Murong slammed them all the way back to Kyoto City. The places they passed had heard that there were monsters raging not long ago. In some villages, even two monsters were fighting. Some monsters appeared in the river and turned over to the ships. The people are afraid of fear. Although they have not appeared again for some time, there are still shadows in their hearts.

"The emperor, how many monsters do you have? How many places have appeared." Lei Bingfu sat in the carriage and looked out the street through the window. They were already on the way to Kyoto, and they still heard it along the way. A lot of things about monsters, let alone other places in the world.

Certainly there are monsters in many places.

"Where someone has a place, there will be a monster." Murong sighed and said that he learned a lot about the origins of the beast from Ye Hao, although he still couldn't understand what kind of place they had gone in the past few years, but he I know that today's world is different from before.

Those who can dominate this world will no longer be the emperors.

Lei Bingfu was shocked by Murong’s words. “You are so scary. So, the world is full of monsters.”

"Are you afraid?" Murong asked faintly.

"Don't you be afraid?" Lei Bingfu asked. "You are already a martial artist. You still need more people to kill the monster. If you encounter a more powerful monster, how many people in this world can do the same with you." Great?"

Murong’s mouth is slightly picking. It’s not martial arts that needs to defeat the monster. Now maybe even Ye Hao is better than him.

"Fear can't stop them from appearing, why are you afraid?" Murong said.

"I don't know Qin Wang, they are in the North Ming Kingdom... No, they won't encounter monsters in the Ning Congress." Lei Bingfu missed Mingyu, and it was less than half a year. The Ming Yu Princess, who was still very delicate, is now It is already the day of Ningguo.

She said before that although Mingyu is a girl, it will definitely not be simple in the future.

It seems that her eyes are still very good.

When I mentioned Ye Hao, Murong Yu was silent. Some people, when they don’t think about not touching, can think that they can forget it, but when others don’t care, it’s like there are thousands of needles stabbing. Heart, not a special pain, it feels more uncomfortable than pain.

After Lei Biaofu said that she regretted it, she did not know what Murong had said before in the garden with Qin Wangxi, but since they met in the day, Murong Yu felt very strange.

He seems to deliberately not mention Qin Wangxi, but also likes to deliberately want to forget her.

Lei Bingfu actually sympathizes with Murong Yu, a woman who loves so deep, how can she forget to forget it.

Speaking of it, although she does not know what it is like to love someone, but seeing Murong Yu so silently and deeply loved, my heart still feels moved.

"Oh, they must be okay, or how Mingyu will become a scorpio." Lei Bingfu transferred the topic.

"Yeah." Murong snorted, "Hey and Azhan... can protect Mingyu."

Lei Bingfu glanced at him carefully, and mentioned that Qin Wangxi’s name was still so stubborn, and he could not forget his heart.

"We will soon return to Kyoto City." Lei Bingfu said, diverted attention.

Murong Yu did not seem to hear it, and his eyes looked deep into the window.

Ye Hao...

Lu Yan...

He always thought that it was only a step slower than Murong. As long as he met the embarrassment first, the person who is now with him must be him.

However, she said that regardless of her previous life, she met Murong Cham and fell in love with him.

He is slower than just a step, but a lifetime.

Even if he is not reconciled, what can he do?

Murong Yu did not speak, and Lei Bingfu followed with silence.

I don't know how long it took, the sky outside was gradually darkening, and their carriages were slower.

"Do you really want your sister to be a maid?" Murong asked suddenly.

Lei Bingfu, who had not said a word for a long time, was relieved a little. The atmosphere in the carriage suddenly eased a lot. "Don't let her be a maid, what does the courtier let her enter the palace?"

Lei Bingfu's mouth was raised high, she brought Lei Jieting into Kyoto City, one wanted to protect Mrs. Ray, and the other was to know who would help Lei Jieting to deal with her.

"So confident that she will not turn defeat in the future?" Murong asked deliberately.

"Since the emperor has asked this, the courtier is naturally a winner." Lei Bingfu said with a smile, "You are not so hungry."

Murong looked at her with cold eyes, "Let's go."

Lei Bingfu blinked at him and blinked. "Chen Chen is wrong."

I really dare to admit my mistake.

"Hey, I met Qin Wangyu in Bailongjiang." Murong said suddenly.

"..." Lei Bingfu opened his mouth and didn't know how to say it. She didn't have any comforting experience, especially this kind of love.

Lived for two lifetimes, she did not care to love someone.

"At that time, she was easy to accommodate, she was very ordinary, and only a pair of eyes were particularly bright." Murong Yu said slowly and his tone was very difficult. For many years, he never mentioned Ye Hao to others. In this mood, he was careful. The ground is protected, hidden, and I can’t bear to let others know that it will hurt her.

I don't know why, I suddenly want to say it today.

Lei Bingfu smiled. "Qin Wangxi must have a better look before."

"I saw her for the first time, but she didn't think she looked good. She regarded me as Azhan." When she met at the inn, she looked at his eyes full of thoughts, like seeing another person through him.

At that time, why did he not think that the person she loved was Azhan? Still letting yourself fall into the trap.

Lei Bingfu just sighed softly.

"...I later learned that she is Azun's fiancee, the empress of the future of Jin Guo." Murong Yu said that the more relaxed, it seems that it is not so difficult.

"The emperor, you want to say, you like Qin Wangzhen... for many years?" Lei Bingfu really wants to plug his ears, this kind of palace is not wanting to listen to privacy, in case he feels no Happy, is it necessary to kill her first?

He is an emperor, and he falls in love with his brother's wife. It is best to squat into the coffin.

Murong nodded faintly. "Yes, I have loved for many years."

"..." Lei Bingfu almost wants to kneel down and ask him not to say anything again, "Oh."

"Do you have anything to say?" Murong asked, frowning.

Lei Bingfu promised that "Chen Chen promised that he would not tell others what you said today."

Murong’s face sank, “I don’t want you to say this!”

"That... what do you want to say to the courtier?" Lei Bingfu asked in amazement.

"榆木疙瘩!" Murong is not too angry.

Lei Bingfu smiled happily, and it was better to be stupid than anything else. She wished she would forget it when she woke up tomorrow morning.

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