Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 2351: Spirit beast white tiger

Sitting on the back of the fire phoenix, Ye Hao looked at this scene and looked at the blue lotus flame in the palm. What happened? The fire did not burn her.

"Hey, are you okay?" Fire Phoenix asked worriedly.

"I'm fine." Ye Hao said, "My fire has changed."

Huo Huang looked back and said, "The ground fire is actually willing to be used by you. If you absorb it, then alchemy can do more with less."

"Go to the White Tiger first." Ye Hao had seen the fire when he was learning alchemy, but the fire was the same as the fire. It was almost impossible to find. It was almost impossible to find out. Beyond, don't even think about the fire. Now that you have the fire and the fire, it is easier to use the Dan furnace to cultivate the super-medicine.

However, nowadays, when you are not concerned about this, you must first save the white tiger. The fire is swallowing the mountain. If you don't save the white tiger, he may be swallowed up by the flame.

"Maybe he is already dead." Fire Phoenix snorted, but still stopped at the side of the white tiger.

"You have never seen a white tiger spirit beast before, how can it seem to have enmity with him." Ye Hao asked with a funny smile.

Fire and Phoenix said, "We and the other three great beasts are not very good."

"It seems that the popularity is very bad." Ye Hao said with a smile, put the light footsteps close to the white tiger.

Although the white tiger does not move, but Ye Hao can feel his weak breathing, it seems to be really weak.

"Hey, you are careful." Fire Phoenix worried that the white tiger would hurt Ye Hao and put her behind her.

"He has been hurt like this, how can he hurt?" Ye Hao whispered, she saw that the hind legs of the white tiger were all burned wounds, the wounds have not healed, they have been pused, and the beasts are able to Self-healing injury, the white tiger's injury is caused by the ground fire, without the Lingquan, it is impossible to eliminate the pain of burns.

They said it was very quiet, but they still alarmed the white tiger.

"Hey!" The white tiger's throat made a dull voice, and he slowly opened his eyes, and a pair of golden sharp scorpions stared at the fire phoenix.

However, he is too weak and he is not standing at all.

"What are you doing, we are here to save you, you don't know what to do." Fire Phoenix said with no anger.

Ye Hao prevented the fire phoenix from angering the white tiger. She took a few steps to see the scarred wound on the white tiger. "You are hurt."

The white tiger saw a woman coming out of the fire phoenix. He stood up and stood up. The familiar atmosphere made him stunned. His sharp scorpion became sad and nostalgic, and he screamed lowly. "Small!"

"What do you call me?" Ye Hao asked, the white tiger actually called her a small girl? So, do he know each other with him?

"Little!" The white tiger stepped forward. The chain on his neck made a creaking sound, and he almost pulled him back. He looked at Ye Hao with a sly look. "You are still alive! You are reincarnation!"

The words of the white tiger have not been finished yet, and the front legs are soft.

Ye Hao didn't want to go up and hug his neck. "You don't move, I will heal you first."

"Oh, how come you get here? Go away, you can't save me." White Tiger said, I want Ye Hao to leave.

"I still haven't saved you. How can you know that you can't save you?" Ye Hao said while checking his injuries and found that the injuries on the white tiger were almost all burns, and for a long time, the wounds have not healed.

Although the white tiger is weak, he is very excited. "Small, are you not already dying? How can you reincarnate? You see..."

Ye Hao interrupted him. "Okay, don't say it again, I will heal you first."

"Oh, it’s not an eyelid, and you don’t know the wrong person." Fire Phoenix sneered at the side.

"Come and help." Ye Hao took a look at the fire.

Fire Phoenix wanted to refusal and was forced to leave by Ye Hao.

"Small 夭..." The white tiger wants to talk. "Don't worry about me, you are going, this ritual is about to be melted."

"I know, so I have to hurry up to heal you. You have to go by yourself. I can't move you." Ye Hao said with a smile, the white tiger is a beast, and she has no contract with her, so she can't enter her space. Otherwise, he will be able to take him into the space and take it away.

Ye Hao took out Lingquan to clean the wounds of the white tiger, and gave him a prescription. "You take medicine first, wait for you to leave, I will give you a good treatment."

"You...have a spirit spring?" Bai Hu asked strangely. After taking the elixir and the remedy, he finally recovered a little reiki. The huge body slowly shrank and became a young man in white in front of Ye Hao. man.

"..." Ye Hao rounded his eyes and looked at the young man in front of him. He almost didn't respond, so he became a human.

White Tiger suddenly put Ye Hao in his arms. "Small, it’s good to see you."

Ye Hao pushed him away. "How did you become a person?"

"Yes, I can morph the human form. You used to say that my illusion adult is also a handsome boy." White Tiger said with a smile. "It's a pity that you can't see what I was when I was a teenager."

This is too sad, Ye Hao laughed a few times. "I am not a small girl, you admit the wrong person."

"I can still admit the wrong person." White Tiger chuckled, and he looked down at Ye Hao. "Xiao Xiao, have you met the Emperor?"

Ye Hao heard a mist, how did a little emperor appear at this time?

"We still have to leave here first." Ye Hao said that the mountain where they are located has already fallen a lot.

"Hey, come up." The fire phoenix restored its original shape and let Ye Hao go to his back.

White Tiger frowned and looked at the fire phoenix and said to Ye Hao, "Small sly, you actually use the fire phoenix as your own beast. Have you not said that you didn't like it before?"

"I didn't dislike it!" Ye Hao cried before the fire phoenix was going to be angry. "The fire is very good, you still have injuries, come up together."

Fire Phoenix called, "I don't want to take him in the past."

The white tiger pointed at the chain around his neck and smiled bitterly. "Small, I can't go."

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot." Ye Hao said, "How do I interrupt this chain?"

"This chain will not be so easy to interrupt." White Tiger said, "unless it is the sword of the Emperor."

At this time, the sound of lying was passed over. "Small, use your flexibility to blow."

Ye Hao’s eyes lit up and the lotus flower appeared in the palm of his hand.

The white tiger looked at her strangely. "You absorbed the fire."

"Yeah, it’s white." Ye Xiao smiled and burned the chain that was connected to the ground. When he went out, he went looking for a super-armed weapon to open the chain on his neck for the white tiger. Now he can only let him carry the iron. The chain is gone.

"Let's go." Ye Hao said that since the white tiger called her a small sister, it should be to know who they are.

It seems that it was not only the Gorefiend and the Big Wicked Animal that were sealed in ancient times.

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