Dingducheng, night falls, the sky is a little bit starry.

Two teenagers stood on the roof and looked in the direction of the palace.

"I don't know if Ming Xi and my nephew can find the Queen of the King." Xu Jinbei whispered, if even Mingxi could not find it, then no one could find it.

"Even if you can find it, can you take her out of the palace?" Lin Biaobei said, "What can we do here for a few of us?"

Xu Jinbei looked back at him. "You don't know Mingxi. What he wants to do will be successful."

"You seem to have great confidence in Mingxi." Lin Biaobei said that he did not understand Mingxi. He was a companion. In fact, it was not long before he was with Mingxi. Mingxi disappeared. Later he always With Yan Xiaoliu.

If it is not for the emperor to ask him to stare at Mingxi, he will definitely not be here, but on this road, he feels that Mo Mingxi is really like a fan.

In the past few years of his disappearance, what must happen, how can someone's martial arts progress so fast.

Especially when the beasts were driven away on the battlefield, he was so shocked that he did not know how to describe his feelings.

"Of course, I have confidence, because he is Mingxi." Xu Jinbei said with a smile, as if he was Mingxi, he felt that there was nothing impossible.

"You have been with Mingxi for so long, should you know him very well?" Lin Yibei tried to ask.

Xu Jinbei turned around. "I don't know, you are very interested in Mingxi?"

"How can I not be interested." Lin Biaobeihe smiled. "In a few years, he has such rapid changes. I am afraid that we and Yan Xiaoliu will not be his opponents, and he can actually control the beasts." Don't you think it is weird?"

"There is nothing strange." Xu Jinbei remembered the miracle that he had seen in Bohai City. He faintly guessed something, but he would rather not know anything about himself. "Mingxi is already very powerful."

Lin Biaobei said with a puzzle, "Is there no difference?"

"What do you want to know?" Xu Jinbei whispered, "Is the emperor letting you come to Mingxi?"

"I have no choice." Lin Biaobei said with sorrow, "Ming Xi's gods will take the princess away from the palace without knowing it, can the emperor be vigilant?"

Xu Jinbei licked his lips, and the emperor asked him to ask questions. He was not asked at the time. However, Mingxi took the Mingyu out of the palace and let the emperor care.

"You said, what kind of power did Mingxi learn?" Lin Biaobei asked low voice.

"Don't talk nonsense." Xu Jinbei yelled, "No matter what you see, the emperor asks, you don't know."

Lin Biaobei smiled bitterly. What else can he say besides saying that he doesn't know?



The palace of Dingdu City reveals a sinister silence, which is quite different from the court of Hua Deng. There is no vitality, like a dry old man.

"It's so quiet." The nephew whispered, and even a guard did not see it. Only the sporadic palace people were walking around. This is not like the palace should have.

"The pattern of the palace is almost the same. Let's go to the Fengyi Palace first." Mingxi whispered, "The North Hall is caught, the big prince is missing. If the laughter in the palace is not normal, don't look like no one." The money family must be hiding in the dark."

The nephew said, "Will the Queen of the Queen have been killed by the money?"

"No." Ming Xi said, "The money family will not be so stupid, and Qian Danqing will not kill the Queen."

Now the main person of the Qian family is Qian Danqing. When he went to chase down the North Hall, he could see that Qian Danqing had an old feeling for the Queen. He should not allow the Qian family to kill the Queen.

The nephew said, "The purple color of this palace is very light."

Almost all of them have already disappeared. The purple gas of the original palace should be the most intense. It seems that the Beitang family’s temperament has been exhausted. I don’t know who will replace it.

"The two sons of Beitangyu are not in a climate, and the purple gas is light and normal." Mingxi said faintly, the whereabouts of the Beitang propaganda is unknown, and the Beitang Xuanzhen was swallowed up by the corpse, and in the future it will be eaten. The beast came out of his body, and he must have been unconscious. Where can he be the emperor?

"It’s weird!" said the child, whispering. "In addition to the purple gas, there seems to be a strange smell."

The breath was made by the purple pressure, and she had to work hard to feel the faint float.

"What's wrong?" Ming Xi whispered.

"Nothing, it's hard to say now, wait for someone to save," said the child, she couldn't tell where the breath came from.

Ming Xi took the nephew's hand and walked along the dark corner. On the way, he saw several large guards who were inspecting. They all avoided it.

The palace of the Northern Ming Dynasty is similar to the palace of the Jin State. Mingxi soon found the Fengyi Palace. The difference between the situation here and other places was hit. The three floors on the third floor were all guards. It seems that the Qian family took the queen. Look very tight.

"There are a lot of people here." The children and Ming Xi were on the roof, and they could not see the inner temple. The entire Fengyi Palace was surrounded.

"Well, we can go in stealth." Ming Xi whispered, "The Queen of the Queen should be inside."

My nephew asked, "How can I save her?"

She and Ming Xi can go in stealth, but if they want to save the Queen, they are not so easy.

"Advanced to see what is going on." Ming Xi said, pulling the hand of the nephew to land, they use the spiritual power to stealth, the guards can not see them.

There are palace ladies in and out of the inner hall, with trays in their hands, and the air is filled with a strong smell of medicine.

The smell of this medicine smells too bad... It seems to be a mandala.

Is it poisonous?

Ming Xi wrinkled his eyebrows and went to the inner hall with his nephew.

There are not many palaces in Fengyi Palace. There are only two palace ladies in the temple, and one of them is holding the candied fruit for the Queen.

"That is the Queen of the Kings..." The child looked at Mingxi silently.

The woman lying on the bed looks sly, but although she is not the face of the city, but her eyebrows are beautiful, even if her face is not good, she still reveals a temperament of elegance.

"Don't eat." The Queen whispered, "Let's go on."

"The goddess, the slave is here to guard you." The palace girl whispered.

Queen Wang frowned impatiently. "You are here, this palace can't sleep well."

The two palace ladies looked at each other. "The slave is guarded outside, and the goddess commands the slave."

"Go down." The Queen's voice was cold.

When the two palace ladies left, Ming Xi was about to speak, but saw the Queen of the Queen quickly come down from the bed, kneeling on the copper basin and licking his throat, vomiting silently.

She must spit out the medicine she just drank, and the medicine sent by the money house must have problems!

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