Back to Kyoto City, Murong Yu unexpectedly found that there was a peaceful scene. After people asked, they realized that there was no monster in the city. Some people saw it outside the city, but it seems that the monster can’t enter the city, so the city The people escaped.

However, as a result, there are many more people in the city, which are more crowded than before.

Murong Yu let the carriage slow down and observe the people on the street. Although it is still bustling and bustling, everyone’s face has a panic to cover up. It is very scared that the monster will enter the city one day.

"Why is there no monster in Kyoto City?" Lei Bingfu asked questioningly, the city is full of people, it should be the most vulnerable place for monsters.

"After all, it is at the foot of the emperor." Ye Hao said in the letter, the emperor will have a purple body to protect the body, the monsters generally do not dare to approach, because there are palaces in Kyoto, so those monsters do not dare to approach.

Lei Bingfu looked at the outside silently and returned to the palace.

"Hey, go to the Qing Dynasty first." Murong whispered that he still has a lot of things to prepare.

"Yes." Lei Bingfu looked at the red wall and the yellow tile of the palace, and returned! When I left, I discovered that the most familiar thing in her life was not the Lei family. It was actually the palace.

In the past life, most of her life was in the palace, and this life is probably also.

Murong Yu did not say more to Lei Bingfu, he strode to the Qing Palace.

Lei Bingfu took a deep breath and ordered, "Return to the palace."

"Anniling..." The palace girl whispered to her, "So... how is the second girl placed?"

Although Lei Bingfu did not care about Lei Jieting all the way, Lei Jieting had a few troubles at the beginning, and the back was quiet. I don't know if I wanted to open it.

"Let her go to the Xinren library." Lei Bingfu said faintly, she did not want to put Lei Jieting in the palace, so as not to see trouble every day.

"Yes, the goddess." The palace girl should.

Lei Jieting has come down from the carriage. She looked at the surrounding with a surprised look. It turned out to be the palace. It was much more than she had imagined. Lei was just the tip of the iceberg. Her previous vision was too narrow.

"Ray girl, please come here." There is a palace girl who said.

"Where are you going to take me?" Lei Jieting asked, she saw Lei Bingfu going in the other direction.

The lady said with a smile, "Wei clothing bureau."

Lei Jieting frowned and looked at the surrounding environment. It seemed that she was not quite right. She knew that Lei Bingfu would not treat her well, but she was the second girl of Lei Family. Even if she was a maid, she would not really do those inferior. thing.

“What is the Secretary of the Board?” asked Lei Jieting, where can I often meet the emperor?

The palace lady said, "It is a place for laundry, and it is specially used for laundry in the palace."

Lei Jieting’s face changed. “What are you talking about?”

"It's the place to wash clothes." The palace girl patiently explained it again, and the corner of her mouth was raised high. She saw it, although the Lei Er girl is Hui's sister, but if there is a sister. Love, Hui Yan will not send her to the clothing bureau.

The clothing bureau said that it is the place to control the clothes. Like the newly-born maid, such as Lei Jieting, it is the matter of the little palace girl, except for washing clothes or washing clothes every day.

"I don't go!" Lei Jieting paused. She didn't come to the palace to wash clothes for others. It was not a palace lady who had been a lifetime. She didn't want to grieve herself.

"Ray girl, you probably don't know much about the rules in the palace. Since you have already entered the palace, the convenience in this palace is not what you want to go. If you don't want to go, you won't go." The palace lady smiled slightly, but it was difficult to hide. Lei Jieting's disdain.

Lei Jieting sneered and said, "What rules in the palace, don't think that I really don't understand, I am the second girl of Lei family. Lei family is the famous aristocrat of Wuling. How can the girl from Lei family go to the palace to wash clothes?"

The palace girl covered her mouth and smiled. "There is still a lot of honor in this palace than you are honored. If you can't be the master, it is natural to be a woman's life. If you have a good life, you may become a female official."

"Female officer?" Lei Jieting's face is blue, she wants to be a goddess, not to be a female official, "I want to see Lei Bingfu!"

"Our maiden is not what you want to see." The look of the palace lady was cold, "Ray girl, please."

Lei Jieting refused to move. "I don't go, I don't see Lei Bingfu, I don't go anywhere."

At this time, it was noon, the sun was shining, although it was already in the midsummer, but this sunshine still made people whitish. The palace girl looked at Lei Jieting and saw that she was ironic and refused to go to the clothing bureau. She had to turn around. Go and tell Lei Bingfu.

Lei Bingfu just ate a bowl of iced melons and fruits, rested comfortably on the soft couch, and heard the obituary of the palace lady, she smiled and said, "No matter, let her stand."

She knows that Lei Jieting is definitely a person who does not suffer. She thought that this would force her to change her mind. Even if everyone in the world knows that her Lei Bingfu is oppressing her sister? She doesn't care at all.

"Animal, she stood like that, would it be too eye-opening?" The palace girl whispered, if it was passed to the ears of other masters, it must be said that the goddess did not have a half sisterhood, and the emperor did not know how to treat it.

Lei Bingfu said with a smile, "It is not the palace that allows her to stand there, she likes it."

Want to fight with her? Still tender.

Less than an hour, the news that Lei Jieting stood under the scorching sun was passed to the harem, and soon someone inquired that it was Lei Bingfu’s sister. They couldn’t help but ask for the situation in the palace, and they were all blocked by Lei Bingfu. gone back.

"The goddess, Su Shi is coming." The little palace girl came to report.

Lei Bingfu is not surprised that Su Shi will come to her so soon. Hey, after leaving the palace for a while, he almost forgot the days when he needed to be alert and prepared.

"Please come in." Lei Bingfu sat up straight, letting people invite Su Shi.

Su Shi is a little thinner than a few months ago. It looks like a sick Shih Tzu, and Ting Tingting is very pitiful. "Hyatt, I am finally back."

Seeing a lot of Su Shi, Lei Bingfu asked with surprise, "How did you lose so much?"

"I don't know what's going on. Maybe after you went out with the emperor, I didn't have anyone to talk. Some teas didn't think, and I didn't know how to lose weight." Su Shiqiang smiled. "I really worry about my sister. I will suffer hard outside, and I will be relieved to see you," Su Shi said with a smile.

Lei Bingfu said, "I am very good, can eat and drink."

Su Shi smiled and said, "Sister still loves to laugh."

The emperor took her alone to go out of the palace. Where can I not be ruddy? I don’t know what to look like in the palace.

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