After Ye Hao joined them in Bai Yi, they walked more smoothly along the way. Almost no monsters dared to provoke them. Even where they passed, the monsters would automatically avoid them and would not hurt the people. Although they were gratified, Ye Hao also It is clear that the order before the birth has completely failed. Now, only by finding the demon flag can the people on the mainland be completely protected.

"If you do this, even if you find the Ying and the demon flag, the people are not grateful to you." Bai said lazily, they rushed to Kyoto City, in order to find the answer. The demon flag, want to let the monsters not hurt the people.

She just doesn't understand, this little cockroach hasn't changed at all. What happened more than 10,000 years ago, after the reincarnation, is still the same. What is she doing, thinking that she can get everyone's gratitude?

Ye Hao said faintly, "I don't need their gratitude."

“What do you want?” Bai said. “What good is it for you?”

“Is it necessary to do this?” Ye Hao looked at Baiyi. “Before you didn’t show up, the mortal life was a peaceful and peaceful day. It’s not here.”

Bai Yi chuckled and said, "Here, it has always been our place. Without the words of the sky, the mainland has long been ruined by the Protoss."

"That was the previous thing." Ye Hao said that the human continent is now a place of mortal.

"Oh, you really haven't changed at all. I always like to do these things that are thankless. I can never remember the lesson. You can watch it. Maybe the mortals will not be grateful to you, but will blame you." ""

Ye Hao heard this and seemed to mean something. "Why should you blame me?"

"Because this is the virtue of mortals, they are used to bullying and fearing evil." Bai sneered and said, "You really don't have long-term memory. You protect mortals. They won't treat you as a bodhisattva. They will only treat you as a fool. ”

"Are you not trying to be a fool?" Vatican asked in a hurry. "Are you not learning to protect a mortal?"

Bai Yi said, "I am not learning her."

"Oh, you are to honor the Lord, but unfortunately, even if you learn how to learn Xiaoyan, it is useless." Vatican said.

"You want to talk more." Bai Yi took the Vatican.

Van Gogh said with Ye Hao’s shoulder, “Don’t care about the stinky fox, she doesn’t believe anything.”

“Is Xiaoyi used to be misunderstood?” Ye Hao whispered, listening to the meaning of the white words. Xiaoxuan used to protect mortals, and he should not be grateful for mortals.

However, the mortal at that time was different from the present.

"When misunderstandings always have the truth," said the layman. "Things 10,000 years ago are different from the present."

"Big brother is right, Xiao Yan, we do our own thing," said Vatican.

Bai Yi snorted, "You will wait for the emphasis on the same mistakes."

"What do you want to say?" Vatican asked without hesitation.

"No bullying!" The ring is full of whiteness and the eyes are full of hostility.

Bai Yi’s face changed slightly, and his eyes stared straight at the ring.

"Turn off, come back." Fire Phoenix called, afraid that Bai Yi was angry and shut the ring to death.

Although the martial art is strong and strong, his martial arts really do nothing in front of Bai Yi.

"Hey!" Bai Yi snorted and squinted and no longer spoke.

Lying to Ye Hao, he said, "I will soon arrive in Kyoto."

Ye Hao coveted, they arrived in Kyoto, meaning that the last underground palace will open.

The purple gas belonging to Murong Yu is about to disappear. According to their own words, nowadays, apart from Mingyu, no other people have purple.

By the way, my nephew said that Yan Xiaoliu also has purple gas, but Yan Xiaoliu is now being taken away by Van Lo, and I don’t know what it is.

"Is it sure that I will listen to you?" Ye Hao whispered, she is now afraid that after she woke up, she would not use the demon command flag to order the monsters of the human continent. They must not harm the people.

Lying with a smile, "He will."

That's good! Although Ye Xin’s heart can’t be completely relieved, he still has great hopes when he thinks he can get the demon flag.

"The front is Fengqi City, do you want to settle down first?" The beam asked facelessly, but the eyes looked at the ring.

They have been on the road for two days. Although they have food and drink, they should not be able to stand as a mortal.

"It looks like it's going to be a storm. Let's stay in the city for one night." Ye Hao looked at the black sky and felt that it would be heavy rain soon, or take a break.

"Okay," said the layman.

They entered the Fenghuang City, because the Hummer was strange, and immediately attracted many people to look at, everyone's face with curiosity and fear.

"...not like a monster?"

"But they are people, how can they ride monsters?"

There were rumbling voices on both sides of the street. Ye Hao sighed in his heart. Nowadays, mortals seem to know the existence of the monsters. Although they are afraid of fear, they seem to have not screamed and escaped.

I really don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

They lay a blind eye to the mortal arguments, as if they did not hear it, they have been coming to the door of the inn, let Yao Feng and jealousy bring the horse to the back.

"It's really lively here." Bai Yi looked at the streets with great interest. "It's much more fun than the mainland."

"Even if you are busy again, it is not something you can play." Fire Phoenix went to Baiyi's side and made a face to her.

Bai Yi wanted to knock on the head of the fire phoenix, and he was shunned flexibly. He cried, "You dare to bully the beast!"

"Is this a beast that hasn't grown up yet?" Bai Yi snorted. "I'm really scared."

"Oh, have you seen any other fire phoenix?" Fire Phoenix sneered.

Bai Yi looked at him with a low voice and suddenly snorted. "You don't say that I haven't found it yet. You look very like a fire."

"Who is the fire?" asked Fire Phoenix.

Walking in the forefront of the footsteps, even the face of Van Gogh is a bit weird.

"The former fire phoenix beast." Bai said, his eyes have been looking at the fire phoenix. "Your eyes... like a hole in the air."

The face of Huohuang was tight. "Who is the stranger and the hole?"

"One is a fire phoenix, and the other is a white peacock." Bai said, looking at their backs like a smile, "You should not be their child?"

"White!" Looking back at her coldly.

"I just talked casually." Bai Yi waved his hand and smiled into the inn.

The face of the fire phoenix is ​​not very good-looking. The fire phoenix and the white peacock belong to the same beast. Although the white peacock is not as noble as the fire phoenix, it is also a rare beast.

He is a white peacock descent...

"You stand, I have nothing to ask!" Fire Phoenix chased it up.

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