The floors in the Black Tower are empty. Only the first floor has a huge stone sarcophagus. The upper layers are hollowed out. Starting from the top, each floor has a black cloth with a weird pattern, blood red. The pattern is terrible.

"A Zhan, these symbols ... are the spirit of the town." Ye Hao's face changed slightly, she recognized the pattern of these symbols, this is a ghost of ancient times, usually the practitioners in order to save themselves before dying The evil characters drawn by the life-long cultivation need to be painted with the blood of the seven-seventy-nine-child boy.

With so many characters, how much blood is used.

"There is no one in the stone sarcophagus." Murong Zhan whispered that he had pushed the stone cover away, but it was empty and nothing was there.

Ye Hao looked at the evil sign above and whispered, "The array has broken, and the people inside must have survived."

"Heroes." Murong Zhan looked at the stone sarcophagus. This stone sarcophagus is not a mortal object, including this black tower. It is not something on the human continent, so it changes the surrounding gas field. They will restore spiritual power when they are close to the underground palace. .

Ye Hao said, "The blood demons are resurrected."

"Let's go." Murong Zhan said with a deep voice that since he already knows what the role of this palace is, there is no need to stay here.

Ye Hao left the black tower with Mo Rongzhan and glanced at the blood worms around him. They didn't stay any more and went to the front hall.

At the entrance to the altar, they met the Yunxiaogong disciples who had just met in the main hall.

Only the girl named Xiaoman was around the altar and seemed to be looking for something.

"It’s just the disciple of Yun Yungong.” Ye Hao whispered, "What is she looking for?"

"Don't bother, let's leave." Murong Zhandao, he still has one thing to confirm, so he must leave the underground palace as soon as possible.

When they came, the door was closed, just in the middle of the altar. If they hadn’t just come out from here, they would certainly not find an entrance on the altar.

"How do you open it?" asked Ye Hao.

There was a ray of light in the palm of the hand, and that was his spiritual power. He injected the spiritual power into the middle of the altar, and the place where he exported was slowly opened.

Under the altar, Xiaoman heard the movement, looked up strangely and saw Ye Hao and Murong Chan standing on the altar.

"Who are you?" Xiaoman screamed, jumping to the altar on his toes, and shocked to see the two men appearing out of thin air.

"She can see us?" Ye Hao asked Mo Rongzhan.

Murong Zhan whispered, "The spiritual power is weakening."

"Let's go." Ye Hao said, they still don't know how many people are hiding in this palace.

"Don't go!" Xiaoman yelled and strode over Ye Hao. "Who are you? Can you take me out of here?"

Ye Hao, they have entered the entrance. When they are about to walk on the stone steps, they hear Xiaoman’s words. She stops and looks back. "You want to leave here?"

"Yes, yes, can you take me away? I want to see my mother, I haven't seen them for a long time." Xiaoman ran over and looked at Ye Hao with a look of pity. She didn't care who these two people were. Since they can appear here, they will definitely be able to go out.

"Good!" Ye Hao did not refuse, anyway, she still has a lot to say, this girl should have been in the underground palace for some time, she is not a blood worm, even if she is taken out, there is no danger.

She looked at Murong Zhan, only to see him gently beheaded, agreed to take the little girl away from the underground palace.

"Come in." said Ye Hao.

Xiao Man’s face was a joy, followed by the stone steps. She looked at the long stone steps and was shocked to say nothing. “So long stone steps, are we under the ground?”

Ye Hao followed the slight yellow light and looked at Xiaoman. This little girl looked about twelve or three years old. Her face was still tender and innocent. "Don't you know where you are?"

"I... I don't know, I thought it was in the mountains." Xiaoman said with surprise.

"How did you get in?" asked Ye Hao.

Xiaoman shook his head in a foggy way. "When we wake up, we are here."

Ye Hao looked at her slightly, "Where did you live before?"

"The cloud is in the palace." Xiaoman said, "I have been here for a long time. I want to go back and see my mother."

"What other people besides you here?" asked Ye Hao.

Xiao Mang looked at Ye Xie. "As far as I am with my sisters, there are some inexplicable people. They usually don't talk to us. They don't know what it is."

"That... have you seen Ye Wei?" Ye Hao asked.

"Do you know the owner?" Xiaoman looked at Ye Hao with amazement. "Who are you guys? How come out from here?"

Ye Hao said, "We are also the entrance that was unintentionally discovered."

She did not believe that this little girl really knew nothing about it. She took her away and wanted to know more about the underground palace.

"Do you want to find the owner?" Xiaoman asked, eyes glanced at the ink-filled glance, the man did not say a word, the body exudes the chill and the momentum of Ling, let her be a little scared.

Ye Hao said with a smile, "Yeah, do you know where she is?"

"I tell you, will you let me go?" asked Xiaoman.

"No." Ye Hao told her frankly, "I still have something to ask you, so I can't let you go for a while."

Xiaoman looked up and saw that she hadn't seen the top stone steps. She walked so tired. Although she had internal strength, the stone steps were too high.

"That... will you kill me?" Xiaoman looked at the back of Murong Chong with fear.

"No." Ye Hao said faintly, unless she should kill.

Xiaoman sighed with relief. "In fact, I don't know much. On weekdays, the three guards took us around to visit. Sometimes the churchlors came, and we couldn't see them."

“What did Ye Wei do down?” asked Ye Wei.

"I don't know, it seems to be the place to go to the Black Tower, but ... the big guardian law will not let us close to the Black Tower." Xiaoman gasped and said.

There is a Gorefiend in the Black Tower, and Ye Wei appears there, definitely for the Gorefiend.

"What are the disciples of your Yunluo Palace doing here?" asked Ye Hao.

"In fact, I didn't do anything. There were a lot of children here. We look after the children every day." Xiaoman said.

Ye Hao’s face changed slightly. “Where are the children now?”

"The Dabao Law has already been sent away, so we have nothing to do now." Xiaoman said.

"Send away?" Ye Hao took a deep breath, how could it be sent away, it must be killing the resurrection of the Gorefiend, "When is it sent away?"

Xiaoman was shocked by Ye Hao’s cold and serious eyes. “Just... it was last month, what happened?”

Ye Hao looked up and looked at the front of Murong Chong, if not guessed, the Gorefiend was born last month.

What happened before that? Is there two Gorefiends?

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