Is it the Shaodi?

Ye Hao slightly frowned, before she saw the white tiger, she did not listen to the person who mentioned the Emperor, how to see the White Tiger, he also mentioned the Emperor.

"This little emperor...who is it?" Ye Hao asked curiously.

"The person who will let you destroy the soul." The sound of lying is still dull, but the anger of this little emperor is revealed in the eyebrows.

Ye Hao stunned, but did not expect it would be the answer,

"Small and this person... Is there a deep hatred?" Ye Hao asked doubtfully, otherwise why should this young emperor let Xiaoxuan destroy the soul? She knows how serious it is to destroy the soul. It is not even a chance to reincarnate. It is more serious than the soul flying. Unless there is a deep hatred, it will not be done to this extent.

The thin lips that had been lying moved a few times, and looked at Ye Hao with a faint gaze. "No, he... stunned."

"..." Ye Hao is not shocked at this time, can describe it, what happened in antiquity before 10,000 years ago?

"Forget it, since Baihu didn't mention this person, don't think about it." Lying with a smile, "Small, you remember, what others say is not necessarily true, it is only what others have seen, If you really want to know the truth, ask your heart."

Ye Hao frowned and shook his head. "I don't want to know at all."

Subconscious, she is resistant to Xiao Yan's identity, vaguely feel that if she really thinks that she is a small sister, then many things may be different.

Lying in a chuckle, it is not an accident that Ye Hao will be the answer.

"Eat after eating!" I don't know when I came to Ye Hao's back, holding three empty bowls in his hand. He has already eaten three bowls of beef noodles.

"Small, we haven't eaten yet!" Taboo and Vatican looked at Ye Hao.

Van Gogh pouted, "Yes, let the people eat it."

"If you want to eat, let the inn's little sister do it."

"It seems that there is no such thing as a small dish." He looked at Ye Hao with a sigh of relief. "Small, how did you do it? The face that was previously used almost poisoned us."

Ye Hao endured the urge to turn his eyes. "I have never poisoned people."

"Don't worry about them." Lying in a low voice.

"Nothing, just a few bowls of noodles." Ye Hao smiled and went to the back to make a few bowls of beef noodles, and also made a bowl for both lying and fire phoenix.

Ye Hao sat down on the opposite side of the bed. "Is the palace going to see it? Is there really no palace?"

Lying said, "I have seen it. There is really no palace. The most aura of this place is not the palace, but the priest's house, otherwise the white tiger will not be sealed there."

If Qi Ruoshui caught her, the priest's palace was indeed very strong, and it was deeply cherished by all the people in Xiliang. Later, Qi Ruoshui was taken away by the Emperor, and Murong Zhan burned it here. The people found that the priests were all in the temple. The worm, this is the mouth of the priest.

When she was locked up in the priest's house, the white tiger was actually awake, but there was still a seal, so she couldn't break free. It was Murong Chan who burned the seal with a bonfire.

"Then we should set off to go to the country." Ye Hao said.

"You never ask me, is the purple gas of Jin Guo still there?" Asked Ye Xin, looking at him.

Yes, Ye Hao did not ask this question, because this question is about Murong Yu, she does not think that Murong’s purple gas will not exist.

"This does not need to ask, Murong Yu this emperor is doing very well." Ye Hao said.

Said awkwardly, "I heard that the original emperor of Jinguo was Murong Cham."

Ye Hao frowned. "What do you want to say?"

"There is still purple in Jinguo, but..." The whispered, "That belongs to Mingyu."

"In short, you can't go to Jinguo first." Ye Hao cried, she knew that if she went to Kyoto City, then Murong's Jinguo must have an impact.

Lying gently and laughing, "Okay, listen to you."

Ye Hao said, "Go tomorrow and go to Qi."



Jinguo, Wuling City.

Murong Yu’s injury was so good that he had recovered almost when he left the Lei family.

Lei Bingfu's mood can not tell the pleasure, with Murong Yu's side for so long, she still feels a little good for the first time.

At least benefiting this identity, she is very useful.

"Mother, go back to the house, don't need to send it again." Lei Bingfu said to Mrs. Lei, and told the ring next to him, "carefully take care of the lady. If the lady has a half-difference, you can't escape."

Lei Bingfu said that the wind was light and weak, but it was deliberately said to the next Lei, listening to the old, if Lei, then make a pet to wipe out his wife, then she will certainly not let the Lei family.

"Where the girl said, your mother can have any bad pool at home." Lei said.

"The emperor, you first get on the bus, and the courtier wants to say a few words to the family." Lei Bingfu walked to Murong's side and said softly and respectfully.

Murong squinted at her and looked at her.

"How come you don't see Ting sister?" Lei Bingfu asked an eyebrow.

Lei looked around and looked around. He really didn't see Lei Jieting. He shouted to the next person. "Go to the second girl."

"You don't have to look for it, just bring it over." Lei Bingfu told the dark guards around him.

She had already expected that Lei Jieting would hide.

The dark guard quickly found Lei Jieting. At first glance, I really couldn’t recognize that this person was the second girl of Lei Family. She wore the clothes of the ring, and she was gray-faced, and there was a look of Miss Qianjin.

"Ting sister is sincere, so dressed up as a palace lady." Lei Bingfu said with a smile, "it looks good."

Lei Jieting stared at her with resentment. "You just want to torture me. I would rather die than follow you into the palace."

"Okay." Lei Bingfu smiled lightly and threw the sword on the dark guard to Lei Jieting. "If you dare to do it in front of the palace, this palace will not take you into the palace."

"No..." Lei’s face changed greatly. “Ting sister, the goddess will not treat you badly, how can you not understand?”

Lei Jieting looked at Lei Master with tears. "Father, you still don't know her, how can she treat me kindly! What is the future of the palace lady, she will definitely press me."

"What do you think can be done when the palace lady?" Lei Bingfu looked at Lei Jieting in a high-pitched manner. "You can rest assured that this palace will treat you well."

"Lei Buff!" Lei Jieting hated to gnash his teeth.

"This palace advises you not to be too hard, otherwise it is not good to look at it here." Lei Bingfu said faintly, "Okay, let's go."

Lei Jieting cried, "I don't go, I don't go to the palace!"


Master Lei slaps the past. "You have enough trouble! It is you who say you want to enter the palace. It is a blessing or a curse. Look at your own life!"

Even if he loves this daughter again, he will still have to succumb to his heart.

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