The panic caused by the monster in Wuling has calmed down through the precipitation of these days. There are people coming and going on the street. Although everyone has a lingering fear, they are willing to believe that the court can protect them.

The home of Lei Family is now quiet. In addition to the garrison of Wuling and the prefecture, there are many officers and men inside and outside the mansion.

"Song Daren, the weather is hot, how are you still outside, this is the sour plum soup that I let the next person cook, just to give you a summer heat." A young girl took a step, she bowed to other people, looking good With a smile, Song Wei, who stood outside the yard.

"Ray girl." Song Yi recognized the second girl of Lei family, and also the sister of Lei Huizhen, he politely swears.

This young girl is the sister of Lei Bingfu. Although she is not as beautiful as Lei Bingfu, her skin is fair and beautiful. She is always smiling, and she does not have a pretty cute look.

"Song Daren, drink some sour plum soup." Lei Jieting said with a smile, "You adults are also working hard, just drink a bowl of sour plum soup to relieve the heat."

"Thank you for the girl." The people who stood so tired were thankful. A bowl of cold and cool sour plum soup entrance, I really felt refreshed and had a good impression on Lei Jieting.

It’s the sister of Lei Huizhen. It’s really thoughtful, knowing that they need a bowl of sour plum soup.

Song Yu’s hand with sour plum soup did not immediately drink. He swept Lei Jieting, and the emperor killed the monster and fainted. Under the leadership of Lei Huizhen, they placed the emperor in Leijia’s family, Lei’s population. More complicated, however, under the order of Lei Huizhen, other Lei family people did not dare to come over and disturb, only this Lei Er girl appeared from time to time.

"You don't have to worry about Lei, we have tea here." Song said softly.

Lei Jieting said with a smile, "No trouble, Song Daren is polite, is your injury better?"

Song Yu was nodded, "not in the way."

He was injured when he was dealing with the monster, his left hand was broken, and other minor injuries were not enough. Just kill the monster.

"The emperor...hasn't you woken up yet?" Lei Jieting looked worriedly at the closed door. "My sister has been back for so long, I haven't seen it yet."

Song Wei looked at Lei Jieting and looked at her relatives who were against Lei Huizhen. Before the emperor asked him to check the bottom of the family, he remembered that Lei Huizhen’s relationship with the Lei Er girl was extremely bad.

"Song Daren, can I send a bowl of sour plum soup to my sister?" Lei Jieting whispered

"Lei two girls, the emperor is still resting, I am afraid that you are not convenient to go in." Song Yi did not hesitate to refuse, how could he let Lei Jieting go in to find Lei Hui, there is the emperor.

Lei Jieting did not feel uncomfortable because of Song Yu’s words. He said with a smile, "If the emperor is harmed by the people, it will be good."

"Yes." Song Hao nodded and did not say much.

At this time, the closed door opened, and Lei Bingfu stood at the door, looking at Lei Jieting with a cold and indifferent look.

"Hui 妃 娘!" Song Wei saw Lei Bingfu, went forward and gave a gift.

"Sister." Lei Jieting's face showed a pure smile.

Lei Bingfu’s cold eyes flashed on Lei Jieting’s face and fell on Song’s body. “Song Daren, the emperor let you in.”

Song Yi heard a joy, "Mother, the emperor woke up?"

Others heard this and hurried forward. "Is the emperor awake?"

"The emperor has something to say to Song Daren, let the other adults leave here first, wait for the emperor to raise the body, and will summon the adults." Lei Bingfu said softly, her voice is not big, but she has a dignified majesty. Exposed.

"Yes, Chen and others will retire first." In addition to Song Hao, others will retire.

Lei Jieting stood in the same place, eyes have been watching Lei Bingfu.

This is the first time she saw this sister after Lei Bingfu came back.

The change is really big.

I can't think of Lei Bingfu actually being a favorite in the palace. What is great about her, she can make the emperor so good to her.

I thought that this sister would not have a good life after entering the palace.

"You." Lei Bingfu looked at Lei Jieting faintly. "Is there anything?"

"Sister, I sent the sour plum soup to the adults. The weather is sultry just to relieve the heat. Do you want it?" Lei Jieting asked with a smile.

Lei Bingfu’s mouth is slightly raised. “The second sister is really considerate and gentle. This weather makes you unwilling to walk out of the door. It’s an honor to be willing to give you sour plum soup today.”

"Before I had a sister in everything, I was naturally lazy and lazy." Lei Jieting said, it seems that I can't understand Lei Bingfu's cynicism.

"Please ask the second girl to leave here, and don't let the rest of the crowd wait in the future." Lei Bingfu ordered the guards outside.

Anyone waiting? The smile on Lei Jieting's face was slightly stiff. She resisted the unhappiness in her heart and still maintained an elegant posture. "Sister, then I will go first."

Song Wei looked at Lei Bingfu and looked down to see Murong.

Lei Bingfu looked at Lei Jieting's back and cast a shadow on his eyes.

Others don't understand Lei Jieting. She really understands how deep the girl's mind is. She has been so deep that she has not really killed her.

However, since Murong wakes up, she can finally free her hand to check who was trying to kill her.

"Go and give me water to the West wing." Lei Bingfu told the ring, she took care of Murong, in the past few days, I can pick up myself, and I have a few hours to rest.

Lei Bingfu did not go in again to find Murong, she knew that he must have something to tell Song.

She returned to the west wing room, the ring was already prepared with hot water, and the warm water surrounded her body. Lei Bingfu had a kind of relaxation that was completely relaxed.

The scene of the monster they met on that day reappeared in her mind.

No one knows what happened. The woman who spoke in front of her suddenly became a monster, and she would bite towards her.

If Murong Yu did not push her away in time, she may have died now.

He actually hurts to protect her... He kept her in his arms and sent it to the safest place, and even went to deal with the monster without even saying a word.

Lei Bingfu closed his eyes, whether it was a past life or this life, Murong is the first person to protect her.

The emperor in memory, if it is in danger, the first thing to think about is to protect himself, not to protect the woman around him.

This is why she personally took care of Murong Yu in three days.

She does not want him to have something.

Lei Bingfu shook his head and sighed in his heart. The feeling of Murong Yu became complicated.

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