Lei Bingfu patiently spoke with Su Shi. In addition to the question about Murong’s disappearance, the basic answer was answered. However, looking at Su Shi’s growing smile, probably not Too satisfied with her answer.

Murong’s team of patrols went to Nanyue, but he took her to Wuling. Later, the monsters were chaotic. The army rushed to protect the car and found that the emperor was not in the patrol team. This exposed their whereabouts. Many people want to know what Murong has done during this time.

The people in the palace also want to know.

"Sister's mouth is too strict, and I would not disclose the fact that this micro-service went out of the tour." Su Shi's tone was a bit more resentful.

"It’s not that the palace doesn’t want to say it. It’s really nothing to look at along the way. Except that the mountain is water, it’s very stuffy.” Lei Bingfu’s words are truthful, she’s really fun and interesting, she’s not seen, Murong’s only Let the dark guard guard her, he did not know what to do, but fortunately went to Wuling, otherwise she did not know where the meaning is.

Oh, let her see the monster.

Su Shi said, "Chen Chen heard that there are monsters outside Kyoto City, is this true?"

Lei Bingfu nodded. "It is true. The palace saw the emperor killing the monster."

"The emperor... killing the monster?" Su Shi was shocked. She heard that the monster was taller than the mountain and fierce. Almost everyone in the village was killed. The emperor was so powerful that he could kill him. Monster?

"You don't have to be afraid, the monster has not appeared again." Lei Bingfu said.

Su said with his chest. "I hope so, it seems that catching the demon is still a bit of a skill."

Lei Bingfu smiled, only those who caught the demon master were not close to those monsters and were shot dead.

"Right, when I came over, I heard that there was a palace girl talking about something, and I didn't know if it was true or not." Su Shi looked at Lei Bingfu and seemed to be not so embarrassed to ask.

"What is it?" Lei Bingfu knows why, she only came back for less than half a day, and there are many people who pay attention to her in the palace.

These women living in the deep palace only have this fun every day. If you know what the world is like, will you only care about the little things of these chicken skins?

After going through Murong’s outing and going through so many things, Lei Bingfu found that his mood was more open than before.

She suddenly admired Qin Wangxi, a woman who opened her sky like her, is actually enjoying life.

"A woman near the clothing bureau is standing under the scorching sun. She said that it is your sister. I don't know if it is true or false. If it is fake, this palace girl is really dare to swear. I am going to let people pout her." Su Shi said .

Lei Bingfu faintly sighed, "It is the sister of the palace, like to enter the palace as a palace girl, let her go to the clothing bureau."

Su Shi took a look, but I really didn't expect Lei Bingfu to admit that it was so happy.

This is not afraid of getting an nickname to the emperor.



Lei Jieting was so dizzy and upset, her cheeks burst into pain. She had always maintained a fine skin and tender meat. Where she could withstand the sun, she looked back for a long time, except for a few pointing at her. The palace of the point, no one else saw the emergence of others.

The party girl who led her to lead her was gone. She said that she would go to Lei Bingfu, why did she go for a long time!

It must be intentional!

Lei Jieting cursed Lei Bingfu several times in her heart. The more she waited, the more she was annoyed. If the palace girl did not come, would she still have to stand here?

She went to the tree next to it and waited for a long time, but still did not wait for Lei Bingfu, Lei Jieting was a little sober at this time.

This is the palace, not the place where she can get a good chance.

I used to be at Leijia, but wherever she couldn’t compare with Lei Bingfu, as long as she cried, her father would satisfy her, but who would be here for her?

She does not feel that her identity will be inferior to Lei Bingfu, but in the palace, Lei Bingfu is Huiyi.

"Where is Lei Bingfu?" Lei Jieting saw a palace lady passing by here and couldn't help but ask.

"You are talking about Hui Niangniang?" Gongmei frowned and looked at Lei Jieting. "You are a new lady, so I don't know the rules. Even the names of the goddesses dare to export."

Lei Jieting was scorned by a palace girl, and her heart was not comfortable. "She is my sister, I am looking for her."

"I don't know where to recognize the pro." The palace girl turned her eyes. "I don't know what to do."

"You..." Lei Jieting was so angry that she was stunned and glared at the palace lady. She wanted to remember her appearance. When she had a chance to turn over, she would not let her go.

"Ray girl!" Fangcai's palace girl went back and looked at Lei Jieting with a smile.

"What about her?" Lei Jieting looked at the back of the palace girl, did not see Lei Bingfu, her face is not very good-looking.

The lady smiled and said, "The Niangniang said that when you first came, you really couldn't go to the clothing bureau. After all, you still don't understand the rules. Let you learn the rules first."

Lei Jieting was looking proudly at the two palace ladies behind her, only to find that they were covering their faces with sorrow and sorrow. She immediately understood that it was definitely better to go to the school.

"Ray...Where is the Hui Niangniang, I want to see her!" Lei Jieting's face is blue, she wants to tell Lei Biaofu that she was promised to her father, saying that although she is a palace lady, she must have a chance. See the emperor.

If she had no chance to get close to the emperor in the palace, what did she do in the palace?

The palace girl said faintly, "Ray girl, who are you as a Hui Niang? You can see it if you want to see it. If you want to ask to see the goddess, then when the goddess meets, you can see it again."

Lei Jieting clenched her fist, she has regretted entering the palace, but now she has no retreat.

When her father slaps her, she wants her to know that she has the opportunity to change her destiny except to climb up. Otherwise, she can only be caught in the palm of her hand by Lei Bingfu for the rest of her life.

Hey, is Lei Bingfu thinking that she can torture her?

Wait, then! She still has someone to help her!

She will let Lei Bingfu pay the price sooner or later.

"Well, I am going to learn how to be a palace girl!" Lei Jieting said slowly. "You go back and tell Hui Niang, I will remember her great grace. I will have a chance in the future."

The palace lady smiled. "You know the pains of the goddess."

Yes, it’s a good idea!

"I know, of course I know!" Lei Jieting whispered.

Lei Bingfu is now threatening her with her mother's life. Her father is afraid of her power. What can she do?

Only in the future will be able to take revenge!

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