Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 2395: Obsessed with obscurity

There is already a monster in the Imperial City. Although there is no wounding, it is indeed a monster that enters the city, and it swayes to occupy the mortal place. It is like a mortal living, like a bully, what to eat and what is directly Take it and leave.

The mortal did not dare to go to the newspaper, everyone knows that the newspaper officer is useless, and can only endure fear and let the monsters plunder.

They have no other requirements, just ask the monsters not to hurt them.

Zhao Xiang knows this thing today. Although there are not many monsters in the city, if you continue, the Imperial City will only be occupied by the monsters.

She told Zhao Wei about this incident. "Your Majesty, Song General said it is not bad. Now it is really a monster outside."

"So, you have to come to exhort, don't attack Ningguo, is it?" Zhao asked coldly.

Zhao Xiang nodded. "Yes, the emperor, please take back the will. Don't attack Ningguo at this time. The strength of our country should be to protect the people..."

"Protect the people?" Zhao Wei’s voice sharply interrupted Zhao Xiang’s words. “Isn’t that Cheng’s enmity not reported? If I want to let Lu Hao go, it’s impossible!”

"It's not not revenge. It's not too late for a gentleman to revenge. If Qi is not there, then it is even more impossible to take revenge." Zhao Xiang said that she knew the pain of Zhao Wei in the past two years. She didn't think she loved Cheng Hao before. Deep, now I know that Zhao Wei is engraving Cheng Hao into the bones.

Zhao Wei called. "I can't wait for ten years. Now is the opportunity for revenge."

"Now is not the time for revenge." Zhao Xiang replied sternly. "Can you be awake, Cheng Hao is already dead, he can't come back, this Qi country is his fight for you, you don't guard for him. You only think about revenge, do you think it makes sense? Do you think you can really kill Lu Hao? You didn’t see the scene that day, Lu Yan is not what we can deal with."

Zhao Xiang’s words poked the pain in Zhao’s heart.

Yes, she just because she saw that Ye Hao could disappear from the air, she could go out of the palace without a ghost, so she felt desperate. She knew that it was increasingly impossible to take revenge, but she was not willing, but she was not willing to let go of Lu Hao. I am not willing to be killed.

What can you do if you are not willing? She also doesn't want to start with two children, but only in this way can Lu Yan feel the pain.

"Can't kill Lu Yan, then kill her child." Zhao Wei whispered.

"Emperor!" Zhao Xiang added a tone. "At this time, how can you still obsess, and when your Highness is taken away by the monsters, don't you feel scared? You think about the people outside, they live in dire straits every day. They are more afraid of the monster than we can imagine. You are the emperor of Qi, you must protect them."

Zhao Xin rubbed her face with her hands. She didn't want to be an emperor. She didn't want to protect anyone. She only wanted Cheng Hao to be able to come back and be able to be by her side.

"Go on." Zhao Wei said that she didn't want to listen to anything.

"Emperor!" Zhao Xiang looked at her. Did she say so much that she could not dispel the heart of Zhao Wei who wanted revenge?

They Qi did not have enough troops to deal with Ningguo and Jinguo, and Jinguo could not ignore Ningguo.

Zhao Wei no longer cares about Zhao Xiang and turned to leave the hall.

She walked aimlessly in the palace. Every corner here seems to have a memory of Cheng Hao. In fact, she didn’t know. If there was no ban on Zhao Ning in the first place, no threat to Murong, Lu Hao would definitely not Will kill her.

It’s also for her.

"After the mother." A tender voice came.

When Zhao Hao looked up, she saw her son running towards her. Her face changed and she looked up at the sky, screaming at the palace man behind the little emperor. "Who asked you to bring the little emperor out?"

"The emperor, my Royal Highness must come to you." The palace man hurriedly said, "The slaves have stopped the temple, but your Highness... has been crying..."

The little prince has a pair of red eyes. "After the mother, I don't want to be inside, I want to come out."

Zhao Wei held his son tightly in his arms and walked to the palace next to him, for fear that he would be seen by the monster again. "Hey, listen to the mother, don't go out."

"After the mother, there will be no nightmare." The little prince called. "Brother said, no."

"What brother?" Zhao stunned.

"Golden big bird, become a brother." The little prince's hand waved, the dream of that day was too clear, he can't forget it until now.

Zhao is different. "Do you see the golden bird become a human?"

The little prince nodded. "My brother is very good."

"You..." Zhao Yan took a deep breath, she remembered the boy next to Ye Hao, the son said the boy.

How could the boy be a golden bird?

Zhao Wei hooked his lips and sneered, what is impossible! Lu Hao himself was able to disappear from the air, and she was surrounded by monsters, and there was something strange.

If all the people in the world know that Lu Hao is wearing a monster, what will happen?

"You bring the emperor back, don't let him go out again." Zhao Wei didn't know what to think, and his eyes were full of excitement.

"After the mother, I want to go out, I want to go out." The little prince burst into tears.

Zhao Wei caressed him, "Hey, obedient."

She stood up and went out. She wanted to let Zhao Xiang come to see her. She thought about it and finally did not do it. She called the film guard that Cheng Hao left for her.

"The news is spread out, Lu Hao is holding a monster, and the monsters in this world are all attracted by her. She is the demon woman who is harming the world." Zhao said while he was thinking, thinking about what to do. Let Ye Hao know the name.

She can't kill Lu Yan, so that the people in the whole world can avenge her.

"The emperor, this... I am afraid that no one will believe." The film guard said with amazement, how could those terrible monsters be led by Lu Hao, who would believe that when they went out.

Zhao Wei is cold and cold. "If you say more, you will believe it. Lu Hao has been missing for four years. Who knows where she is going, who knows how she came back alive, how to arrange it, how to arrange it. In short, let her Be the target of public criticism!"

This world's monsters appear inexplicable, just like Lu Hao suddenly became a martial arts master, even Cheng Hao was killed by her, and can also disappear from the air, she is not a fabrication, maybe it is a fact.

She waited and waited to see the time when Lu Hao was hated by the world.

"This matter should not be known by the Second Princess and Song Hongyu." Zhao Wei whispered, "This is the only chance to avenge Cheng Hao."

Those film guards were all cultivated by Cheng Hao. Hearing can avenge Cheng Hao, and all of them looked serious and serious. "Yes, the emperor."

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