Bai Yi returned to her place, and immediately two nieces came forward to serve her. She also forgot the secrets in the illusion, and she bathed and changed clothes comfortably. She had eaten the meal from the niece and was planning to take a break. At that time, the voice of the prostitute came from outside, saying that two people came from outside the house.

"Two people?" Bai Yi slightly raised his eyebrows, his hand waved, and there was a picture in front of the big house in front of him. "Sleeping and beaming away?"

Bai Yi remembered that there was still a mortal hidden in her illusion.

They are so concerned about an ordinary mortal, this makes her feel very curious, what kind of mortal people make them so nervous, have to be so anxious to find someone.

"You don't have to let them in." Bai said, waiting for her to see who is the person who shuts the ring.

She reopened the illusion, and she found that a man stood outside the inn and looked around. She hadn't seen him yet, and she felt that this person was really staying.

When Bai Yi went over and was about to talk, Guan Guan looked back and looked at Bai Yi with a sigh of relief.

"Have you seen it?" After waiting for most of the day, he finally found someone coming, and immediately asked him, he could not find it.

"..." Bai was shocked to see the ring, not confident that she would see him here.

The warning is like the shock of not seeing the white, he only wants to find Ye Hao, "What?"

"It's you! It's actually you!" Bai yelled, his hands firmly grasping the shoulders of Guanuan, and the eyes couldn't help but redden. This is her familiar face, her handsome face that she has been cherishing for thousands of years. She doesn't Will admit mistakes.

It turned out that he is still alive.

"Who are you?" Guan Guan frowned and pushed the white away.

Bai Yi squinted his eyes. "You don't remember me? You don't remember me?"

"Hey, hey!" Guan Jie felt that this woman was inexplicable, no longer asked her about the whereabouts of Ye Hao, and turned and left.

"Stand up!" Bai Yi took the hand of Guan Guan. "She is so right to you, how can you still forget her?"

Turn off the white hand, "I don't know you, don't touch me."

Bai Yi heard this, a pain in his heart, tears in his eyes, "Shen Tian!"

"My name is off!" cried the door. "You have mistaken people."

"I will not admit mistakes when you turn into ash." Bai said, how could she admit the wrong person, she loved him for so many years.

The door said impatiently, "I am not the person you are looking for."

"You are!" The white hand slammed, and the hand holding the ring refused to let go.

"Let's let go!" Guanyin wants to open the white hand, but finds that he can't open it. His strength is actually not comparable to a woman.

The door was very surprised. He knew that the martial arts were very powerful and could not be compared to a woman.

Bai Yi cried in the arms of the Guantuan, and finally calmed down. She looked at the ring that wanted to rush to get rid of her. Then I felt that something was wrong.

wrong! He said that he is a guard! He is just a mortal.

Bai Yi finally calmed down, remembering that they were not right, and there was a reaction from Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan... I don’t know if it’s a good day?

"You!" Bai Yi reached out and touched the face of Guan Guan. It was indeed different... This handsome face is a little deeper than Wen Tian. His eyes are still deep and dark, but not so sharp. Gloomy, but pure and clean like a child, it is impossible to have such a look.

He is not smelling the sky, and Wen Tian has not really recovered.

"Don't touch me." shouted.

"I want it!" Bai Yi held the face of the ring, "Why do you meet you every time?"

Ten thousand years ago, it was also Xiao Yan who first met the smell of the skin, so Wen Tianxian fell in love with her, and now it is the same, he only knows what to look for.

She wants to stay with him.

"Who are you?" asked Guan.

"I..." White thought for a moment. "I am your former lady, have you forgotten?"

Shrinking the eyebrows, "What is the lady?"

"The lady is..." Bai Yi wants to explain, but feels that I really don't know how to explain it.

This pass is not only a mortal, but also the wisdom has not yet opened.

Bai Yi laughed. "It is someone who will always be with you and have children for you."

"I want to be with you forever." Guan said, turn around and walk away.

"Hey, hey, you know to look for her. If she likes you, she won’t betray you to marry the Emperor." White shouted.

Guan Guan looked at her inexplicably, not knowing who this person is.

Bai Yi took a deep breath. "You are a mortal. You can't be in the fantasy world for too long. Let me take you out first."

I still haven’t waited for the reaction to react. What has changed in front of him, everything has changed. He suddenly appears in a room, not in the former inn and the street. Fortunately, he has already seen Ye’s practice, so he What happened in front of me was not scared.

The gate is going to go outside the door, and Bai Yi hastened to stop him. "Where are you going?"

"Looking for it." Guan said.

Bai Yi pressed down the anger of the heart, and said with a smile, "You go to find her to do something, you are now a mortal, but after you wake up, you will become back to smell, waiting for you to think of everything, You won't want to go to the little one."

She didn't know how Wentian came out of the seal. She didn't know how long he had become a mortal on the mainland after he was mink. She only knew that he couldn't let him go again. He must stay with him.

A thousand years ago, Xiao Yan was not because he had saved the smell of the skin after he had just licked his skin. He didn’t know that he was close to him, so that Wen Tian would put her in her heart?

This time she wants to gossip about the day and still knows nothing to stay with him.

Guan Guan frowning and looking at the white, feeling incomprehensible to this strange woman, "I am not smelling."

"You are!" Bai said decisively, "it's just that you haven't woken up yet."

"..." Guan Jie calmed his face and did not speak.

At this time, the voice of the prostitute came out in a hurry. "Miss, the people outside came in."

The white twilight was cold, she almost forgot, and she was still outside.

"Exactly, I have something to ask them." Bai said coldly, turned and went out.

Lying and beaming just broke the enchantment and appeared in the white house.

"White, shut the ring?" asked the whisper.

"He is smelling the sky, right?" Bai Yi looked cold and looked at him. "How could he become what it is today?"

I have long expected that Bai Yi will find out that he said faintly, "I don't tell anyone to do anything, you want to know why he is what he is today, and ask him in the future."

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