Ye Hao, they finally entered the city.

"This is not the same as the city we walked along the way, but it did not see so much more." Ming Yu sat on the horse and looked around, a look of curiosity.

"If the Son of Heaven is still everywhere, then the North Ming State is really finished." Shen Luoyang said, "However, there are so many people in the North Ming State, it is really the end."

Ming Yu looked at Ye Hao next to him, "Mother, where are we going to find my brother?"

"We first went to the inn to stay, Mingxi will come to us." Ye Hao whispered, since she knew that Mingxi was injured, she did not receive the letter from Mingxi again. She wanted to come because of his qi The injury was not enough, so I didn't send her any more letters.

"Wang Hao, look." Yan Xiaoliu suddenly pointed to the alley in front, standing in the depths of a person, the life is tall and straight, just standing there quietly, as if it was hit.

Ye Hao didn't know him, and he looked at Yan Xiaoliu with some doubts.

Yan Xiaoliu said, "It is Qian Danqing."

He saw Qian Danqing on the battlefield, so he recognized his appearance.

"It seems that Qian Danqing has come back with Beitang Xuanzhen." Ye Hao looked at Murong Zhan, "A Zhan, have you seen Qian Danqing before?"

Murong Chan looked at the back with a faint look, "handed over."

"Does the money family really support the North Hall to declare it? How do I feel that the money family wants to be an emperor?" Ye said, not much curiosity about Qian Danqing, she does not care what the North Ming Kingdom will eventually be, North Don’t worry about the church, and the North Hall’s announcement is true.

She just wants to find a glimpse of water and Ye Wei, what they found in the underground palace, Ye Wei is not a Gorefiend!

"The corpse can't rule the North Ming Kingdom." Murong said with a blank expression.

The mainland has its own rules. The corpse beast is a monster. It does not know the world of mortals. If the North Church is declared to be the emperor of the North Ming Kingdom, then the North Ming Kingdom will never have a day, and it will definitely affect the whole time. The world.

Ye Hao rode the horse and approached Murong Zhan, whispering, "We will enter the palace tonight."

Since Ming Xi met the Gorefiend in the palace, they went to the palace to find out.

"Good." Murong Zhan is doing this, but before that, I must settle my daughter first, and make sure that she does not run around.

They found the inn to stay, Ye Yanyan Xiaoliu, must be inseparable from the optimistic Mingyu, can not let her be willful.

Yan Xiaoliu had an experience. Naturally, he did not dare to care about it. He nodded and promised.

After Shen Luoyang left the inn after she left, she was going to inquire about the news of the water.

At night, the entire city was quiet, and Murong Cham and Ye Hao came to the palace. Probably because of the return of the North Hall, the entire palace is now guarded. There are guards standing guard less than 20 meters, and the Yulin Army is going back and forth. Walking around, it is not easy to get close to the harem.

Murong Zhan frowned at the sky above the palace. The atmosphere here is not the same as the palace of the Jin State. The purple gas representing the number of the gods is almost gone. It seems that the North Ming Kingdom has reached the end, whether it is Beitang or his Both sons are hard to support the North Ming State.

"The corpse beast is over there." Murong Zhan whispered, holding Ye Hao to the other side, they were agile, even if there was no stealth, they were able to avoid the patrol of the Guards.

They followed the smell of the corpse to the Fengyi Palace.

"How can the corpse be here?" Ye Hao said, the North Hall is a Prince, he can not live in the Fengyi Palace.

Murong Chan frowned slightly, "Go in and see."

They walked into the Fengyi Palace, and there was a slight **** smell in the air, which was transmitted from the temple.

Actually none of them, the palace ladies did not see.

"Beitang 钰..." Ye Hao looked at the person lying on the bed, the man was clearly Beitang, he was lying straight at this time, with a dagger in his chest.

"Dead!" Murong Zhan said with a deep voice, went to the bed and tried to test the breath of Beitang, and turned back to Ye Hao and shook his head.

Ye Hao asked in shock, "The palace is heavily guarded, who can come in and kill him."

"Beitang Xuanzheng." Murong Zhan said.

"..." Ye Hao wants to say that it is not a uncle? In the turn of thought, I thought that the Beitang Xuanzhen had been swallowed up by the corpse beast. It was not the son of Beitangyu. It was not unusual for him to kill the North Hall.

Murong Zhan looked at Beitang with a faint look. This person is also a male, but now it is like this.

"Let's go." I believe that someone will soon discover the news of the North Hall.

Tomorrow, the capital city must be lively.

Ye Hao and Mo Rongzhan left the Fengyi Palace. When they just hid, they saw a beautifully dressed woman with a group of people rushing over.

"That should be Qian Guizhen." Ye Hao whispered.

"Yeah." Murong Chan looked up at the sky above the Fengyi Palace. The feeling here is a bit like the cold palace in the Yuan Dynasty.

When she was about to leave the palace, Ye Hao suddenly stopped and looked back. She saw a red figure. In the night, the woman held a lotus lamp in her hand, illuminating her appearance.

"A Zhan, that is Ye Wei!" Ye Hao whispered, "She is really here."

Murong Zhan looked at Ye Wei, "Blood."

Ye Hao asked with amazement, "Is she really a Gorefiend? That is, she wants to kill Mingyu."

"She is the first-order Gorefiend, and it is incomparable to the ancient Gorefiend." Murong Zhan said.

"But how is she here?" Ye Hao asked, she couldn't see what Ye Wei wanted to do. Since she was a Gorefiend, she entered the palace and became a noble man of water. It was definitely premeditated. What are you doing now in the palace of the North Ming Dynasty?

Ye Wei, standing outside the Fengyi Palace, suddenly looked up and looked at their side, as if they were aware of someone here.

Murong Zhan took Ye Hao’s hand and quickly left.

"Can we be Ye Wei's opponent?" Ye Hao asked, she did not deal with the Gorefiend, and did not know how powerful the first-level Gorefiend.

"She is not afraid, to find out the big monster behind her is important." Murong Zhan said.

Ye Hao remembered the huge snake skin and felt a big stone in his heart. "Well."

As they expected, the news of the North Hall’s death was reported in the palace that night, but there was no cause of death. Soon the cabinet minister went to the palace to make a decree.

The Queen Wang was informed of this news and was silent for a long time.

"Sister..." Wang Congzhi looked at the Queen of the Queen carefully. He thought that the Queen wanted to go to see the North Hall. As a result, since I knew that the North Hall was coming back, the Queen had been very calm, as if the North Hall had no meaning to her. It is.

"This is also good." The Queen of the Queen whispered, "I have no resentment in my heart."

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