Seeing this scene, Ming Xi and the nephew looked at each other. The Queen knew that the medicine he was drinking was toxic. However, the throat was vomiting. Although it was useful, it was still affected by the medicine.

The Queen of the Queen glared at her mouth and took the spit out of the medicine to the clean room. She sat on the bed in a pale face, her eyes were tenacious and quiet, and her hands were tightly held.

Mingxi walked two steps forward, put away the spiritual power of his body, and whispered, "Queen of the King."

"Who?" Queen Wang was shocked and jerked her head up, seeing two handsome teenagers standing in front of her suddenly, her round eyes were scared.

"Don't be afraid, it is Wang Congzhi who asked us to come to you." Ming Xi whispered.

The nephew set up an enchantment around the dormitory, so that the outside palace girl could not hear the movement inside.

"From Zhi?" Wang Huang looked at them with vigilance. Has her brother been killed by the money family? How could the two teenagers come to her, "Where did you meet the ambitions, how did you come in?"

Ming Xi said, "Of course, it is coming in from outside. Now, inside and outside the Fengyi Palace, there are guards inside and outside. We will find ways to save you from going out."

The Queen of the Queen still can't rest assured, "What about the ambition?"

"He can't get in." Mingxi said, knowing that the Queen of the Queen did not believe him, maybe he still suspected that he was sent by the money family. "He knows that you will not believe us. This is what he told me to hand you over." ”

"This is..." The Queen of Queens was shocked to see the jade in the hands of Ming Xi. This is the treasure of their royal family. The jade is in the people, and her brother is still alive?

"Wang Congzhi is now outside the palace, we will save you first, and then save the North Hall to declare," Ming Xi said.

The Queen of Queens looked at Mingxi violently. "Who are you...?"

Call her son's name directly, unless he is not a native of the North.

"We are from Jinguo, we have a common enemy Beitang Xuan, this is enough." Ming Xi said softly.

The Queen’s tone was slow. “Our emperor was taken away by your kingdom.”

Mingxi’s beautiful eyebrows are picking up. “What happened on the battlefield is unexpected.”

"The outside are the guards of the money house. How do you take the palace away?" The Queen did not know who the two teenagers were, but since the younger brother believed them, she could also believe that after all, she has nothing to lose now. .

"We naturally have a way." Ming Xi said, "Is there any problem with the medicine you only drink?"

The back of the emperor was very cold. "The first time the palace drank the medicine, it was sorrowful. The money family said that the palace had a hystery because of missing his son. Now they use this excuse to trap the palace here, but they want it. Let everyone be crazy with this palace."

She is not as good as they are, she can't find the big prince in a day, she will not be reconciled.

No wonder he just smelled the taste of the mandala.

"Unfortunately, no matter how to prevent this palace, it is inevitable to drink the medicine." Wang Queen was black in front of her eyes. She supported her body. "It is too difficult for you to save me. I also ask you to go back and tell me." I have nothing to ask for, just save the great emperor."

Ming Xi is about to ask her if she knows the whereabouts of the North Hall, and then she sees the Queen of the Queen fainting on the bed.

Although she spit out the medicinal juice, it still has an effect.

"I am going to lead the outside guards, you take her to the inn first," Ming Xi said.

"Okay." The nephew nodded and felt that the outside guard was not the opponent of Mingxi, and Mingxi would definitely be able to retreat.

Mingxi smiled at the nephew and flew out from the window.

After a while, a voice came from outside.

"There are assassins!"

"catch him……"

The nephew lifted the Queen of the Queen and jumped up to the roof lightly. He looked back and saw that Mingxi had already led the guards to the other side. She left the Queen with the Queen.

It was not long before the nephew left, and a red figure appeared in the place where she was standing.

The figure was slender, and the body was wearing a bright red dress, which seemed to be a touch of blood at night, strange and infiltrating.

"Aura..." The man whispered in a low voice. "It's really interesting."

The red figure did not enter the night and flew in the direction of Mingxi.



Ming Xi took the guards away and determined that the nephew took the Queen, and he slowed down and left the palace in stealth.

Those guards who traveled throughout the palace would not know who saved the Queen.

He returned to the ground from the air in a hurry. He was safely leaving the palace. He walked a few steps forward. His footsteps slowly stopped and looked up at the slender figure standing in the middle of the road.

It was a woman in red clothes, which can be seen from the figure.

“Who are you?” the woman in red whispered. “Dare to take the Queen from the palace, your courage is not small.”

This red woman is not simple!

Ming Xi looked at her with a cold look. "I don't know what you are talking about, what the queen of the king."

"You have spiritual power." The red woman walked slowly toward Mingxi. "Where did you come from?"

"What is spiritual power?" Ming Xi asked in a stupid manner, but she was surprised that this woman could feel spiritual power from her, but he did not feel the smell of her beast. She was obviously a mortal.

The red woman smiled and said, "You are Mo Mingxi."

"How do you know that I am Mo Mingxi?" Ming Xi smiled and asked, not acknowledging or denying.

"On the mainland, in addition to the monsters can have spiritual power, in addition to the Murong Cham family, I still can't think of anyone who can do it." The red woman said with a smile.

The smile on Mingxi’s face faded, and it’s still so clear that their family’s spiritual powers.

That being said, I know that they have been to Xuantian mainland. Who is this red woman?

"What are you?" Mingxi asked.

"I wanted to find you. Since you sent it to the door, it just happened, it saved me to find you." The red woman smiled and showed a **** scepter in her hand. The top of the scepter was a **** blood. Hey.

There is a **** smell in the air.

Is this woman a Gorefiend?

Ming Xi was shocked and guessed the identity of the woman.

But he had no time to think about it, and the woman’s scepter had already come to his eyes.

"Bloody Devil!" Ming Xi blurted out and stepped back a few steps.

The woman in red did not speak, but reached out and grabbed Mingxi.

In the hands of Ming Xi, a round knife appeared, blocking the scepter of the woman in the red dress, and a strong pressure shrouded it.

He immediately ran into the sea, endured the pain of the sea, and used the spiritual power to resist the pressure of the woman in red.

"Hey--" Mingxi spit out a blood, his body flashed, jumped to the side of the roof, panting and looking at the woman who still couldn't see her face.

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