Lei Bingfu rested for one night. When he woke up the next day, he found that the leg roots were not so painful and uncomfortable before, but if he rode again, it would definitely hurt and hurt, and even the meat would be lost.

Thinking of a while to sit on the horse, Lei Bingfu came out with a cold sweat.

"I still grind something, go quickly." Murong Yan stood by the stairs and saw Lei Bingfu slowly walked out of the door, his brow wrinkled. "Is the wound still hurting?"

"No, no, it is much better." Lei Bingfu said in a hurry, remembering that he said last night that he would take medicine for himself, scared her to hide in the quilt and dare not come out, huh, let the grandfather give her medicine, she It’s better to die.

Murong Yan said gloomyly, "Can you take medicine yesterday?"

He condescended to reluctantly to go to her to give her medicine, she actually looked aside, and she should still hurt.

"Yeah, yes." Lei Bingfu nodded his head and didn't want to discuss this topic with him. They haven't talked about such a private topic yet.

"Let's go." Murong said faintly.

When I think of riding a horse, Lei Bingfu’s scalp is numb, and the temper and bumps that hurt in the bones have to go through once again. It’s really... terrible.

Slowly walking outside the inn, Murong Yu has been sitting on the horse, Lei Bingfu did not see his horse.

"Hui... Madam, please here." Song Wei stood next to a carriage and looked at Lei Bingfu respectfully.

carriage? Lei Bingfu looked at Murong Yu in front of him, but he did not even return his head, still looking in front of the face indifferently.

whatever! How can a carriage be better than riding a horse!

Lei Bingfu does not grieve himself! She was so happy that she got on the carriage and comfortably leaned on the soft couch. It was really good. The carriage was much better than riding!

Although Murong Yu is not easy to get along with, it seems to be quite good now.

It seems that since the Bai Garden, he has become a little different. Is it because Qin Wangxi said something to him?

Thinking of Qin Wangxi, Lei Bingfu has a little sympathy for Murong Yu.

Although she has not loved anyone, she loves this pain, she has seen it before.

The speed of the carriage is slower than that of riding, and they arrived in Wuling when it was almost dark.

Looking at the familiar city gates and streets, Lei Bingfu’s heart is calm. In her heart, there is not much nostalgia for Wuling. If it is not for Mrs. Lei, she has no attachment to Lei Family.

"The emperor, have already done a good job, do we go to Feiyu Mountain Villa today?" Song Wei whispered, they came to Wuling to check the clouds, and naturally went to Feiyu Mountain Villa.

Well, they are also in the rivers and lakes, it is not difficult to get an identity.

"Go ahead tomorrow." Murong said faintly.

In the carriage, Lei Bingfu breathed a sigh of relief. She is now like this. It is not natural to walk. If she goes to Feiyu Mountain Villa, she really wants to go out.

They stayed in the inn in the city.

Lei Bingfu is still dressed as a little sister, although Murong Yu’s life does not need her to serve, but in front of people, she still has to be done.

"You let Mingxi go to check your home for you?" In the room, Murong looked back at her and asked in a low voice.

"Chen Chen encountered the pirates on the way to the palace. It was the rescue of the young Master Ming Xi, and heard that the young master of Ming Xi had to go through Wuling, and he wanted to ask him to check it." Lei Bingfu whispered back.

Murong had checked Lei Bingfu before, knowing what happened to her when she first entered the palace. "Is the truth detected?"

"Chen Chen has never seen Master Ming Xi, I don't know what to look for." Lei Bingfu whispered, "Ming Xiu Xi is so busy, it is estimated that it has not been checked."

After leaving the city of Kyoto, Mingxi had never had time to come to Wuling. Naturally, it was not found.

"Who have you offended before?" Murong smashed his face and washed his face. Seeing that Lei Bingfu was coming to serve, he waved and let her not come over.

"Chen Chen is only a squat woman, who can offend anyone, even outsiders can not see a few." Lei Bingfu sees that he does not need to serve himself, it will not come forward.

Murong Yu looked at her. He grew up in the palace. How could he not understand the twists and turns in the big family? Since she asked Ming Xi to go to the Lei Lei family, the person who wants to harm her must be in Lei. Home.

Before checking, her father Lei Tieying did not get along well with her mother. Instead, she had a favored mother.

"How did you get hurt when you were a child?" Murong asked suddenly.

Lei Bingfu stunned, she was injured when she was a child?

"Isn't it still a coma for a few days?" Murong asked faintly.

Oh, it turned out to be this! It was a long time ago. At that time, she was only three years old. I heard that it was accidentally falling into the water. It was a big winter. After three days and three nights of coma, when I woke up, Lei Bingfu was not the original Lei Bingfu. .

"The things at that time, the courtiers have not remembered." Lei Bingfu said that she changed from the Queen Mother to a little girl at that time. Where is the mind to manage so much, or later she realized that it might be Guo In the years of Lei's family, she suppressed Guo Yuniang, but from the many opponents she encountered, Guo Yuniang was a master.

Murong looked at her and thought she didn't remember it, just didn't want to say it.

"I still have pain?" asked Murong.

The expression on Lei Bingfu's face is a bit stiff. "No pain, thank you for your concern."

Seeing her unnaturalness, Murong Yu felt inexplicably feeling happy. "Go to rest."

"Yes." Lei Bingfu could not wait to go back, the weather was hot, she was really uncomfortable.

Not long after Lei Bingfu left, Song Hao came to find Murong.

"The emperor, this is sent by General Ye." Song Wei handed a letter to Murong Yu.

Murong opened the letter and saw the contents of the eye slightly raised his eyebrows. "This Jiang Rong... It was only two years since I was promoted by the water. Since he wants to challenge the country, let Ye Yinan play with him. Teach him how to be a man."

Song Yu had already known that Murong Yu would answer this question. "I think General Ye is also trying to teach them for a long time."

Since Ye Hao gave the Yuanguo a sneak peek, whether he or Ye Yinan, he was sighing with a sigh of relief. When the water was counted, what he had raised, the dog he had raised dared to bring troops to the wilderness.

I really think that Jinguo is a vegetarian, and they will not resist when they step on their faces.

"The emperor, there seems to be movement in the other side of Qi." Song Wei whispered, and handed another letter to Murong.

"Zhao Wei hates Jin Guo again, and has the promise of not fighting. She wants to attack and fights the North Ming Dynasty." Murong said, "Let people stare at the trend of Qi."

Song Wei whispered.

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