Murong Yu’s injury is quite heavy. Although he has been raised for a few days, he can’t get out of bed now. Don’t say that he doesn’t eat or drink for a few days. He’s fighting face to face with the monster, and the ribs on his body are broken. Fortunately, Did not hurt the deadly place.

"The emperor." Song Yu walked in and looked at Murong with concern. "Do you feel better?"

Murong pointed to the koi next to the bed. "Sit down and talk, you are hurt, don't heal, how do you follow those people?"

When the monster appeared, all the officers in Wuling City were hiding the fastest. They just let the soldiers die in front of him. If he was just here, he didn't know what would happen.

"Chen is a minor injury, no seriousness of the emperor." Song Yan said with a smile, "and the wounds of the court are not in the way."

"It’s in the way to break your foot?" Murong asked faintly.

Song Yu smiled and scratched his head. "The emperor, the monster is dead, and the minister pulls it outside the city and burns it."

Murong looked at Song Wei with a stern look. "Other places, what news?"

His words made Song's face froze. "The emperor... The news sent by the dark guards is not that there are only monsters in Wuling City. Many places have appeared, but they disappeared on the same day."

“It’s not gone.” Murong’s face condensed. “There is definitely someone who can suppress them.”

"Chen... In the wilderness, I have seen such a monster. The corpse of Fujisawa was eaten by the monster." Song said in a low voice, the monster he saw in Wuling City that day saw him in the wilderness. Not the same, but he thinks it is the same thing.

It is not an ordinary beast, it is a monster.

Murong asked, "Is there any news in the North Ming Kingdom and the Wasteland?"

Song Wei said, "General Ye said that Qi Guo also sent troops to fight, and there is no news in the North Ming State."

"The monster's thing may cause panic among the people of the world, which is more serious than the natural disaster." Murong said in a deep voice, he saw the monster came out of a woman, and now they see the normal person, inside Will you hide another monster, he can't see it, and no one knows when some mortal who looks normal will become a monster.

Even, is it possible for a person around you to be a monster?

Song Wei whispered, "Imperial, are these monsters? Are we going to find a demon?"

"No, this monster is not just a simple demon. The general demon division is nothing but an opponent. It is not an opponent at all." Murong whispered that this matter may still be clearer.

"People go to the capital city, there must be something wrong there," Murong said.

Song Yu should have a voice, "Yes."

Murong looked up and looked around. "Is this Lei Family? Who is the outside?"

"The emperor, is the sister of Hui Niang Niang, give you sour plum soup." Song Yu said.

"Take two people to secretly protect Huiyi." Murong Yu remembered that Lei Bingfu had almost an accident on his way to Kyoto. It is not so safe to come to this mine.

Song Yu understands that the two people mentioned by Murong Yu are two secret guards. He should have come down. "Chen this is going to arrange."



Lei Bingfu came to the study room of the front yard to find Lei, and Lei Jieting was here. The father and the daughter did not know what to discuss in the study. When they heard the arrival of Lei Bingfu, the two came together.

"Fuer, how come you?" Lei looked at Lei Bingfu in surprise, probably did not expect that she would come to the study at this time.

"This palace just came from the upper house." Lei Bingfu wore the clothes when he was a girl at home. It still looked fresh and young. However, she deliberately let go of the gas field, dignified and serious, staring high at the top of the glare.

Lei’s ignorance was shocked, and it was only when he remembered that the eldest daughter was no longer the girl who had been ignored by him at home, but the beggar who was favored in the palace.

"Chen Chen has seen Huisiang Niangniang." Lei’s father squatted down. Although Lei Bingfu was his daughter, but the monarch and minister were different, he could no longer treat her with the previous attitude.

"Hey, Hui Niang is a sister, we are a family." Lei Jieting held the hand of Lei, and wanted to pull him up.

Lei Bingfu raised his eyebrows. "Father, even if it is different, you should teach Ting sister, you still teach one. The monarchs have these four words, and they are as heavy as Taishan."

"Sister, what do you mean by this? I don't understand." Lei Jieting's smile on her face was awkward. She hated what others had told her. If it wasn't for Guo Jiazhong, she would be framed. How can mother become Guo Yu Niang.

Guo Yu Niang and Lei Lao are the cousins ​​of childhood, and they have feelings since childhood.

Lei Bingfu glanced at her, and did not let the old man who was kneeling on the ground rise up. With her identity, he could bear the embarrassment of Lei, "I can’t understand it. I will find a special one in the future." Teach you the rules, lest your knees are too hard, and everyone will be a family."

"Ting sister, please squat down to Hui Niangniang please Ann." Lei master pulled Lei Jieting down and smiled and said to Lei Bingfu, "Hui 妃 娘, Ting sister is too young to understand things, you don't blame ""

"I can handle the entire Lei family up and down, and the age is not small." Lei Bingfu said faintly, the path went inside the study, "Get up."

Lei Jieting hated to gnash his teeth, but still lifted the face with a smile.

"Go in and talk to your sister." Lei reminded Lei Jieting in a low voice, and now their family is counting on Lei Bingfu to have the opportunity to be rich and wealthy.

How can she talk to Lei Bingfu, Lei Bingfu is simply to humiliate her.

"Fuer..." Ray’s face went in with a smile on his face. As soon as he saw the cold face of Lei Bingfu, he changed his mouth. “Hyin, I heard that the emperor woke up? Then when can I go? Please give the emperor peace?"

"The emperor is waking up, but the emperor still needs rest, and no one is seen for the time being." Lei Bingfu said faintly, "Why didn't the father ask the palace what he saw in the upper house?"

Lei’s smile is slightly stiff. “Have you seen your mother?”

"Father really loves to laugh, this palace did not see the mother in the room, do you want to see Guo Yu Niang?" Lei Bingfu sneered and asked.

"Odd girl, this words... Oh, you are laughing." Ray smiled slyly.

Lei Jieting's face became a bit ugly, she knew that Lei Bingfu would not be so easy to deal with.

"Animal, my father has been very concerned about my wife's illness. I also found a lot of doctors for my wife. Recently, my wife's body has been much better." Lei Jieting saw that Lei was forced to speak, could not help but open It is.

"What doctor did you ask for, call the doctors." Lei Bingfu said, she is not in a hurry to find Lei Jieting to settle accounts, the latter account is still growing.

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