Bai Yi’s slender and charming eyes are cold. “I have no difference with the past and what is wrong? You have been sleeping for tens of thousands of years, have you forgotten the previous hatred, what she has done, you can’t remember Is it? If it weren't for her, would you be sealed? If it weren't for her, would Wentian be destroyed?"

"It’s not a matter of small things." The restless voice said, "The war with God in nine days, even if there is no small flaw, will happen."

"But it won't die if you smell it." Bai said, "She is your sister. You are naturally helping her. How many of you? Bunching away, you used to drive her out of the mainland, how is it now? Come with her, and you two, who are going to be married, but the result is because they have been separated for so many years, do you have a little resentment in your heart?"

Vatican frowned and said, "White, small is innocent, we all know that it is not her fault."

"Not her fault?" Bai Yi chuckled. "You are very kind to her."

"You are trying to deal with me, so I set up the illusion here?" Ye Hao will just see the vibration caused by that scene in her heart, she frowned at the white, Baiyi hated her because Smell the sky?

But she clearly saw that Wen Tian was with her.

Bai Yi snorted. "What do you count, who rarely deals with you."

She really didn't know that Ye Hao was a small sister. Since she was arrested by Wen Tian and the Shao Emperor, she was sent back to Qingqiu. She has been re-cultivating for so many years, and she will eventually cultivate Jindan. Two thousand years ago, she went to the ridiculous **** to know what happened in Wentian. This time, she appeared in the ridiculous **** and she came to the mainland.

She not only hates Xiaoyan, she also hates to hear the sky.

It can be said that Wen Tian can no longer be resurrected, but she feels very sad and desperate. She had already planned to return to Qingqiu.

Until she heard that the ancient blood magic was resurrected, she only saw hope again.

But there has been no news of the news, only recently that he may not be able to resurrect.

Hate to hate, my heart still remembers him.

"What do you mean by those you show me?" Ye Hao asked. "Is that true, or did you make it?"

"Oh, what do you see?" asked the child. "No matter what you see, don't believe it."

Vatican followed and said, "Yes, she is not good, don't believe her."

Bai Yi smiled lightly. "I have shown you all that happened. Can you not think of it at all?"

Ye Hao really can't think of it. Those strange scenes, strangers, seem to have nothing to do with her, but when she saw the girl who looked exactly like her, her heart seemed to be shackled.

It seems to be similar, as if the girl is her.

"I can't think of it." Ye Hao said decisively.

"There is nothing to say." Bai said, "Oh, you will think of it sooner or later, I am waiting for you to see your painful look."

Ye Hao frowned and looked at her. "What about the people here?"

"They certainly live well, and they are willing to listen to me." Bai said, "In my place, I can protect them, don't believe you to ask."

Saying, Bai Yi’s hand waved, and everything that they saw before disappeared, and it turned into a lively street with a Chinese lantern.

There are not only people on the street, but also monsters.

It is actually a happy scene, and the people do not seem to be afraid of those monsters.

"Seeing no, I can also let the beast and the mortal get along with each other." Bai said, "Wen Tian said that I can't do it, I have to make him look."

Ye Hao looked at this scene with amazement. She did not think that Bai Yi could do all this.

"Sleeping..." Ye Hao whispered to him. "Is this true?"

"It's true." Lying said that this is indeed not a fantasy.

Ye Hao looked at the white tiger, seeing the white tiger also nodded gently, she was sure that her eyes were right.

"White, this is not like you." Vatican said with a smile, "If you do this, you won't think that after we return, will you look at you?"

"Can he still come back?" Bai said.

"Who knows," said Vatican.

Taboo suddenly asked, "What about the ring? Who protects him?"

"He is not always in the inn..." Huo Huang turned back and pointed at the inn, only to find that their original inn was gone.

"White, the ring is still in your illusion, let him out." Lying calmly said.

"Who is the guard?" Bai Yi looked puzzledly, except for Xiao Yan, these bloodsuckers actually care about the lives of others.

The beam stepped away from the front and shouted gloomyly. "I will release the ring immediately."

"Guan Guan is just a mortal. It will be dangerous to be in your fantasy for too long, let him out." Ye Hao said.

Bai Yi laughed. "The mortal who can make you care so much, I am a bit curious about who he really is. After I have seen it, I want to want to return it to you."

"White!" The sound of lying is cold.

"You are not going to spend the night here? Just find a hotel to stay, if you don't give up, you can go to my house for one night." Bai Yi said with a smile, her words just finished, people have disappeared.

"Stop!" Ye Hao cried, but he could not see the white.

"You go to the inn first, and I am leaving to find the white." They said to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao said, "I will go with you."

"No, you go, Bai Yi will not let go." The layman said, "You and Van Gogh are here."

Van Gogh nodded. "Yeah, Xiao Yan, we will wait here, and the squatting and the shackles will bring back the shackles."

"Then you be careful." Ye Hao said.

They looked at Vatican and looked at them, and they left to find the big house where they lived.

"Vatican, what was the relationship between Xiaoyan and Wentian before?" Ye Hao whispered. "Is it true that Wentian killed Xiaoxi's father?"

“No!” Vatican blurted out. “Small, just what did you want to see?”

Ye Haoxiu slightly stunned, "I saw a girl who looks exactly like me, and... smells."

The look of Vatican has changed. "Do you see the Lord?"

"I don't see him, although it appears, but I can't see him." Ye Hao said, "He and Xiao Yan... later became an enemy?"

"No, the Lord has never treated Xiao Xiao as an enemy, and Xiao Yan will not treat the Lord like that." Vatican whispered, "Everything is a misunderstanding."

Ye Hao looked at Vatican curiously, waiting for her to continue.

"Xiao Xiao, now I can't tell you, my big brother said, if you think about it, it is your fate with the Lord. If you can't think of it... just like this, you are so good." Smiled.

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