Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 2319: Mother and daughter

Lei Bingfu took a bath and had a lot of spirits. She changed her clothes and went to the room to find Mrs. Lei.

"Big girl, no, it’s Hui Niang’s wife.” She saw her in the ring of the room, and almost jumped up with excitement, "Mrs., madam..."

"What happened to my wife?" Lei Bingfu just smelled a medicinal smell when he walked into the house. She frowned. Is this sick?

There was a sigh of resentment on the face of the curtain in front of the curtain. "Mother, the lady is ill."

"Who dares to marry Mrs?" Lei Bingfu's face sank. "Is it Master or Guo Yu Niang?"

"The niece, the lord said that the wife is unfair, and handed over the power of the housekeeper to the second girl." 丫 whispered, "Mrs. I know that you will go out with the emperor and let the slaves not tell you."

At this time, Mrs. Ray’s voice came out, “Pomegranate, who are you talking to?”

"Madam, it’s the goddess to see you," said the pomegranate.

There was a groaning sound in the room, and Mrs. Lei was excited. "Is it a Fuer? No, it is Hui Niang."

Lei Bingfu walked into the house and saw that Mrs. Lei, who was on the bed, was holding her body to sit up. She was busy and went over. "Mother, don't get up."

"How can I do that, I have to give you a salute," said Mrs. Lei.

"Mother and daughter are still accommodating this." Lei Bingfu did not care about these vain, she supported Mrs. Lei leaning on the big welcome pillow.

When she walked to the bed, Lei Bingfu saw the appearance of Mrs. Lei. She was shocked and her eyes were shocked. "Mother, how did you become like this."

Two years ago, separated from my mother, my mother was still ruddy, but now her face is sallow. The whole person is as thin as she is. She is ten years older than her old age. Like an old lady, how old is her mother this year? How can it become like this?

"The body is not good, it is bad." Mrs. Lei smiled and did not intend to tell her daughter about her sufferings.

Lei Bingfu’s face is gloomy, and his mother’s body has always been very good. How could it be broken in the past two years.

"Mother, you tell me the truth, what happened?" Lei Bingfu asked coldly.

"Why don't you wait for the emperor to serve, come to me, I am already much better. After two days, the smell of medicine is light, and I will go to the emperor again," said Mrs. Lei.

"Please ask what is safe." Lei Bingfu said with no anger. "What happened in the family in the past two years? How can I not tell people to enter the palace to tell me."

Mrs. Lei smiled. "In fact, there is nothing. It is like when people are old."

"Mother!" Lei Bingfu's face is ugly, even if the old man of 50 or 60 years old is not so old, so much, Mrs. Lei is less than forty years old this year, she looks to the side of the ring, "Pomegranate, you said I told the palace one by one, and I missed a sentence. This palace can't spare you."

Pomegranate looked red and looked at Mrs. Lei, and looked at Lei Bingfu again. He slammed down. "The maiden, the lady refused to let the slave tell you, the lady came back from Kyoto, and the lord asked the lady to give the second girl in Kyoto. When the city finds a family member, it is necessary to have a princely name, and the wife refuses, the master will..."

Mrs. Ray waved her hand. " Needless to say, pomegranate, go out, let me tell the goddess."

"Mother!" Lei Bingfu's face is cold.

"How can I tell the little monk about the marriage, not to mention the princely door of Kyoto City, who will marry a girl who is going to be the mother, not afraid of jokes, he loves Guo Yu Niang, and quickly She won the heavens, and Lei Jieting was used to being stunned. There is no self-awareness. I am too lazy to poke their dreams. You want me to hand over the stewardship. I also handed it over. Anyway, your big brother is not big. At home, your eldest brother is the eldest son of Lei Family. Anyone who belongs to him can’t take it. I just live my own little days.”

"The news that the Lei family is a little housekeeper soon spread. You thought I was passing outside. I didn't argue with him. He indulged the surname Guo to suppress me until you got the favor in the palace." When it came, it only converges. He is laughed at outside. Other families don’t come and go with Guo Miniang. Your embarrassment wants me to re-operate with my family. I will not take over if I am sick. The children picked up the past...” Mrs. Lei said what happened to Lei’s family in the last two years.

Lei Bingfu gradually heard the truth. Since Mrs. Lei deliberately let Guo Yanniang handle Lei’s affairs at the beginning, she must know what kind of difficulties Guo Yu Niang will encounter. She deliberately wants Guo Yanniang to lose face. The reason will break your body.

Everything happened after Lei Jieting took over.

"Lei Jieting is doing your hands and feet in your medicine." Lei Bingfu said that a burst of blood pointed out the reason, these tricks are too familiar to her, how she would not know what is going on.

"I have changed the doctor." said Mrs. Lei, "Lei Jieting is more embarrassed than her mother."

Lei Bingfu looked at Mrs. Lei and said, "I let the doctor give you a medical treatment."

This time Murong was unconscious, Song Song deliberately invited the royal doctor, and the royal doctor gave Mrs. Lei a medical treatment, certainly more useful than the doctor outside.

"It's useless, Fuer, I am poisoned." Mrs. Lei whispered, "I just don't want to be forced, but I was counted by a small monk." Mrs. Ray said reluctantly.

"Poisoning can also detoxify." Lei Bingfu said, took a porcelain bottle from his arms. "This is the medicine that Qin Wangxi sent me. You should eat one first."

Mrs. Lei said with amazement, "What kind of medicine is this? Can you eat it?"

"Qin Wangxi's medical skills are unparalleled," said Lei Bingfu.

How could Mrs. Lei have never heard of Qin Wangxi’s ability? Since the daughter said that she could eat, she took it and swallowed it. “Fu, do you have a good time in the palace?”

"Not bad." Lei Bingfu said, "I didn't want to come to Wuling with the emperor this time. Are you planning not to tell me about this?"

"I have made people go to Kyoto, and there has been no news." Mrs. Lei whispered.

Lei Bingfu sneered. "It's not easy. Lei Jieting's hands can reach Kyoto."

"You are coming with the emperor, don't see her, lest you affect your impression in the eyes of the emperor," said Mrs. Lei.

"Mother, I really came here to clean up them." Lei Bingfu said faintly, "You have a good rest, I will see my father."

Mrs. Ray frowned. "Don't mess with you."

"Mother, do I still need to make trouble with him?" Lei Bingfu sneered at her lips, and she was also a good friend.

"He is always your father, don't let people put you in the name of filial piety." Mrs. Lei whispered.

A father who loves to smother his wife, does she still need to be afraid?

"Mother, I know how to do it, don't worry about it." Lei Bingfu said that she called the pomegranate in. "Take care of the lady. If you eat any food, you will leave the kitchen. Don't let outsiders intervene."

She also had to check the people who went to the house, and surely someone was bought by Lei Jieting!

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