In the palace.

The body of Mingxi, swallowed by the big blood worm, was covered with a layer of light. He jumped from the **** belly to the air. He opened his eyes and looked at Ye Wei condescendingly.

Fire Phoenix saw the appearance of Ming Xi, screaming in surprise, not dying?

Can Mingxi actually make an undead practice on the mainland? Is this a restoration?

"Impossible!" Ye Wei's face changed, how could it be! How can Mo Mingxi still live, those venoms don't even dare to touch her, and one drop is enough to kill hundreds of people, she is still alive.

"It's true... it's a little impossible!" Ming Xi heard Ye Wei's scream. He looked at his own hands. This is the undead work to protect him. Under the checks and balances, he couldn't use the undead. how come……

Mingxi is working, he is full of spiritual power, and there is no more painful feeling before, just like when he was in Xuantian mainland.

His repair is restored! Has completely recovered to his repairs in the Xuantian continent!

"Fire!" Mingxi shouted happily at the fire.

"Tiandao checks and balances have disappeared." Huo Huang said.

Ye Wei's face becomes iron blue, how is it possible! Heaven and balance can not disappear.

Ming Xi looked at Ye Wei, "get her and the big fog bug first."

"Okay, you are dealing with the bug, I am going to deal with this demon girl." Fire Phoenix said.

"Don't kill her, keep her life." Ming Xifei rushed to the fog, leaving Ye Wei, to be able to ask more things.

Huo Huang said, "I know, will not kill her."

Ye Hao felt that the change of Mo Mingxi was too great, she turned and wanted to escape.

"Want to go? Not so easy." Fire Phoenix immediately blocked her.

The Queen of Queens looked incredulously at the scene in front of her. She never believed in the existence of demons and ghosts. However, the insects that this woman has changed, and the Ming Dynasty of Mo Mingxi, can only be seen in mythological stories. of.

Now all this really happened to her eyes.

"After the mother, am I dreaming?" asked Beitang.

"This is not a dream..." The Queen whispered, "Xuan Yu, this throne, you can't afford it."

Behind the Beitang Xuanzhen is the demon girl, and Mo Mingxi they are so powerful why they should help them, nothing more than this throne, on the surface is this throne, but in fact, there are absolutely other reasons.

Now the emperor of the North Ming Kingdom, no matter who sits up, must be the goal.

"Mother?" Beitang Xuanqi looked down at his mother.

"Can you fight with one of them?" asked the Queen, pointing to the three people fighting in midair.

Beitang’s face was white, not to mention the demon girl and Mo Mingxi. A bug was scared that he did not dare to move.

"The Northern Ming Dynasty is dead." The nine princes' faces are equally gloomy. His eyes with a pair of wise and silent eyes have been looking up. Although they don't know what these people are, they are bound to be right in the North Ming Kingdom, regardless of control. The demon girl who preached in the North Hall was still helping the Ming Dynasty to declare the Ming Dynasty.

The Queen sighed and whispered, "I am afraid that it is not just our northern country..."

The nine princes glanced at the Queen of the Kings. "You mean, they still want to get other countries?"

"I don't know, it's just intuition," said the Queen.


In the air, Ye Wei was beaten out by Ming Xi, and the restored Ming Xi can have an undead skill. His body can be as hard as diamonds, and he is repaired on the top of Ye Wei. The initial **** devil is too easy.

Ye Wei falls to the ground like catkins.

Fire phoenix spit out a fireworks to burn the foggy worm.

The blood worms that were controlled by the blood worms screamed, and the worms were drilled out of the nose and ears. After a while, the worms died.

Mingxi returned to the ground, he looked at his own hands, the spirit of the sea is abundant, the whole body is full of strength, and since he came to the mainland, he felt the feeling of enrichment for the first time.

"What happened?" He asked the fire phoenix in confusion, and he resumed repairs.

"You have just been swallowed into the belly of the worm, and there are four iridescent colors in the sky. It should be that the heaven and earth checks and balances disappeared." Fire Phoenix said, "Does God know that the earth is occupied by the big monsters?"

Ming Xi said, "Do you know what it is, where is God?"

The fire phoenix waved his hand, "I don't know."

"Let's go find them first." Since his repairs have been restored, his aunt's repairs have definitely recovered.

Beitang Xuanzhen helped the Queen of the Queen to come over and watched Mo Mingxi carefully. "Ming Xiu, the demon girl... is it dead?"

Ming Xi looked at Ye Wei, who was fainting on the ground. "I haven't died yet. I will go grab her first."

Take it back in a while, and ask how many Gorefiends there are on the mainland.

When I was about to go, there was a hurricane on the ground. A figure appeared from Ye Wei’s side, and I held up Ye Wei, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"..." Mingxi and Huohuang have not reacted yet, and there is no Ye Wei on the ground.

"That man... took Ye Wei away." Fire Phoenix called.

Mingxi turned his head and glanced at him. "Do you see who he is?"

"It looks a bit familiar." Fire Phoenix thought about it and suddenly took a deep breath. "It seems to be... Van Gogh."

On the mainland of the gods of the Vatican! They have seen it once before.

"I didn't expect him to come too." Mingxi frowned and said, "We are going to find a mother."

Mingxi and Huohuang had no time to talk to the Queen of the Kings and immediately ran outside the city at the fastest speed.



Outside the city, Murong Chan's imposing manner, the black sword in his hand is more black and bright, and the pressure of the red is so low that the surrounding red fog is low.

Looking up at the horizon, I was only able to make a big splash. It turned out that Tiandao checks and balances disappeared.

Have you started to come over nine days? Or are they going to give up the world?

However, these are not his concern for the time being. What he should pay attention to now is the ink-capacity in front of him.

This man... is actually the cultivation of the Emperor's Peak.

Not to mention that he is only 80% of the skill, even if he recovers to 10%, he is not necessarily the opponent of Murong Cham.

"Tiandao checks and balances disappeared, and the monsters on the earth's mainland all recovered." The faint gaze looked at Murong Zhan. "Besides us, you can't suppress those monsters."

Murong Zhan pointed the sword at his side. "First kill you, then kill the monster, you should not be on the mainland."

"Although you resumed repairs, it is not so easy to kill me," said the layman. "We used to guard the world, so we are not subject to any checks and balances here. Mortal people accept us, not your Protoss."

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