Qian Danqing left the palace heavily, and he did not even see him again. The change in the Beitang propaganda made him too surprised. A formerly kind and elegant Prince Edward suddenly became a cold-blooded person, even his own. The father wants to kill...

How did he teach such a nephew!

In the past, Beitang’s preaching was too mild. He felt that he lacked courage. Now he misses the former Prince.

"General, there is a car in front of us that is blocking us from going." The little cockroach of the rut said to Qian Danqing inside the carriage.

Qian Danqing is relying on closing his eyes to raise his spirits. Hearing this, he said, "Let's wait a second, let them pass first."

Xiao Yan said, "They don't seem to be gone."

Qian Danqing frowned and was about to speak, and he heard a familiar voice coming from outside.

"General Qian, can you speak in one step."

Hearing this, Qian Danqing opened his eyes sharply, it was her!

He hurriedly opened the curtain and jumped down, three steps and two steps to the opposite carriage.

"Hey!" Qian Danqing blurted out and found that the person sitting in the rut was a teenager next to Mo Mingxi.

It seems that Guifei is telling the truth, the Queen was taken away by Mingxi.

"General Qian, please come up." The Queen said in a low voice.

Qian Danqing did not hesitate, and he did not even have any warning about the rut of the rut. He only wanted to see the Queen of the Queen.

When he got on the carriage, the fire phoenix had left with a carriage.

Qian Danqing looked at the woman sitting opposite, and for many years he was still nervous when facing her.

"Hey..." Qian Danqing bowed his head in guilty conscience. He didn't know how to face her. She and the great emperor would have today, a large part of the reason was caused by him and the money family.

"I know that it is not your idea to assassinate the great prince." Wang Queen looked calmly at Qian Danqing. After acquaintance for so many years, she felt that she still knew him. "Why?"

Qian Danqing whispered, "I just want to kill him and exhale for you."

"You killed him, it was not relief for me." The Queen of the Queen whispered, "You hate him for so many years, why don't you endure it?"

"I don't need to endure anymore." Qian Danqing looked up and there was resentment in his eyes. "He has long lost everything."

The Queen said, "What are you going to do next? Force him to abdicate? Beitang is not so easy to compromise."

"What do you want to do?" Qian Danqing whispered, knowing that the Queen of the Queen would find something for him.

"This is what I want to ask you today." Wang Queen looked at Qian Danqing and asked, "Do you want to be an emperor, or do you want to support Beitang?"

Qian Danqing’s face changed slightly, and his tone was a little excited. “Hey, how can you think about me like this?”

"You ask yourself, are there no temptations?" Queen Wang asked faintly. "Don't you think about replacing it?"

"No!" Qian Danqing said in a deep voice, "I once asked you if you want the big emperor to become a new king. You said that you only want the big emperor to have a faint day... so I want to let Xuanyuan get to the throne as soon as possible. To promote the nature of nature, and Qian Guizhen is very different, if he is enthroned, he will certainly treat you and the great prince."

The Queen of the Queen remembered that Beitang was a propaganda. The child was indeed different from Qian Guizhen. She was very respectful to her since she was a child, and her temper was gentle. She was also in harmony with the great emperor. Therefore, when Beitang stood up as a prince, she did not object. .

"What is it now?" asked the Queen, "Why did the Prince want to send a soldier to the country, why he did not save the emperor, and his heart in the wilderness was very different from the previous one, but it was similar to Qian Guizhen."

Qian Danqing’s face is heavy. “I don’t know why his changes are so big. Maybe... I shouldn’t take him to the battlefield.”

"The battlefield can honed a person to the heart of the stone, you should be very clear." He and the North Hall are both coming out of the battlefield, and what they later became, she is the clearest.

"He is going to kill the North Hall today." Qian Danqing whispered, "He is no longer the Prince I am familiar with."

The Queen Queen snorted. "What are you talking about?"

"You come to me, do you want to save the North Hall?" Qian Danqing asked.

"No." Wang Huang shook his head. "I only ask you if the big prince is still alive."

Qian Danqing bowed his head and did not dare to go to see the Queen of the Queen. "I don't know... I had sent someone to stop the dead, but the ship of the Great Prince was still in trouble."

The Queen opened her eyes and didn't want to go to see Qian Danqing. "I know, Qian Danqing. If the Great Emperor is dead, then I will let the money pay the price."

"Hey..." Qian Danqing looked at her sadly. The last thing he wanted was to be an enemy of the Queen.

"I will kill Qian Guifei." The Queen said, "This is what she owes to the King."

Qian Danqing said, "There are no people available in the Wang family. How do you want to take revenge? You don't want to hurt yourself. When the North Hall declares to be enthroned, you are still the Queen Mother of the North."

"No, I won't live in the palace again." The Queen said faintly. "I have said that I have said it. You and I have known each other for decades. From today, you will be ruined and you will not have to pay any more." ""

"Hey, I started... just want to do something for you." Qian Danqing said painfully, he didn't know that it would eventually become like this. He seemed to have a bottomless bottom in his heart, always inexplicably wanting to get more. .

The Queen of the Queen smiled. "You still see your heart. You help the North Church to declare it, whether it is for him or for yourself."

Qian Danqing closed his eyes. In the depths of his heart, he did have such thoughts, but he was thinking that if one day he could get everything he had in Beitang, he would be able to be with his beloved. Together.

This is what he used to dream about.

It is only as the years go by, this desire has become a little far away.

"Please come back," said the Queen.

"Hey, let's go back with me, Mo Mingxi is not a good person, it is to use you to bring her out of the palace." Qian Danqing said.

The Queen of the Queen smiled faintly. "Are you a good person?"

Who is a good person? Even if she kills people in order to achieve her goal, is she a good person?

"I won't let you be threatened by him." Qian Danqing held her hand. "If you don't want to go back to the palace, I will take you to another place."

"Mr General Qian, do you think you can take the Queen of the King from my hands?" The sound of the fire phoenix came in from the outside of the carriage.

Qian Danqing's face became iron blue, "Try it!"

"I won't go with you." Queen Wang said coldly, "Let's go."

Fire Phoenix directly reached out from the outside and grabbed Qian Danqing’s collar and threw him out. “It’s awkward!”

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