Zhao Wei was frightened and pale, his eyes fixed on the child in the hands of the fire phoenix, for fear that he would throw the child out again. If he couldn't take it, her son would be killed.

"Mother, mother!" The little prince found Zhao's figure and waved his hand happily.

"The emperor..." Zhao said, eager to bring his child back.

The fire phoenix jumped down with the little prince, and it just fell in front of Zhao Wei. "If you are not a sly, you will not see your son."

Zhao Wei hurriedly took the son over and looked at him carefully to make sure that he was relieved without injury. She held her son in her arms tightly, "Imperial!"

"After the mother, I just had a nightmare." The little prince said with a milky voice, "I dreamed that I was taken away by a big bird."

Nightmare? Zhao stunned and looked at his son in amazement. "You...do you have a nightmare?"

"Yeah." The little emperor nodded. "But I am fine."

Zhao Yuqiang pulled out a smile and touched his son's head. "Yes, it's just a nightmare. It's okay to wake up."

"Your Majesty, give me your Highness." Zhao Xiang whispered, took the little prince from Zhao Wei's arms.

The little emperor squatted on Zhao Xiang’s shoulder, his eyes looked around in confusion and looked at Ye Hao.

"Lu Hao, what are your conditions?" Zhao Wei asked coldly. She did not believe that Lu Hao would be so kind to save her children. It must have a purpose.

Ye Hao looked at the soldiers behind Zhao Wei. "Do you see the monsters? If there are many such monsters today, you think that revenge is important, or you will protect your people from the monsters." important."

"It turns out that you are trying to get rid of your life and not let Song Hongjun attack Ningguo." Zhao Wei sneered. "That is impossible."

"Revenge is more important to you than the defending country?" Ye Hao asked faintly.

Zhao Wei looked at Ye Xie coldly. "Killing you is more important than anything."

"Then you don't want to take revenge in your life, you can't kill me." Ye Hao smiled. "I don't want to die so fast, so I can only grieve you. This hatred will be stunned."

"Can't kill you, as long as you can kill your children, I am revenge." Zhao said.

Ye Hao looked up and looked at Zhao Wei, his eyes calm and pity. "Do you really think that Ming Yu and Ming Xi can be killed by you so easily? Forget it, I am not coming to tell you about it."

"I knew that I wouldn't save her son." Fire Phoenix didn't say so well, it was really good to have no good news. "If it weren't for you, your son would be caught by the monsters sooner or later."

"Who knows if you took my son away!" Zhao said, still doubtful about Ye Hao.

Never call a person who sleeps forever.

Ye Hao said, "What do you think about it? If you want to kill me here, then do it, or you will roll."

"I won't kill you today." Zhao said, "You are waiting for me to kill your children."

"Zhao Wei, you don't want to ask me for your son next time." Ye Hao said with a smile. "And, tell you something, I will enter the palace tomorrow, your palace... I want to I have to find something."

"What do you think of our palace in Qi State? If you want to come, do you want to go and leave?" Zhao asked with anger.

Ye Hao smiled a little, "Yeah."

When I heard Ye Hao’s straightforward answer, Zhao Wei was even more angry with what it was like.

"Okay, my words have already been finished, I have nothing to say to you." Ye Hao waved his hand. "If you want to kill me, then come over, or you will roll quickly."

If I didn't see Ye Hao disappearing out of thin air, if it wasn't for her, she would just save the emperor. Zhao Wei absolutely wants to pour the power of the whole country to kill the enemy here.

Do not! She wants to see Lu Hao lose her loved ones more than she killed Lu Yan.

Only Lu Yan was more painful than her, she was able to let go of the hatred in her heart.

"Go!" Zhao Wei looked at Ye Hao and ordered to leave the inn.

"She actually wants to kill Mingxi." Fire Phoenix sneered at it, not self-reliant.

Ye Hao looked up and looked at her.

Lying in a slight smile, came to Ye Hao, "Go into the palace tomorrow."

"Can you determine the specific location of the palace?" Ye Hao asked, the palace is so big, if you don't know the specific location, it is not so easy to find.

Especially here is Qi Guo, Zhao Wei will definitely be waiting.

"Be able to determine." Qiguo Palace has almost no purple gas protection, the atmosphere of the underground palace is very obvious, it is easy to find.

I beheaded, "That's good, I hope that people in the underground palace should be jealous."

There are too many monsters near the Imperial City. Although they have not disturbed the lives of the people, it is also scary to concentrate on them.

"It's not easy to determine now," said the layman.

Ye Hao nodded. "It's not early, rest."



Zhao Wei took the little emperor back to the palace and stayed with her son. She wanted to ask what happened after her son was arrested, and she was afraid to ask her son to remember the fear of being caught.

She doesn't want her son to discover that she is not dreaming.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness sleeps." Zhao Xiang whispered.

"How did Lu Hao do it?" Zhao Wei whispered. "The soldiers of the entire Emperor City can't find it, but she found the emperor."

Zhao Xiang looked at Zhao Wei. "Maybe, she really is not like us."

"What's different, isn't she a human?" Zhao Wei asked unwillingly, "Xianger, I am afraid... I am afraid that I will not be able to take revenge for the rest of my life."

In fact, what hatred is still not allowed? Honestly, if it’s not Lu Hao, the little prince may not even have a chance to be born.

"Your Majesty, even if this is the case, Cheng Daren will not blame you in the Spirit of Heaven. He must only want you to have a good life." Zhao Xiang comforted, she actually wants to persuade Zhao Wei to let go, the obsession is too deep, but instead I am not doing well.

"What is Lu Lu going to come to the palace?" Zhao said, frowning. "Do you know?"

Zhao Xiang said, "That's hard to say, what can we have in our palace?"

"Lu Hao, this person..." Zhao Wei wanted to evaluate Ye Hao, but found that he did not know where to start. "I don't seem to see Murong Chan today. Isn't he always inseparable from Ye Hao?"

"It seems that I didn't see it." Zhao Xiang was reminded to remember this matter. "I am going to check it out."

"Mo Rong Zhan should not be in Ningguo. If he is there, it is him who is sending troops, not Mo Mingxi." Zhao Wei said, "Check what they are doing recently."

Zhao Xiang should have come down, "Yes."

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