Ye Hao, who came to the Imperial City at the fastest speed, just landed, and she worried about looking at the squad. The mortal body could not be teleported. The pressure to bear was very high. I don’t know if the ban can be sustained.

"Turn off, are you okay?" Ye Hao asked, looking at the guard ring standing next to him.

"No..." The look of the ring was a bit sluggish, as if I didn't understand what was going on. It was obvious that they were still at the border not long ago, and they came here with a blink of an eye.

Lying in a low voice, "just wait for him to slow down."

"It seems that he can still withstand it." Ye Hao assured that he thought it would be a good martial art to shut down the ring, otherwise he would not be able to stand it.

"There are a lot of monsters here." The white tiger looked at the gate of the Imperial City. "There is no purple air of the emperor."

Ye Hao also feels the smell of a beast, but how can there be no purple gas, Zhao Wei is still in place.

"Advanced City." Ye Hao said that if you want to go to the palace to see what happened.

"Guan Guan, are you still dizzy?" asked Vatican.

"Not dizzy." Guanuan shook his head and said, his eyes have been watching Ye Hao.

Ye Hao smiled. "If you let the martial arts practice, you may be able to cultivate it."

"Let him practice as a Gorefiend." Fire Phoenix called.

"Shut up." Ye Hao took a look at the fire phoenix.

The guard went to Ye Hao’s side and ignored the words of Huo Huang.

Taboo, "It’s enough to shut down the practice without training."

"Let's go into the city." said the layman, let the jealousy not say more.

The gate guards of the Imperial City are very strict. They must check the street signs when they enter the city. Ye Hao has already prepared for them. However, her identity is special, and this time she also has tolerance and cover-up. Soon, soldiers found her. The identity has rushed to the palace.

Ye Hao had planned to go to see Zhao Wei personally, so she did not care if they found her identity.

Into the city, the smell of the beast has faded a lot, although the purple gas has disappeared, but those monsters still dare not enter the city.

"Zhao Wei is still in the position. In the past few years, her emperor has been fairly good. The people are able to live and work in peace. Why is there no purple gas?" Ye Hao asked confusedly.

"This is inevitable." Lying low, "the purple gas between the underground palace and the underground palace is mutually influential."

The seals of the two underground palaces have completely disappeared, and the purple air of the human continent has followed, and the purple gas of other underground palaces will naturally be affected.

"So, even if we don't come, the Gorefiend in the Qiguodi Palace will still be resurrected." Ye Hao said that it should be that the seal is about to disappear, otherwise there will not be so many monsters around the Imperial City.

I said to myself, "I told you before."

Ye Hao gently beheaded, "I went to the palace to find Zhao Wei."

Her words were just finished, and there was a sharp voice in the sky. They looked up and saw that they were a double-headed beast.

"Double-headed beast?" Fire Phoenix called. "He caught a child."

"Fire, go to save people." Ye Hao immediately said that he was the child from where to catch.

When the fire phoenix heard Ye Hao, he had already flew up to chase the eagle beast.

"Quickly chase!" A group of soldiers suddenly appeared on the street, watching the sculpted beast of the sky.

"Little prince..."

Ye Hao looked at the soldiers from different places. They are chasing the carving beast. Is the carving beast caught... Zhao’s son?

"I went to the palace to find Zhao Wei." Ye Hao said to the lying.

Lying in a dagger, "Let's go, let's take a look around."

The atmosphere of the monster around the Imperial City is too heavy, and the carving of the beast into the city to catch people, this is a bit unusual.

"Oh, I will go with you." White Tiger cried.

Guan Guan took a step to the front and looked at Ye Hao with his eyes. The look was that he was going to follow him.

"Let's go." Ye Hao said helplessly, if you don't bring them into the palace, the white tiger will definitely not follow, and maybe you have to fight.

At this point, the entire palace has been chaotic, Zhao Wei squatting to ask everyone to find the little prince, and to grab the little prince is not an assassin, but a huge eagle beast, although Zhao Wei has not seen the demon before Beast, but she knows that the carving is the monster that is circulated outside.

"Are you finding a little emperor?" Zhao Wei saw Zhao Xiang coming over and immediately grabbed her and asked.

Zhao Xiang shook his head. "No, your majesty, don't be nervous, we will definitely find the little emperor."

"That is a monster..." Zhao Wei's face was pale. She almost stood back unsteadily. If someone else took her son, she might have some hope, but it was a monster. She didn't even dare to think about whether her son had already been eaten.

no no! Zhao Wei shook her head in horror, she did not dare to think about it.

"The emperor..." Zhao Xiang did not know how to comfort Zhao Rong, she could not say comfort, afraid of giving hope and only despair.

Zhao Yan covered his face with his hands. "What should I do?"

This is the only child that Cheng Hao left for her. If she lost her son, then life would be meaningless.

"The emperor, there is a request for Lu Hao outside the palace gate." The palace man ran in and told Zhao that everyone in the palace knew that Zhao Wei’s most hated person was Lu Hao.

Zhao Wei suddenly stood up, "Lu Yan?"

“How could she be in the Imperial City?” Zhao Xiang asked in a strange way. She sent people out to inquire about the news. So far, I haven’t heard back yet.

“Is she taking the emperor?” Zhao Wei asked. “Maybe the sculpture was sent by her!”

Zhao Xiang feels that Zhao Wei has been in a state of madness. Where does Lu Hao come to control a monster to catch people?

"The emperor, it is better to go to see Lu Hao first, see what she is doing." Zhao Xiang said, in the current state of Zhao Wei, to see Lu Hao certainly can not speak.

"No, I will go by myself." Zhao Wei shook his head. "Let Lu Hao come in."

Zhao Xiang helped her to sit down. "If Ye Hao lets the monster to grab the emperor, the emperor must be safe. Your Majesty, you must calm down first."

"Hey calm! Very calm!" Zhao Yan took a deep breath. "Let all the soldiers go to the emperor? Anyway, find it."

"I have ordered to find it." Zhao Xiang said.

Ye Hao had expected that Zhao Wei would definitely meet her. When she entered the palace, she saw that there were flustered palacemen and soldiers everywhere. She determined that the child captured by the eagle beast was the son of Zhao Wei.

There is only one emperor in Qi.

When I came to the main hall of the Qing Palace, I saw Zhao Yan, who was pale and pale, and Ye Hao gave a hand, "I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Is it you?" Zhao Yu looked gloomy as if Ye Hao, who would not change if he was too young, showed deep hatred.

Ye said a little, "What am I?"

"It's you who took my emperor!" Zhao said, pointing at Ye Hao. "Is it?"

"I just arrived at the Imperial City. I haven't had time to catch your son. I just entered the city. I saw a singer and a child. It should be your child." Ye Hao picked up his eyebrows, but did not expect Zhao Wei to think that It was she who took the little prince.

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