Qiguo, the palace.

Zhao Wei put down the letter in his hand, and the good face of Bai Hao finally showed a satisfactory smile. After sweeping the haze of this time, Song Hongyi always calculated the soldiers. She had already prepared to send another general to take over.

"Mother." The little prince felt that Zhao’s mood had changed, and his face finally showed a smile that he hadn’t seen for a long time. He cried carefully.

"Yeah." Zhao glared at his son's head. "What's wrong? Is it too stuffy here?"

The little prince gently shook his head, and the little prince who had just learned to speak did not know how to express his thoughts. He only knew that today's mother did not look so terrible. He didn't dare to look at her yesterday.

Zhao Wei took him up. "Mother will accompany you to the Royal Garden."

"Okay." The little prince was happy to reveal the teeth of the rice, smiling at his eyes, "Xiang Yu..."

They just walked out of the Qing Palace and saw Zhao Xiang coming over. The little emperor happily broke away from Zhao Wei’s hand and ran toward Zhao Xiang with a short short leg.

Zhao Xiao smiled. "He is closer to you."

"Your Majesty is the mother of the little emperor, you are the closest to him." Zhao Xiang walked over with the little emperor. "You look very good today."

"Song Hongjun sent troops." Zhao said with a smile, and Zhao Xiang went to the direction of the Imperial Garden. "And the people who are armed with the soldiers, you absolutely can't think of it."

Zhao Xiang looked at Zhao Wei puzzledly. The news of Qian Danqing’s disappearance has already been passed to Qi State. Otherwise, His Majesty will not ask Song Hongjun to send troops. Ningguo should be no longer available. Who will make Ming Mingyu send troops?

"Who will be? In addition to Qian Danqing, no one in Ningguo can fight against Song Hongwei, even if they stay in Ningguo, they are only some deputy without practical experience." Zhao Xiang said that although she is not very familiar with Ningguo, The specific situation is still known.

Zhao Wei smiled. "You are right, so this time, the soldiers who took the troops are Mo Mingxi."

"Who?" Zhao Xiang stunned. "Hey's son?"

"Yes, it is him." Zhao said with a smile. "A half-size child is actually going to take the troops out, and Lu Hao is really relieved."

Zhao Xiao smiled with a spring breeze. She seemed to have seen the great victory of Zhangzhou. When Song Hongyi grabbed the brothers and sisters of Mo Mingxi, the hatred in her heart was finally vented.

"Really..." Zhao Xiang was surprised to know what he was saying. Song Hongyi was a general who followed the Southern Expedition to the Northern Expedition. His experience in the battlefield is rich, and no one can compare it. How big is Mo Mingxi, let alone not playing. Hey, even Wugong is not as good as Song Hong.

"Is this not better? Don't waste time." Zhao said with a smile.

Zhao Xiang said, "I am a bit worried, Mo Mingxi... It seems not so simple."

"No matter how simple it is, he is just a teenager." Zhao Wei does not like to hear this. She is now looking forward to Song Hongyi bringing back Mo Mingxi.

"Kite..." The little prince pointed at the little bird in the sky, and the voice screamed crisply.

Zhao Xiang smiled. "That is a little bird."

The little prince pouted a small mouth. "It’s a kite."

"I am going to bring the kite." Zhao Wei took the son's hand and the cockroaches in his eyes were replaced by tenderness.

Zhao Xiang looked at her. Whenever he mentioned the people and things related to Lu Hao, Zhao Wei would fall into an uncontrollable hatred. Sometimes his expression would become terrible, especially during the recent period, he has not seen it for a long time. It was so gentle to her smile.

If you can really catch Mo Mingxi, it is a good thing, I am afraid...

The little prince was taken by the palace people with a kite, and Zhao Wei and Zhao Xiang stood by and watched.

"Your Majesty." Zhao Xiang whispered.

"Well?" Zhao Wei's mood is very good, his face has always been smiling.

Zhao Xiang can't bear to say something annoying. She hopes that Zhao Xiao's smile can always be maintained. "In addition to the Imperial City, there have been monsters in other places. I heard that even in the military camp."

"Army camp?" The smile on Zhao’s face was stopped. She has already forgotten that there is still a greater unknown danger in Qi State. Not long ago, there was news from all over the place that there was a beast, and from the portrait point of view, She doesn't think it's like a beast, but what a monster it is.

"Yes, there is more than one. Before the monsters were in the military camp, they were stopped by another monster. It seems that Song General saved the monster." Zhao Xiang said.

Zhao Xiao smiled. "It seems that the beast is also human, and he knows how to repay."

"The emperor..." Zhao Xiang frowned, she is not talking about this.

"Hey, you know what you want to say." Zhao said faintly, turned and walked to the other side. "The monsters are accidents. Are they not disappearing now? As long as they don't hurt the people."

Zhao Xiang frowned. "I don't think it is like an accident. What if I happen again?"

"Kill." Zhao Yan flashed his eyes in the eyes. "The beast is always a beast, and we can't be an opponent with us."

If it is so simple, it will be fine. Although Zhao Xiang did not see the monsters with his own eyes, he always felt that they were not just ordinary animals.

"The emperor, no matter what, we must maintain our strength." Zhao Xiang concealedly reminded Zhao Zhao that this time, not to avenge the power of revenge, their national treasury is not easy to fill.

Zhao Wei looked at her. "Do you think that you will be the same as before, regardless of revenge?"

"No, I don't dare think so." Zhao Xiang said.

"Even if I want to do this, I still have the emperor." Zhao Yu looked up at the son not far away, how could she give her son a broken Qi State in the future.

For her son, she will not do as she did before.

Zhao Xiang was relieved when she heard Zhao Wei’s words. At least she still has more scruples in her heart.

"Right, I heard where is Murong Zhan and Lu Hao?" Zhao Wei asked, their daughters had just become the Scorpio of Ningguo. They were not in Ningguo but did not know where they were, nor did they know where they went. What are the intrigues?

Zhao Xiang said, "I have already asked people to inquire. There should be news soon."

"Yeah." Zhao Wei nodded. She hadn't seen Lu Hao for a long time. If she saw her again, she must see the painful look on Lu Yan's face.

"After the mother, after the mother, I flew up." The little prince was screaming happily, and the kite had already flown into the sky.

Zhao Wei showed a gentle smile.

At this time, there was a shadow on the ground, and the sky did not know when a huge carving was coming. Everyone was stunned.

"Big bird..." The little prince shouted at the big eagle.

Zhao Wei’s face changed, “Imperial!”

The great eagle descended from the sky, and the little emperor vacated.

"No!" Zhao Wei made a sharp cry, "Save the little prince!"

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