Ye Hao came over to find Murong Cham, just to hear that they were going to go to the Yuan Dynasty to see the black hole.

"Do you want to go to the Yuan Dynasty?" Ye Hao looked at the ink to the ink.

"Small cockroaches are coming." Yan Xiu laughed and looked up and looked at him in the air. "There are a few big Gorefiends coming out."

Ye Hao looked back and said, "Vatican and jealousy are all restored, they want to go to the other two palaces to see."

Murong Chan frowned. "Would they go to the Western Region and Jin Guo?"

"Yes." Ye Hao nodded. "Azhan, I want to go see them."

"Small, they are big Gorefiends, are you not afraid?" asked Xiu Xiu. He had seen his life, and it looked like a goblin, not like a goblin, but they were sealed by tens of thousands of gods. The great bloodsucker of the year!

Before seeing them, Ye Hao was afraid of the resurrection of the great Gorefiend. She felt that they would be the most powerful opponents they had encountered for so long. However, after contacting them, she did not feel afraid. .

There is a vagueness in the depths of my heart that they feel they can trust.

"They didn't hurt an innocent people." Ye Hao said.

"Now they don't hurt, it doesn't mean they won't hurt in the future." Yan Xiu looked at Ye Wei and said, "If they have no problems, they will not be sealed in the same year."

Moreover, it is still possible to use the purple gas seal to imagine how many thoughts the dragon and the gods had spent on sealing the **** demon.

Ye Hao said, "They are the great bloodstains that were sealed by God. However, after the disappearance of the heavens and the balances, the monsters ravaged the world. Does any **** appear? If it is not lying, now the whole world does not know that it will become What, I don't know what happened before, I just see who can protect the world."

Xiu Xiu was said to have nothing to say, even he did not understand, what is the intention of the God of the nine days, was to ignore everything happening on the human continent, was asked by Ye Hao, his old face must be red.

Ye Hao said, "The people who save the people from the mouth of the demon are lying, not God."

She has no reason not to believe in lying.

"In any case, Gorefiend is not always the right way." The repair can only explain this.

"Yes." Ye Hao smiled, the big Gorefiend is not a righteous practitioner, where is the right God? "So I have to go with them to find another big Gorefiend, and his demon flag can make all the monsters dare not mess in the world."

He repaired his frown, "Should be? The big bloodsucker who can drive the corpse?"

"Yes, it is him." Although she felt that she would not hurt the people, and the other big blood demons had not seen it, she could not guarantee that other Gorefiends would be the same as lying.

"I am going with you." Murong Zhandao, how can he rest assured that Ye Hao will be with him.

Ye Hao said, "No, you and the emperor are not going to the Yuan Dynasty? I will let the fire phoenix follow me."

Originally, she wanted to bring Ming Xi together, but she could not leave Ming Yu alone here, and Ming Xi was here with her to be able to reassure her.

Murong Zhan was obviously not at ease. He frowned and shook his head. "No, I don't trust."

"There is nothing to worry about, do you think that they will hurt me when they are lying?" Ye Yan said with a smile. "No, they regard me as a person I have known before. Have you heard that they have always called me a small sister?" ”

Because of this, Murong Zhan is even more uneasy.

Yan Xiu lightly coughed, "I think, Xiao Yan said yes, if today's checks and balances disappear, Xiao Yan's repair is not low, and ... those big blood demons will not hurt her."

"How do you know that they will not hurt?" Murong Chuang asked coldly.

What he worried about was not that he would hurt Ye Hao in his life, but that they were called Ye Hao’s name, which made him feel bad.

"The Emperor is the most accurate person to watch. They will not hurt others. I don't know, but the girl who looks at Xiaoyan's eyes..." Min Xiu recalled, "Like watching his family."

Murong Chong looked at his eyes more cold.

He smiled and waved his hand. He said the truth.

"Azhan!" Ye Hao took the hand of Mo Rongzhan. "The most important thing for us now is to find out the python. You and the priest will go and I will protect myself."

"Yeah, taking advantage of the python has not resumed repairs, we quickly find him." Yan Xiu said, "Mu Di, we scored the head to act."

Murong Zhan confided his eyebrows, he did not trust Ye Hao.

"You can rest assured that Mingyu will become a god, why don't you worry about me?" Ye Hao said helplessly.

"They call you a small sister." Murong Zhan said.

Ye Hao chuckled and said, "What about that? I am not a small sister now."

Murong Zhan is close to the thin lips, and the dark scorpion precipitates a deep disappointment.

"Your husband and wife can make it clear." Yan Xia shrugged and felt that he seemed to be superfluous here.

"Azhan..." Ye Hao smiled and held the waist of Ink Chong Zhan. "I know what you are worried about, whether I am a small beggar in my mouth, I am only your embarrassment now."

Murong Zhan holds Ye Hao's face and bows her lips.

After half a sigh, he let go of the petite leafhopper. "If you are in danger, immediately hide in the space."

"Yeah, I listen to you." Ye Hao smiled.

Murong Zhan licked her pink lips. "I will go to Mingyu with this matter."

They have to leave Ningguo, leaving only Mingyu to face the ministers, not knowing if she can control it.

"I only worry about Mingyu alone." Ye Hao said, "She was just the day, the army of Qingyuan and Zhangzhou is still there, how can she face a little girl?"

There are always a lot of things to do when Xinjun is enthroned. What's more, Ming Yu has no real confidant around him.

"There are Mingxi, Xu Jinbei, although they are young, but they can do things." Murong Zhan said that he also let people go to the confidant who used to follow him, and he will certainly be able to support Mingyu to govern Ningguo. "After two days, Some of my former old ministers will come to Mingyu."

Murong Zhan gave the emperor to Murong Yu, and some people were unwilling to hide in the world. Now they have the order of Mo Rong Zhan, and they all promised to come to Ningguo.

Ye Hao thought that Mingxi would accompany her daughter, and she could rest assured in her heart. "I am going to find Mingyu."

"Yeah." Murong Zhan softly responded, "Ming Xi? Isn't he coming to see you?"

"It should be to find Mingyu." Murong Zhan said that without finding Van Gogh, he always said something to Ming Yu.

Fan Luo took Yan Xiaoliu away and didn't know how to treat him.

If it is really to eliminate the memory of Yan Xiaoliu...

Then they counted Yan Xiaoliu and he would not remember the previous things.

Ming Yu will be very sad.

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