The fire in the abyss lost its heart of fire and began to lose control. The sacrificial platform fell down a lot, and it was about to collapse.

The white tiger's spiritual power has not fully recovered. He is not a fire phoenix and cannot resist those fires. He can only fly on the back of the fire phoenix.

Although the fire phoenix did not agree with one hundred, but Ye Hao wanted to save the white tiger, he could not oppose it.

"Small, are you okay?" Taboo stretched his neck and saw Ye Hao, finally relieved, "Is there a burn?"

"I'm fine, here is going to collapse, let's go," said Ye Hao.

The white tiger has come down. He is standing behind Ye Xie. The golden scorpion is staring at the sturdy, and the whole body exudes a majestic momentum.

"Sleeping!" White Tiger said coldly. "How come you are here?"

"Do you know him?" cried Fire Phoenix. "Are you also a group of them?"

The white tiger snorted. "I am a beast. How can I be a group with a big monster?"

"How can you be sealed here?" asked the whisper, "Why didn't the Protoss save you?"

"What are you doing with you?" White Tiger looked at him and said, "How come you are here?"

Said, "The seal here has been broken, let's leave here first."

Ye Hao agreed to nod. "What is going on?"

There are still many questions in her heart. The white tiger is a beast. How can it be sealed here? Is the Protoss already defeated? The beast is belonging to the Protoss. For the sake of reason, the Protoss above nine days should save him.

The white tiger stood in front of Ye Hao and did not let the lying and the little sisters get too close.

Taboo and angry with the white tiger, "You don't know what to do, if you are not us, you have already been burned to death."

"The person who saved me is not you." White Tiger sneered.

"Then what are you, don't you know that you are a big brother?" Taboo said, it is too hateful to say that this sick cat will hurt Xiaoyan's posture.

White Tiger angered, "If it weren't for you, how would Xiaoxiao destroy the soul, this time you will think about hurting her again."

Lying down, "Go up."

Ye Hao listened to them, you said a word, the mystery in my heart is getting bigger and bigger. It seems that in ancient times, there were quite a few things between the Protoss and the Big Monster.


The sacrificial platform collapsed and the fire became more and more powerful.

"Come on!" said the child, turned and walked up the ladder.

They returned to the ground as quickly as they could, and they just stood firm, the ruins of the entire priesthood collapsed and everything was razed to the ground.

“What is this?” Ye said in a strange way, the ground around the priest's house floated a weird and complicated texture.

"Smell the seal of the sky." White Tiger whispered, "Sure enough, he did."

I looked at him with a sigh of relief. "If you are not a lord, you can't live now."

"Ghosts!" The white tiger blurted out. He was extremely angry. For many years, he has always been elegant and noble, and he has never been angry.

Ye Hao said helplessly, "Do you have a deep hatred? Do you have to quarrel when you meet?"



The white tiger and the jealousy spoke in unison, and they both looked at each other.

"..." Ye Hao looked at them silently.

Huo Huang said with a smile, "Or, if you fight one, whoever wins has the final say."

"Look at him like this, like a sick cat, still want to play with me?" Taboo, looked at the white tiger disdainfully.

"Do you think that I won't win you like this?" The white tiger clenched his fist and tried to fight with him.

Ye Hao stood between the two of them. "Are you sure you want to play here?"

"Look at Xiao Xiao's share, don't teach you today." Taboo said.

The white tiger looks cold and "not self-reliant."

Ye Hao said, "Your spiritual power has not recovered, and the injury is so heavy. Even if you are a beast, you will lose if you are not sure."

"It seems that it can't be done." Fire Phoenix disappointedly said, "All are stocks."

"Fire!" Ye Hao screamed at him, really, it would add oil and vinegar.

Fire Phoenix licked his mouth, his hands licking his mouth, looking at Ye Hao innocently.

Ye Hao said, "Go back to the inn."

Lying softly beheaded, he was slightly coveted. Although he was confused, he also knew that it was useless to ask the white tiger at this time.

Back at the inn, Ye Hao saw a tall, handsome young man kneeling at the door, looking particularly pitiful, especially the pure and bright eyes, looking straight at the direction of their side.

He saw Ye Hao's figure, stood up violently, looked at her with a blank expression, and looked very pitiful.

“How are you here?” Ye said in a strange way. “You will not wait here from the morning?”

"Wait for you!" cried out of the ring and looked unhappy.

Ye Hao cried and laughed, the sun outside was empty, not to mention a whole day, and it would be dizzy after a while. "You are stupid and not stupid, isn't it the same inside?"

"He was a fool." Fire Phoenix glanced at the door and thought that this person was going to grab Ye Xie with him.

"Fast in to drink water." Ye Hao said, "Look at your sunburned lips are cracked."

The white tiger frowned and looked at the ring, and looked around again, and his heart was secretly surprised. Is this the human continent? How many years have he been sealed, and how to wake up, everything becomes different.

"I am healing for you." Ye Hao said to the white tiger, "The wound on your body has not healed. If you continue this way, you will die if you are a beast."

"Good." The white tiger nodded, and when he returned to the room, the spiritual power on his body could not support it, and he suddenly recovered.

Keeping the ring behind them, they watched a person turn into a white tiger. He rounded his eyes and was full of curiosity, but he was very calm. He just looked at the white tiger and looked at Ye Hao.

"Don't be afraid, he won't hurt people." Ye Hao whispered to the ring and poured a glass of water for him.

Guan Guan stood next to the water station and stared at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao took out the elixir from the space and re-administered the white tiger. "How did you get this injury? How long have you been underground?"

"I don't know..." White Tiger whispered. "Since you were killed, I was hurt, and your contract was broken. Wen Tian grabbed me. I was awake before. Come."

"You have been sleeping for thousands of years?" Ye Hao asked in surprise.

The white tiger snorted. "Has it been for so many years?"

I am afraid not only! The white tiger was sealed before they were born. Why did the big snake seal the white tiger? "After you wake up, you hurt yourself like this?"

"My spiritual power is limited by this chain. Every time I want to leave, I am burned by the fire." White Tiger said, his voice was calm.

Ye Hao thought for a while, "Who are you talking about?"

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