Zhao Wei feels unprecedented despair.

When she lost Cheng Hao, she felt that the sky would fall down. Cheng Hao was her day and her future. At that time, she felt that her life had never looked forward to it. Only hatred supported her step by step. .

If she didn't find a child later, she didn't know what she would be like.

The son has replaced Cheng Hao and has become the only color in her life.

"Your Majesty, you drink your mouth." Zhao Xiang poured a glass of water, came to Zhao Wei's side, worriedly watching her pale face, only half a day passed, Zhao Wei seems to be falling.

"Let's put it down." Zhao Wei whispered, this sentence seems to have exhausted her strength, and after that she feels exhausted.

Zhao Xiang said softly, "You must be strong, and the little prince is very big and will come back."

"Do you think you can still come back alive?" Zhao Wei whispered. "That is a monster...it will eat people."

"I was also the first time I saw the monster." Zhao Xiang flashed a sorrow in her eyes. She felt that the little prince was too fierce, but she did not dare to say it.

Zhao Wei is coveted, and the apex seems to have thousands of needles in it, so she feels uncomfortable even breathing.

"Maybe... Lu Hao really can save the little prince." Zhao Xiang said, Lu Hao can disappear from the air, what else can not be done.

"If the emperor falls on her hand, do you think... is there a difference in the hands of the demon?" Zhao Wei sneered and asked.

Zhao Xiang said, "At least the emperor can still be alive, Lu Hao will definitely talk to us about conditions."

“Is she a human or a ghost?” Zhao Wei whispered. “She is...”

"Whether it is a ghost, we don't have to be afraid of her." Zhao Xiang said.

Zhao Yan’s mouth moved a bit and closed his eyes and stopped talking.

"The emperor, the emperor!" There was a palace man who shouted loudly outside.

"Shut up, noisy!" Zhao Xiang shouted, "What?"

The palace man gasped. "Zhuang Daren sent people to see that the little prince was rescued...".

Zhao Wei stood up fiercely. "Is the emperor still alive?"

"Alive! The little prince has been crying all the time." The palaceman shouted.

"What about people? Did Zhuang Dar brought the little emperor back?" Zhao Xiang asked immediately.

The palace man shook his head. "I said that I was held by a woman who came to the palace today."

Zhao Wei and Zhao Xiang looked at each other and Lu Yan really saved the emperor back.

"Where is Zhuang Daren?" Zhao asked.

"The people who came to talk said that Zhuang adults have been following the little emperor..." said the palace man.

Zhao Yan took a deep breath and said, "Go to Lu Hao."



Ye Hao, they found a hotel to live in. She gave a careful diagnosis to the little prince. The blood of this child was indeed affected by her original Lingquan. It is not difficult to eliminate. If it is not eliminated, let him This way back to the palace, in less than two days, it is sure to attract the monster to catch him.

"You want to save Zhao's son." Fire Phoenix sat down beside Ye Hao and watched her eliminate the spiritual power of the little emperor.

The little prince cried, and Ye Hao gave him a bowl of meat porridge. He was already quiet, lying in bed and staring at Ye Hao, but he was not afraid at all.

A faint glow shrouded the little prince, and his blood taste gradually disappeared.

"Otherwise? Look at him being eaten by the monster?" Ye Hao asked, this child is like a group, innocent, full of trust in her, she looked like it, no matter who the son, She couldn't bear to watch being eaten.

Fire Phoenix snorted. "Even if you save him, Zhao Wei will not appreciate you."

Ye Hao looked at him. "When you brought this child back, did you think that Zhao Wei would appreciate you?"

"I am not grateful for her, you let me save." Fire Phoenix said, he is not rare Zhao Zhao's gratitude.

"But you can't bear to watch him being eaten by the sculpt." Ye Yan said with a smile.

The fire phoenix smashed and did not speak again.

Ye Hao coveted the little prince. "This child looks like Cheng Hao."

"Oh..." The little prince heard the familiar name and whispered the exit.

"Afraid?" Ye Hao gently stroked the little prince's hair. "Is it just a nightmare?"

Nightmare? The little prince blinked. "I am dreaming?"

“Did you dream of a big bird?” Ye Hao said with a smile. “Don’t be afraid, the dream is not true.”

The little prince showed a happy and innocent smile, "Hmm."

"The fragrance disappeared." Fire Phoenix said, in this way, those monsters will not stare at him. If Zhao Wei knows what Ye Hao did for her son, it should be grateful to Dade, don't see the leaves every time. You are all arrogant and arrogant, and you can’t wait for the bones to rise.

Ye Hao put away the light and picked up the little prince. "Okay."

"Thinking about the mother." The little prince whispered.

"You should come back to pick you up soon after your mother." Ye Hao said with a smile, there are so many soldiers hiding outside the inn, not all for this little guy.

The little prince came to him soon after hearing his mother, and he was very happy with his eyebrows.

As I said, there was a tidy footstep under the inn.

coming! Ye Hao smiled lightly and let the fire phoenix hold the little prince. "Let's go, your mother should arrive."

Huo Huang’s heart was reluctant to hold the little emperor. He grinned and said, “It’s cheap Zhao.”

"Lu Yan, come out!" Just arrived at the door, Zhao Yu's voice was passed.

"Nothing, I can hear it!" Ye Hao walked down the stairs slowly, looking at the inn that had been surrounded by soldiers. They were standing silently in the hallway, as if they were watching a movie.

Zhao Yan glared at her, "Lu Hao, the emperor's emperor?"

"In any case, I will save your son for you. I didn't expect you to be grateful to Dade. However, your attitude is not right." Ye Hao said faintly, she did not think that she would be grateful to Zhao, she killed. The envy of the enemy is not to wear the sky, but Zhao Yu is like this, it seems that she took her son, this is not right.

"All said that don't save her son." Fire Phoenix screamed at the little emperor, and suddenly threw the little prince out.

"No..." Zhao Wei screamed and watched the fire phoenix throw her son out on the second floor.

When the little prince was thrown into the air, the fire phoenix suddenly hugged him back, looking disdainfully at Zhao’s frightened expression.

"I will be rude to our wife, I can teach you how to behave." Huo Huang said with a smile.

The little prince was not afraid, giggling in the arms of the fire phoenix.

Zhao Wei was scared to the back of the cold sweat, she took a deep breath, and she was relieved for a long time.

"Fire, don't scare her." Ye Hao said helplessly, "Return the child to her."

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