After all, the fire phoenix is ​​the king of a hundred birds. Even if it is a sacred beast, nothing can be considered in front of the fire phoenix. When I was going to swallow the little prince who had caught it, the eagle beast felt a powerful spiritual power. .

Actually it is a fire phoenix.

"Give the child to me." Fire Phoenix stepped on the back of the eagle, and said something impatiently.

The eagle did not hesitate to release the mouth and put the child on the ground.

The little prince has passed out and looks calm.

The fire phoenix jumped down and put the child in his hand. "You are not afraid to go into the palace to catch people. You are really good at starting with such a small child."

The eagle-eyed gaze greedily looked at the little prince who was hugged in the hands of the fire phoenix. He swallowed and swallowed. "The phoenix is ​​very hungry."

"That can't eat a child." The fire phoenix screamed, and he moved his nose, so sweet! What is the smell?

"I don't want to eat children, it is this... The blood of this prince is too tempting. Even if I don't eat it, he will be eaten by other monsters sooner or later." The eagle said with a smile, "Don't you smell it?" The blood of this child is unusual."

The fire phoenix scented with the little prince, and the scent was indeed uploaded from the child. A mortal actually had blood filled with spiritual power. It is no wonder that the spirits outside the Imperial City are so strong that they are not all going to eat this. Child?

"Scared, you dare to grab the little prince first!" Suddenly, a big bang came from afar.

The sculpt was scared, "Fire Phoenix, this child will be returned to you, you have to save me."

Fire Phoenix picked an eyebrow. "Who is here?"

"Hand over the child!" The words of the fire phoenix were just finished, and a lightning-like black panther appeared in front of them.

"Leopard brother, the child is here, I have not swallowed it." The singer called the little prince.

The black panther looked at the fire phoenix and slammed it. "Ling...the beast is burning?"

"Want to grab?" Fire Phoenix asked with a smile.

"No, don't dare!" The Panther stepped back a few steps and glanced at the singer.

The eagle beast hides behind the fire phoenix.

"Don't dare to be good." The fire phoenix nodded, and when he was about to leave, the surrounding area suddenly moved for a while.

In a short while, dozens of monsters appeared.

"Fire Phoenix, this child is what we first look at." A three-headed tiger called.

"You look at it first, I can't take it away?" Fire Phoenix asked with an eyebrow.

The three-headed tiger stared at the little prince in the arms of Huohuang. "We have kept it for so long. It’s not good for Huo Huang to take it away."

"Oh." Fire Phoenix nodded. "Not so good, what?" Bite me."

"..." All the monsters are daring to scream at the fire phoenix.

Fire Phoenix glanced at them. "This is the emperor of the mainland. You dare to think about it. Are you tired?"

"The blood of this child is a rare blood on the mainland. Whoever eats can improve the cultivation. Anyway, the big monster will soon rule the world. We eat a mortal child." I don't know who whispered.

"When the big monsters rule the world, I don't know, but now that Xiaoye is here, you just want to eat a mortal." Fire Phoenix said faintly, "Yes, do you want to compete with me?"

The throat of the three-headed tiger makes a squeaky voice, hesitating in temptation and adventure.

"Let's go together, he won't necessarily win us." The black panther called.

"Okay, okay." Fire Phoenix hooked their fingers, "Come."

Too embarrassing!

"Don't be impulsive! This fire phoenix has been with the big Gorefiend." The monsters whispered to remind the three tigers.

Fire Phoenix heard furious, "I want to fight, I still need Gorefiend to help?"

Other monsters only remembered this, just outside the city to see the fire phoenix in addition to the Gorefiend, as well as the spirit beast white tiger.

It was all ancient Gorefiends and spirit beasts, and one hundred of them were not enough for them to see.

"Go!" The three tigers bite their teeth and can only bear the pain of abandoning the fat that has already reached their mouth.

The other monsters also left blankly.

Fire Phoenix looked down at the little emperor, and he touched it, making sure that the child was still alive, and he was holding the city.

Just arrived in the Imperial City, the fire phoenix encountered their lying.

"Fire Phoenix, show me the children in your hands." Van Gogh saw the fire phoenix and immediately looked at the child in his arms.

"What do you want?" Fire Phoenix glanced at her. "Do you want to eat this child too?"

Van Gogh rolled his eyes. "What are you talking about? I just want to see if this child has anything special, so that so many monsters want to eat him."

"You already know it." Fire Phoenix snorted. "The blood on this child has spiritual power, so for the monster, the whole body exudes aroma."

"How can a mortal blood have spiritual power?" asked the taboo.

Fire Phoenix said, "When he was not born, he saved him."

At that time, Zhao Wei almost made a small production. If it were not Ye Ling’s Lingquan and elixir, there would be this child.

"It turned out to be because of Xiao Ling's Lingquan." Van Gogh nodded, then I can understand why those monsters want to eat this child.

"Take the child back to the palace."

Fire Phoenix frowned, "What?"

"Into the palace." Vatican said, "Let's go find a small donkey."

"No, she is coming," said the layman. He looked at Ye Hao and the white tiger and they came back.

Huo Huang took the little emperor in the past. "Hey, look, I will save this little boy."

His words just shouted, and the little prince who was sleeping in the morning woke up, staring at the surroundings with a pair of dripping eyes, and suddenly wowed.

"The eagle animal did not eat him?" Bai Hu asked strangely.

"Little Master arrived in time to save." Fire Phoenix said proudly, "Are you going to the palace to find Zhao Wei?"

Ye Hao frowned and took the child over and checked whether there was any wound on his body. Except for some bruises on his arm, he found no other injuries. It seemed to be scared.

"Looking, I am busy looking for my son, I have no intention to talk." Ye Hao whispered, "First send the child back to him."

He said, "His blood has the scent of Lingquan. If you don't remove it first, there are still monsters who look at him."

"Yeah, hey, the monsters near the Imperial City want to eat him." Huo Huang said.

Ye Hao thought for a moment. "Let's find a place to settle."

If you send the child back in this way, you will be taken away in a few days, and you will not be able to save it when you want to save.

"We saved Zhao's child, should she stop fighting?" asked Fire Phoenix.

Ye Hao shook his head, "not necessarily."

However, she will not take this child to threaten Zhao Wei, stop fighting, that is her business.

She believes that Mingxi will not be defeated by Song Hongjun.

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