It is not far from Wuxing to Wuling, they are riding on their own, and the speed is naturally faster than the carriage.

However, for Lei Bingfu, who has a fine skin and tender meat, her **** has been honed for three days. On the fourth day, she did not even dare to walk.

Murong saw her walking in a strange posture, and her face was pale, only to notice her discomfort.

"What happened to you?" Murong asked, frowning.

"Nothing." Lei Bingfu whispered, how she said that her **** hurts, she followed him to the patrol, in order not to let people find, even a palace lady did not bring, even if they want to take medicine.

Murong Yan looked at her slightly, so it didn't look like nothing at all.

"Is it hurt?" he asked quietly.

"Not hurting..." Lei Bingfu's cheeks were reddish, but it was too painful for her painful position.

Song Wei stood not far away and turned his head to the other side.

Murong Yan looked at Lei Bingfu and said, "You don't have to hurry today, and you will go to Wuling tomorrow."

"Yes." Song Ying Yingdao, took the horse back to the inn.

Lei Bingfu lowered his head and was able to rest for a long time. She was really uncomfortable.

Murong Yan frowned at her strange walking posture, only to remember that they had to hurry for a few days, she is a pampered woman after all, not the same as they often ride, can not stand the road for several days.

She didn't even say a word. If she can't walk today, is she going to stay on?

"Let the doctor show you." Murong whispered.

"What?" Lei Bingfu stunned and instantly blushed. "No, I will go back and rub some medicine."

Murong saw her walking almost barefoot, and her eyebrows wrinkled even more. She simply walked over and hugged her up. "I can't walk anymore. How do you rub the medicine?"

"..." Lei Bingfu looked at him in horror, he actually took her on her own initiative? This is the day when the red rain is coming.

Didn’t the grandfather deliberately keep a distance from her along the way? So holding her, is she going to show her flattering?

"Yeah, you are holding me back to the room, it will make people misunderstand." Lei Bingfu whispered, but she did not intend to struggle, God knows how painful she is, walking is grinding the wound, she is not stupid, Anyway, she has no loss.

Murong Yu looked at her coldly and coldly. "What can be misunderstood."

"It’s nothing to misunderstand anything else. It’s not good to misunderstand that you have a broken sleeve.” She is now a woman dressed as a man, and she has a fine skin and tender meat. He is held in his arms, and it will be misunderstood. .

"What is your brain thinking about?" Murong's face sank.

Lei Bingfu said with a smile, "I just talked about it."

"Do you want me to throw you down?" Murong asked.

"Then I am afraid I have to stay in the inn for a few more days to move." She is now a wounded person, and then she can't move any more.

Murong Yu really wants to throw her down.

Returning to the inn's room, Murong Yu placed Lei Bingfu on the bed. "Have a good rest."

"Okay, tomorrow I will be alive and kicking, and I will not drag your footsteps." Lei Bingfu promised.

Murong Yu was laughed at. "What do you think you are, can you live a tiger in a day of rest?"

"I try to." Lei Bingfu said.

She actually has padded cotton on the saddle, and there is no way to get hurt. They are riding too fast. Her riding is not superb. For more than half a month, in order to match their journey, she is desperate. Let yourself adapt to riding.

After Murong Yu left, Lei Bingfu took off the skirt and only wore a pair of pants. The medicine was too tortured. She couldn’t see it. She could only wipe it indiscriminately. Fortunately, she brought it in the palace. Trauma drugs, or I really don't know how to hold on.

After waiting for the medicine, she has been sorely sweaty and slept on the bed.

When Murong Yu came back, he followed a medical girl carrying a medicine box.

"Don't wake her up and see how her injury is." Murong Yan saw Lei Bingfu sleeping, and whispered to the doctor.

The medical girl whispered a word, walked lightly and gently, and gave Lei Bingfu a look at the injury.

Pull the pants down gently and see a large piece of reddish skin on the leg. The doctor's hand paused.

Murong also saw it, and his face was not very good looking.

This is a small injury, has been smashed skin is gone, the skin is covered with blood, not to mention Lei Bingfu a weak woman, that is, he can not go without such a wound.

She actually bite her teeth and endure it now.

The medical woman silently treated the wound with Lei Bingfu.

" can't ride a horse anymore, you have already taken medicine, you have to take a few days off." The doctor whispered to Murong.

Lei Bingfu slept in a sleepy way. It seemed that someone was talking. She slowly opened her eyes and moved a little. She found that her **** was not so painful.

“Wake up?” Murong Yan saw Lei Bingfu move and went to see her.

"Ah..." Lei Bingfu still didn't respond. She was the first time she heard him speak with such a gentle voice.

Murong Yu placed two bottles of medicine on the bedside. "This is the medicine prescribed by the doctor. Wait a second time."

"What?" Lei Bingfu asked.

"Your wound." Murong pointed to her ass. "This is medicine."

Lei Bingfu reacted. " asked me for the doctor, he...he looked at me...wound..."

"Doctor." Murong said coldly, "You thought I would let a man see your wound."

"Oh." Lei Bingfu also found that his reaction was a little too excited. She glanced at her little **** and found that she didn't wear pants or cover the quilt, so she stared naked, and the uncle The face looked at her calmly.

Ah! Lei Bingfu pulled the quilt in a hurry. "The emperor, you... you should go out first."

"Yu Fang has all seen it." Murong faintly said, now what is the use of cover.

Lei Bingfu looked at him in horror, even if he had seen it, he wouldn’t have to say it in front of her. It was really embarrassing!

Murong Yan stood up indifferently. "The wound can't touch the water. You should rest well."

what? Lei Bingfu looked at him and walked out the door. She screamed out in excitement. Although she slept once with the uncle, but at that time she didn't see his body at all. He was a reluctant face. In a way, they are still strangers!

It’s too embarrassing! She was so embarrassed to see him, and he couldn’t lift his head in front of him.

Murong, who had just walked out of the room, heard the sound coming from inside. He raised his eyebrows slightly, and his mouth couldn’t help but rise up a shallow arc.

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