Ningguo, Jingzhou military camp.

Ming Xi and his nephew returned to the military camp. They were still thinking about what the black swearers said. For the ridiculous hell... they seem to know too little.

In addition to knowing that the ancient Gorefiend was resurrected, the big monsters may come back and the other know nothing.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?" Ming Xi whispered, and since listening to the black scorpion, she has been silent, as if there are many things.

"I was thinking that the ridiculous **** of **** should not be smelling." The child whispered.

Ming Xi said, "Why do you say this?"

"I heard that Grandpa Black Dragon once mentioned that the python had many subordinates in the past. In addition to the eight Gorefiends, there are other big monsters. The ten monsters led by him almost ruined the nine-day Protoss, so we I will shoot..." The child said, and paused again. "The top ten monsters are even more powerful than the black scorpions we have seen, let alone smelling the sky. In the legend, he has already destroyed the body and destroyed the soul. But the Gorefiend can unlock the seal, only afraid of having a relationship with him, Wen Tian must have been awakened."

"Where is he?" Ming Xi asked.

The look of the nephew is even heavier. "This is what I don't want to understand. Where is Wentian sealed?"

"Don't think so much, you don't think it's bad if you look at it, you might not smell bad." Ming Xi calmed his nephew.

"Then you think the dragon is not right?" The child frowned at Mingxi. If the smell is not bad, how can the dragon seal him? Isn't that the bad dragon?

Mingxi stunned and said with a smile. "I don't mean this. We don't know what happened in ancient times, so it's not good to guess, or wait until we understand it."

"How do you know? The Protoss have not appeared yet, let the Gorefiend resurrection and the demon return to the mainland. What do you mean by the protoss in nine days?" The nephew said with a grin, if they were not lying, they really didn't To hurt mortals, if a few of them are commanding the monsters to make trouble, today's world does not know how to flow into the river.

"Nine-day Protoss may be as if they were lying, they did not put the human continent in their hearts." The mortal in their eyes probably resembled the ants, how they would care about the ants' lives.

My nephew said, "I want to go for nine days."

"How come?" Ming Xi asked.

"Do you go with me?" He looked at Mingxi and asked, she is Bailong. It will not be a problem for nine days. However, although Mingxi has been cultivated, it is not low, but it may not be able to stand for nine days. The spiritual pressure over there.

It is difficult for a mortal without a pedigree to enter nine days.

Mingxi nodded, "I am going with you."

"I still don't want it, I will be back soon." The child smiled sweetly. "You are here to wait for me."

"No, I am still going with you." Ming Xi said, no one knows what the situation is in the past nine days. How can he be assured that he will go alone.

The nephew looked at Mingxi with a distress. "I am afraid that you will not go to nine days."

"How can I know if I haven't been there." Mingxi said with a smile. "When Song Hongyu stops fighting, we will go."

"Okay." He nodded. "What about Mingyu?"

Ming Xi smiled. "With the help of the father's former heart, she will be able to stabilize."

My nephew said, "I have to think about how to go for nine days."

"Go back to the military camp first." Ming Xi said.

Back in the military camp, Tang Yan was waiting for them anxiously, seeing them come back safely, then I was relieved, "You are finally back."

"What's wrong?" Ming Xi saw Tang Yan's face heavy, thinking that something happened.

"It didn't take long before you left, there were monsters in Jingzhou City, and there were countless wounds." Tang Yan said with a deep voice.

Mingxi’s face changed slightly. “How is the people in the city?”

Tang Yan said, "When I came to the army, someone had already killed the monster."

"Will the beast be killed?" Mingxi asked strangely, there are still people who can kill the beast?

"Yes, it’s a woman." Tang said, "I will invite them to the military camp. I will take you to see them."

Ming Xi and his nephews look at each other. They know each other in the mainland where they can easily kill the monsters. Who are they talking about? Which of the sorrowful Gorefiends will not appear in the city?

impossible! If it is a Gorefiend, it should be with them.

"How many people do they have?" Ming Xi asked.

"There are three people, two women and one man." Tang Yu hesitated and said, "They seem to be like you, they are all able to... fly around and change this one."

That is the practitioner! Mingxi’s heart was more curious and stepped up to the camp.

"It's a practitioner!" The nephew whispered to Mingxi, she already felt the pressure from the camp, although not as strong as the city, but it was indeed a practitioner, and she was strange, not what they knew. people.

Ming Xi also felt it. He opened the curtain of the camp and looked at the people inside.

What appeared in his sight were three familiar faces. He seemed to have seen it there, but he could not get up. The only thing that is certain is that they came from Xuantian.

"You..." One of the older women looked at Mingxi with surprise. "Are you Ming Xia? Auntie's child."

Mingxi remembered that they were the people of the Great Sacred. When they were besieged, they were there, but they were always talking to them.

"Great saints?" Ming Xi asked an eyebrow.

"Yes, my name is Ye Muxin, it is the aunt's... I am with your mother and sister. I used to know it in the Xuantian mainland." The young woman standing next to her stood up, she is not someone else, it was Xuantian mainland is the sister of Ye Muxin with Ye Hao.

Mingxi thinks of it, this leafwood heart is in the Xuantian mainland, is his mother's sister or sister.

"I am a scripture, and it is also a great saint." Duan Jingshu said, he pointed to the woman next to him, "This is our uncle."

"Tang Hanyan." The woman reported her name.

"How did you come?" Ming Xi asked in confusion, they had not found a gap in the mainland of Xuantian to the mainland, how they came.

Tang Hanyan whispered, "We are looking for aunts and city owners. Where are they?"

"They are not here," Ming Xi said.

Next to Tang, he asked, "You used to know?"

"I have seen it before." Ming Xi said, he looked at Tang Hanyan, "I remember that there is no gap in Xuantian mainland to come to the mainland."

"There is no such thing." Tang Hanyan said, "It is the elders of the Great Sacred and the Shengzongmen who jointly urged us to send us."

Ming Xi looked up at her, "What happened to Xuantian mainland?"

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