There was movement from the palace, and Murong Chan left with Ye Hao and was stopped by lying.

"Small 夭 left." Lying pointed to Ye Hao, the corpse beast died, the underground palace can be found, but it is difficult to find a small cockroach, he can not let her leave.

After waiting for so many years, finally waiting for her reincarnation, she must let her stay with him.

Murong Zhan is in front of the leafhopper, not to let him fall close to the leafhopper.

"Let's go." Looking at the ink-filled ink, he said that he didn't want to fight with this man. People with protoss bloodlines would be alarmed if something went wrong. At this time, they didn't want to alarm the Protoss.

"Don't think about it." Murong Cham's tone is determined. From the moment he sees his life, his attitude toward jealousy is very strange, and he calls her a little...

Before he thought that he was a little boy who knew Ye Hao, now he thinks carefully, how can he know Ye Hao’s nickname when he is lying, and he calls her Xiaoyan because Ye Hao looks like a person he knows.

Lying is to treat Ye Hao as another person.

"I don't want to do it with you. You are now restricted and will not be my opponent."

"If you don't want to start, don't do it." Ye Hao said, "What do you want me to stay?"

Lying in silence, looking at her, there was a quiet sorrow in the eyes. "I want you to think of the past."

Ye Hao smiled. "I have not forgotten the previous things. I don't need you to help me."

"Yes... a long time ago, long time ago." Lying low, "Oh, you are me..."

"She is my wife." Murong Zhan quietly interrupted the words of life. "She has no relationship with you in her previous life."

His gaze gradually cooled down. "I won't let you take the little cockroach away."

Ye Hao frowned and looked at her life. Did he regard her as someone?

Murong Zhan took the thin waist of Ye Hao and flew in the air. "Hey!"

The nephews that have never appeared appear in front of them. "I am here."

"Take the lady back first." Murong Zhan's eyes are chilling. He is like the first time Ye Hao saw it on the Xuantian mainland. It was cold, sturdy and full of murderousness.

"The city owner, can you cope with it?" asked the child. She followed her today to help them deal with their problems.

"Yes, go!" Mo Rongzhan’s words were just finished, and he was already behind him.

Ye Hao frowned, "A Zhan, I will not go!"

Murong Zhan looked back at her. "Hey, you are here, I will be distracted."

"Madam, let's go." The nephew took Ye Hao's hand and ran away.

"The girl..." Looking at the back of the child, he couldn't see what her origins were. He only felt that it was not the same as the Protoss, nor was it a mortal.

Murong Cham's black sword points to lying. "No matter who you were before, now she has nothing to do with you, don't approach her again."

Looking at Murong Zhan coldly, "She is a small sister, as long as we are not dead, she will think of the past, as long as she remembers... she will not be by your side."

"Then you will die." Murong Zhan eyes cold, pouring spiritual power into the black sword.

"There is such a spiritual power by the checks and balances of heaven. You are indeed very powerful." It is worthy of being a protossian person. If he is a prosperous man, he is not an opponent of Murong Cham.

Murong Zhan did not lie with the nonsense, a sword slashed to the squatting, the sword was fierce like a rainbow, lying in a hurry to avoid, the bottom of a yard was cut off half.

Lying in the air, a red cloud surrounded by the feet, Murong Zhan chased up.

"Your spiritual power can't be supported for a long time." Lyingly said that the snake sword in the hand is like a flame, the hilt is a snakehead spitting a serpent, and the sword is a curved snake. It seems that there is no sword front, but it is transparent. A force of evil.

"Red Snake Sword." Murong Chong slightly raised his eyebrows, recognized the red snake sword in his hand, one of the top ten famous swords, and the black sword in his hand is the same.

The top ten ancient swords could not be found in half of the three continents. The red snake sword was originally in the hands of the lying, and it seems that other ancient swords were also sealed.

"Your spiritual power can't use the black sword at all. I won't kill you. You bring the little sister back." The layman said to Murong Zhan.

Murong Chong just glanced at him coldly, and a black and red sword fought in midair.

Sustained recovery of 80% of the cultivation, to deal with the ink capacity of Zhan Zhan, but it is Murong Chong has used up the spiritual power, although it can be tied with the lay, but has exhausted all efforts, the spirit of the sea has reached the extreme.

"You can't support it," said the layman.

If Murong is ignorant, as if he had not heard the words, the black sword in his hand is getting faster and faster, but there is no power before.

When he saw him, he refused to close his hand. The red snake sword in his hand became a huge python, and the ink was tightly wrapped, and the red cloud was pressed down.


Murong Chong fell straight from the air to the ground, the python on his body was still tight, and the red cloud pressed against his head.

The blood worms in the clouds shouted, and wanted to bite the ink, but I don’t know why, those blood worms were close to the ink-capacity and half a meter, and they dared not go forward.

"Hey--" Murong Zhan wants to break away from the iron snake, and the spirit of the sea is exhausted. He spits out a blood.

Damn heaven and earth checks and balances!

Murong Zhan looked at the clouds above his head. If he couldn't recover, with the resurrection of the ancient Gorefiends, no one would be their opponent except the nephew.

Moreover, the python has not appeared yet, let alone other big monsters.

If the mainland of the world once again falls into the hands of the big monster, it must trigger another war.

"I said, your spiritual power is not enough, it is not my opponent." The faint sighed, "I let you go, you give me a small donkey."

"You can't think about it!" Murong Zhan said coldly, the throat was filled with sweetness, and he forcibly swallowed the blood.

Lying frowning, the cloud that was pressed against the top of the ink head was thickened, and almost covered the entire mansion.

A glimpse of water has already avoided the red mist and stood in the distance. This is the first time he saw the power of lying. It is no wonder that Ye Wei is respectful to his life. This person seems to be weak, and it is so... terrible.

Murong Cham is already very powerful, but now there is no point to fight back.

"Since you are not willing to promise, then ... you can only kill you." Lying in a low voice, reaching out and grabbing, the iron snake wrapped around the ink-filled Zhan instantly increased several times.

At this time, the sky suddenly appeared four iridescent, gathered in the sky into a golden light, falling directly on the body of Murong Cham.


There was a crack in the iron snake on the body of Murong Cham.

The face of the lying face changed, and the balance of heaven and earth disappeared!

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