Murong’s letter with Ye Hao’s letter to him was carefully watched. This was just received. There is an eight-page letter that tells him in detail about the existence of the three continents and the monsters. The origin of the.

In addition to the monster, there is another kind of existence in the world, that is, the big blood monster.

The person who wanted to kill Mingyu was the Gorefiend.

This world... It’s really messed up.

"The emperor, are you okay?" Tang Yan, who stood in the main hall, saw that Murong's face was not right and couldn't help but whisper.

Murong opened his eyes and watched Tang Yan shake his head. "You said that Song Hongyi will send troops to attack Ningguo?"

"Yes, this is the news from the front spy. Zhao Wei has made three decrees to send Song Hongyi to the army. Even if Song Hongyi insists on it, I am afraid that it will not be able to resist again." Tang said.

"Qian Danqing is missing. There are almost no generals available in Ningguo. Even the troops can't do it. How can they resist the Qi army?" Moreover, Song Hongqi personally led the troops. Song Zhen felt that Ningguo was definitely not an opponent.

Murong Yu said with a deep voice, "You immediately bring 20,000 soldiers to support, and you will let Ye Haonan keep the wasteland for Ningguo, and will not let the water be awkward at this time."

Although the water has returned to the Yuan Dynasty, the Qingyuan military camp has not withdrawn its troops. Who knows what the idea is.

Tang Yan took the lead and then hesitated to look at Murong.

"What else?" asked Murong.

"The emperor, don't know the whereabouts of Qin Wangye and Qin Wangxi? Are they not in Ningguo?" Tang Yan asked, when Murong Yu served in the patrol, he ordered him to return to Beijing to guard, when the monsters were in chaos, he happened to be outside the city. The five hundred miles, I saw a person suddenly turned into a behemoth, he thought he was dreaming.

Their army could not subdue the monster, or the monster once disappeared. If they really want to fight, they are afraid of the heavy damage.

Murong said, "They are going to do something more important."

When I heard Murong’s words, Tang Yan knew that Murong Chan would definitely have a bigger secret.

"The emperor, the court first went to the military camp to prepare." Tang Yan said that he would also rush to support Ningguo as quickly as possible.

Today's Ningguo is no longer a North Ming country, it is the country of their Ming Yu Princess, absolutely can not let Qi country bully.

Murong did not tell the story of Mo Rongzhan about their secrets. After Tang Yin left, he said to Song Yu, "There is a palace under the palace."

"What?" Song Hao stunned his eyes, "Im, what is that?"

"From the quaternary palace that existed tens of thousands of years ago, there is a terrible Gorefiend sealed inside." Murong has not seen the Gorefiend, but since it can only be sealed if it can't be killed, it is absolutely terrible to think.

Song Hao has been surprised to say, "That... the emperor, what should we do?"

Is it necessary to dig up the entire palace?

"Thinking about it." Murong said, Ye Hao said that the underground palace under the palace was sealed with a big blood monster. Now the reason why the blood demons did not come out is because of the purple suppression of the emperor, the Yuan and Beiming countries have found The underground palace, and the Gorefiends have been resurrected.

Under the palace of the Jin State, there will inevitably be a palace of the Earth and a Gorefiend.

Did he take the initiative to find out, or wait for Ye Hao to come?

"Since it is the underground palace... and it has been for tens of thousands of years, I am afraid that it is not our manpower that can be dug up." Murong whispered, "Don't advertise, wait for Qin Wangye to come back and say."

Song Hao nodded, but his heart was amazed.

He thought that the beast that he saw in the wilderness was already terrible, and he did not expect it to be more mysterious and unpredictable.



Qi Guo, military camp.

Song Hongyi is also in a heavy mood. There are three sacred decrees in front of him. They all have the same content. They want to send troops to attack Ningguo and catch Mo Mingyu.

In Zhao Wei’s opinion, it seems that he has to grasp the ink of Ming, and she did not consider it. When Qi State sent troops, Jin Guo and Yuan Guo would not stand by.

Zhao Yi is only interested in revenge.

She had a backlog of hatred for so long, and finally found the outlet for venting, and suddenly fell into madness.

"The generals, no longer send troops, it is really against the purpose." Hu will whisper.

Song Hongyu looked at the grassland ahead. They camped in Zhangzhou for so long. The border of Ningguo was still calm. There were only a few veterans who were leisurely, and they were not nervous and afraid. They didn’t think they would go to war.

"Qian Danqing has disappeared, is there a big warrior in Ningguo?" asked Song Hongyu.

Vice-Foo Hu will reluctantly think about it. If there is no war, I will care about whether the other party has a general or not. Isn’t it better to have no general? They won't lose.

Vice-President Wang said, "There are some, but they have all been old and they have calculated their soldiers. I am afraid that they will not be able to reach this border."

"That is no one will be out." Song Hongyi sighed.

"General, you are Qi Guoren." Vice Minister Hu will remind him.

Song Hongyi looked at him and said, "I know."

His words were just finished, and there were letters of eager rushing, holding a secret letter in his hand.

"Is it a letter from the palace?" Song Hongzhen frowned. It seems that Zhao Wei is really eager to attack Ningguo.

"Yes, the general." The letter of the letter handed the letter to Song Hongyi.

Song Hongyi hesitated with a letter and did not immediately open the letter.

"General..." Hu will look at him.

"You should go ahead first, let me think about it." Song Hongyi said faintly.

When everyone else retired, Song Hongyi opened the secret letter in his hand. When he saw the handwriting, he knew that it was indeed from the palace. However, it was not written by Zhao Wei, but Zhao Xiang.

- General, the first is the general of the Qi State, then Song Hongyi, the national hatred, after all, not the children's personal feelings can be compared.

A few words, but broke his mind.

He likes Lu Hao, and even the first emperor did not know it. Zhao Xiang saw it.

Song Hongyu took a deep breath, Zhao Xiang said yes, he was the general of Qi State, then Song Hongyi.

Zhao Xiang’s letter is an advisory and a warning.

If he is not moving, Zhao will definitely not tolerate him any more.

Song Hongjun returned to the camp, first to the beast's side, "I want to send troops, how are you?"

"I am going to be born, I have to go to the mountains." The beast said, "When I regain my demon power, I will help you again."

"Ningguo has no generals, even without you, can be defeated." Song Hongyi whispered, "You don't have to worry about me."

The beast said, "Okay."

Song Hongjun called in several other deputies. "The order is passed down, and the Ming Dynasty is a soldier."

Vice-Chu’s eyes were happy, and the generals finally figured it out!

"Ningguo has no generals, we can easily get it."

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