave the Yuan Dynasty.

"I went to the palace to look for water." Ye Hao said to Mo Rongzhan, "I don't think I will be refused to let him go outside the door. If he doesn't know Ye Wei's situation, then it is okay, if Knowing that Ye Wei did it in Yunluo Palace, then..."

Both she and Murong Zhan suspect that Ye Wei is related to Gorefiend. The worst possibility is that she is Gorefiend.

Will Ye Wei take advantage of the water? This is the most worrying Ye Hao.

"Good." Murong Zhan nodded. "I am going to check Ye Wei."

Ye Hao lived in the Imperial Palace for a long time, but her portraits and statues were all over the Yuan Dynasty. Therefore, when the palace people saw her, she immediately recognized her as a scorpio.

The news that Tianzhu came back was spread half a year ago.

"I want to see you in the emperor, where is he?" asked Ye Hao.

"This..." The palace people hesitated, even they did not know where the emperor was, how to bring Scorpio to see it.

"Hey!" Someone is calling Ye Hao's name behind him.

When Ye Hao looked back, she saw a familiar figure coming, "Zhao Tianhao?"

"How come you?" Zhao Tianyi looked at Ye Hao in amazement. He thought he was wrong.

"I am looking for water." Ye Hao said.

Zhao Tianyi waved his hand to the palace man next to him and let him back.

Ye Hao raised his eyebrows to see him, what happened?

"First come out of the palace and talk about it." Zhao Tianyu whispered.

"Water is not in the palace." Ye Hao is almost a sure question, if not, Zhao Tianyi will not let her out of the palace.

Zhao Tianqi said, "I don't know where the emperor goes. Even Shen General is not in the capital city."

"Shen Luoyang is not in Wangdu City?" Ye Hao stopped and looked at Zhao Tianqi quietly. "Zhao Tianqi, what happened?"

"I really don't know, there is nothing in the emperor that will not tell us. Even Miao Miao has not entered the palace for a long time. If I don't listen to the thunder, I don't know that the emperor is not in the palace."

Ye Hao took a deep breath and carefully thought about the water. At this time, he would go to Wangdu City to do something. "Is there any movement in the military camp?"

"It seems... there are fewer soldiers." Zhao Tianyu hesitated and said, "It is the Ministry of Housing that has prepared a lot of grain."

Then she can probably guess where the water is going.

"Hey, look at Miao Miao, she was pregnant, and often feels bad." Zhao Tianyu whispered.

"What happened to her?" Ye said in a different place.

Zhao Tianqi sighed, "Not because of... the emperor, two months ago, she and the emperor quarreled, the brothers and sisters are increasingly alienated, she refused to enter the palace to see the emperor."

"I will go to see Miaomiao with you first." Ye Hao said that since the water is not in the palace, she does not need to find him.

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