Mingyu encountered those blood worms assassins has been three months ago, and three months ago, Gorefi must have existed, otherwise there will be no blood worms, then before the Gorefiend wakes up, the big demon The beast is also there.

I don’t know which big monster is now appearing on the human continent.

Ye Hao didn't ask any more. This little girl was obviously used. If she knew what she was doing to help Ye Wei, I was afraid that my heart would not be better.

"You guys...what is it?" Xiaoman was out of breath, but they didn't seem to have anything at all. It shows how deep the internal forces are. I don't know which pair of masters are in the martial arts.

It seems that I have never heard of such a pair of characters.

Ye Haoxiu slightly stunned and looked at her. "You don't know better."

"That... after you go up, will you let me go?" Xiaoman asked, she was just too impulsive and should not follow them.

"Where do you want to go?" Ye Hao asked.

Xiaoman said, "I am going to find my grandmother, and then go to my mother."

"Where is your family?" Ye Hao looked at this half-size child. If she really wants to kill, she really can't get it.

This child is not much bigger than Ming Yu.

"The cloud is in the palace." Xiaoman said, "But I haven't seen my grandmother for a long time."

Murong Zhan suddenly asked, "Who is your grandmother?"

"My grandmother is the princess of Yunluo Palace, and Yuyun is falling." Xiaoman said.

Ye stunned. "Your grandmother is Yu Yun?"

Isn’t this little girl in front of her a niece?

"Your mother's surname is jade?" Ye Hao turned her head and looked at the little girl carefully. Only then did she discover that her eyebrows were familiar and somewhat like her mother.

Yu Yun is the mother of her mother, the little girl is her niece.

"Yeah, my mother is surnamed Yu, me too, my name is Yuman." Yu Man said, "You ask, do you know my grandmother?"

Ye Hao sighed in his heart, and this fate was so wonderful.

Murong Zhan asked faintly, "When was the last time you saw your grandmother?"

"It has been a long time, it seems to be half a year ago..." Yu Man thought about it and found that he had not seen his grandmother for a long time.

half year ago……

At that time, Ye Wei had become a noble man. Did Ye Wei only start to use the Yunlu Palace at that time, or was it used by her in the Cloud Palace?

"What about your mother?" Ye Hao asked.

"I don't know." Yuman's expression is somewhat wronged. "When I was very young, my mother was not in the cloud, my grandmother didn't like me, my mother followed me."

Ye Hao stunned, did not expect it would be the answer.

"Oh, we are here!" When Yu Man was about to break his leg, he finally saw a glimmer of light in front. They finally reached the top. "God, how is this underground palace dug, so deep..."

"Who knows." Ye Hao whispered, they have already come to the entrance, the spiritual power is weaker than before, I don't know if there are any blood worms outside, no other worry, now they are full of jade, she Just a mortal, if the blood worm enters her body, it will be troublesome.

Ye Hao whispered to Yu Man, "Standing behind me."

Yu Mang saw Ye Hao’s face stern, knowing that it was definitely not safe outside, and obediently stood behind Ye Hao’s body.

Murong Chong opened the door and waited for a while silently. No blood worm appeared. He walked on the stone steps first, and everything around him was the same as before. Even the blood worm's body was not moved on the ground.

"It seems that Ye Wei is very confident, thinking that no one will find the same thing in the cold palace." Seeing the scene in front of him, Ye Hao said sarcastically.

"Hey, are these people together with people near the Black Tower?" Yuman’s head emerged from behind Ye Hao, and she also saw the blood worm on the ground, recognizing the people wearing the black tower. it's the same.

Ye Hao said, "Don't be close to these people, it is dangerous."

"The big law is also said, I never dare to approach." Yu Man whispered, the tender and pretty face is vigilant.

"Let's go." Murong Chan said to Ye Hao.

When they entered, it was night, and now the sky outside is already shining.

Yuman looked around curiously, it seems to be... the palace? That place is actually connected to the palace.

"If you escape from the underground palace, it will definitely attract the attention of others. Follow us first. I will send you back to Yunluo Palace." Knowing the identity of this little girl, Ye Hao had no way to care for her.

"Well, I listen to you." Yuman nodded and nodded, afraid that he would be killed by shaking his head.

After they came out of the palace, they did not continue to stay in Wangdu, but went directly outside the city. The spiritual power of Murong Cham and Ye Hao gradually weakened when they left the cold palace, but it was still stronger than before.

"Where are we going?" Ye Hao whispered to Murong Zhan, "Send the jade to the Yunlu Palace?"

Murong Zhan looked back and saw that Yu was too tired to fall asleep when he got on the carriage. "Remember the lake I told you? Let's go see."

"What you are talking about is... that **** hole with one hand extending out?" Ye Hao asked in a low voice.

"Well, do you want to bring her?" Murong Zhan asked an eyebrow.

Ye Hao said, "She is already asleep, she won't know."

Murong Zhan did not oppose Ye Hao's practice. Anyway, he will let Yuman stay asleep and will not let her see the lake.

They soon came to the bamboo house where Huangfu lived. Ye Hao placed the jade on the bed inside and turned to look at the ink door of the door. "Let her sleep here first, I will go to the lake with you." ""

"Yeah." Murong Zhan injected a touch of aura on Yu Man, so that she could sleep longer and not wake up easily.

Although he couldn't see it when he found Mingxi, he still knew how to go to Wangyue Lake.

Ye Hao followed Murong Chong over several mountains, getting deeper and deeper, and there was no smoke at all. She couldn’t help but say, "How did the stinky boy come in?"

"When Huangfu said, he was the mermaid at the lake." Murong Zhan said faintly.

"Impossible!" Ye Hao shook his head. "Huangfu is not us. How did he come here? There is no mountain road at all. How did he get to Abu at the lake?"

Ink said, "You mean, the emperor lied to us?"

Ye Hao was silent. "I don't know, wait until you see him and ask again."

They have come to the lake, and the vast lake is shimmering with luster, but looking down from the top, you can see a huge black floating shadow at the bottom of the lake.

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