Ming Yu just met the original cabinet minister. In addition to one being killed by the monster, two people refused to surrender to Mingyu. The cabinet has only three ministers. They discussed with Mingyu and re-established their achievements in previous years. Appointed six ministers.

Since Ming Yu's accession to the throne, Xu Jinbei and Lin Biaobei are also working for Mingyu. Although they are still young, they are accompanied by their childhood. The teachings they receive are all to help the future. They can still help Mingyu. Things.

"It's so tired!" Ming Yu put the play in his hand aside, kicked the shoes on his feet, and found a comfortable position on the dragon chair.

The palace people on the side saw Meng Yu like this, and it has already been strange.

The Scorpio was elegant in front of the minister. When the ministers left, she did not do the right thing. Like a little girl who was ordinary, she taught that she only liked it.

"Scorpio..." Xu Jinbei looked helplessly at Mingyu. "With so many jobs, you should arrange people as soon as possible."

"I know." Ming Yu said lazily. "Let's wait, don't worry, we don't understand whether those people really want to do things for me. If you pick the wrong person and do bad things, then it will be more troublesome." ""

Xu Jinbei knows that Ming Yu makes sense, but now there are not too many things that people need to do?

"Scorpio..." Xu Jinbei still wants to persuade.

"Xu Jinbei, I am exhausted today, and I will talk about it tomorrow." Ming Yu said, "My father said that he would let people help me, maybe he will arrive tomorrow."

When I heard Ming Yu say this, Xu Jinbei remembered that Qin Wangye used to be the emperor of Jin Guo. He certainly had many people who could help Ming Yu.

"Who's the person is here?" Ming Xi came in from the outside and looked at Ming Yu and asked.

Ming Yu suddenly sat up straight, "Brother, are you coming back? Did you find Yan Xiaoliu?"

"I am coming to tell you about this." Ming Xi whispered.

Looking at Ming Hee's dignified expression, Ming Yu's heart sank, "I still haven't found Yan Xiaoliu, right?"

"We found Ye Wei, but Fan Luo and Yan Xiaoliu are not with her." Ming Xi said, carefully watching the expression of Ming Yu, "Ye Wei does not know where Yan Xiaoliu is."

Ming Yu’s disappointment, “I know, it’s not so easy to find Yan Xiaoliu.”

"Van Luo will not hurt Yan Xiaoliu." Ming Xi said, "Isn't that what you said? He just wants to accept Yan Xiaoliu as an apprentice."

"Even if this is the case, he does not need to take Yan Xiaoliu away." Mingyu has become more and more embarrassed in the past few days. If Fan Luo only wants to accept Yan Xiaoliu as an apprentice, he does not need to take him away.

The nephew who stood behind Mingxi said, "Van Luo wants Yan Xiaoliu to forget all the memories of the human continent."

"Hey!" Ming Xi called the child, he just did not dare to let Ming Yu know this thing, only to keep squatting, if Ming Yu knows that Yan Xiaoliu will forget her, it will definitely be sad.

Ming Yu lived, "What do you mean? Forget all the memories?"

"Sister, you listen to me, that Vatican is the emperor of God on the mainland. He thinks that Yan Xiaoliu is an unusual person, so he wants to accept Yan Xiaoliu as an apprentice, but Xiaoliu does not want to, he is..."

"Let Yan Xiaoliu forget the previous things, including me, right?" Ming Yu whispered.

Ming Xi gently nodded. "If we can find him before he loses his memory, he might be able to stop it."

"Don't you say that Van Gogh is very powerful? I haven't found Xiaoliu until now. He must have forgotten everything." Mingyu's eyes are red, "I hurt him."

"This has nothing to do with you." Mingxi advised, "You don't want to think about it."

"Why not, if I didn't want to go to the palace, we wouldn't meet the orangutan beast. The little six was taken to protect me." Ming Yu called. "He doesn't want to forget the old." The matter, that Fan Luo will definitely not let him go."

The nephew said, "If he is willing to reluctantly forget the past, if Fan Luo forced to eliminate the memory, Yan Xiaoliu would be more bitter."

Ming Yu took the hand of Ming Xi. "What should I do? You must find Yan Xiaoliu. Even if he forgets, he must bring him back. Follow the Fan Luo, he will definitely suffer."

If you know where Yan Xiaoliu is, no matter how difficult it is, he will find it back.

But now Yan Xiaoliu does not know where.

"We will definitely find him." Ye Hao did not know when to come, standing at the door and said.

"Mother!" Ming Yu saw Ye Hao, and immediately ran over to hold Ye Hao's hand. "Yan Xiaoliu was arrested to save me, if not me..."

Ye said with the heart of Ming Yu, "Do not blame yourself. If you know that he will save you, he will be taken away by Fan Luo. He will still save you."

Ming Yu’s heart is sad. When she was the most lonely, she was always accompanied by Yan Xiaoliu. He is already her indispensable person. She is the most important person in her growth. She never thought about Yan Xiao. Six will leave her or forget her.

"Ming Yu, my mother has something to say to you." Ye Hao said softly.

After a trip to Xu Jinbei and Lin Biao North, he retired.

"Mother, what?" Ming Yu asked, she was very worried about Yan Xiaoliu, but she also knew that Fan Luo was not able to find out when she sent troops out.

She didn't even know what Vatican looked like.

Ye Hao looked at her and Mingxi. "I have something to do with you. I can't stay with you here, let Ming Xi and my nephew be here. After I finish the matter with you, come back. you."

"Mother, are you going to find the big monster?" Ming Yu asked.

Ye Hao didn't want to say too well. After all, Ming Yu is just a mortal. "You and the Emperor will go to the big monsters. I have to go to the Western Regions with my mother."

Mingxi heard a word, "Mom, do you want to go to the Western Regions with those big Gorefiends?"

"Yes, go to other underground palaces." Ye Hao said.

"It's too dangerous!" Mingxi cried. "Who knows what they will do to you."

Ye Xiao smiled. "They won't do anything to me. And if they don't find the answer, let him use the demon to make the world's monsters, and no one knows when those monsters will hurt the people."

"Do you believe in lying?" Ming Xi asked, he also saw them lying around, and screaming at Xiaoyan, who knows what they want to do to his mother, maybe it is deceiving.

"At the moment, he said that he believes." Ye Hao whispered, "And, even if I don't go to the ground palace with them, the big gothic inside the underground palace is forced to resurrect, and the damage is even greater."

Ming Xi said, "I am worried that they will lie to you and bring you to see the big monster."

Ye Hao said with a smile, "If they can really take me to see the python, it would be better."

They also want to find out the python, and the python at this time should not be restored.

"Let your nephew follow you." Ming Xi said, he still does not trust his mother to be alone with them.

Ye Hao said, "No, there is a fire phoenix."

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