They had a rest in Fenghuang City, and the next day, the day was still not bright, and there was an amazing news on the side of Kyoto City.

Hundreds of monsters headed by feathers and beasts are besieging Kyoto.

"How come!" Ye Hao's face suddenly changed, and asked in shock, "Why do the monsters attack the city of Kyoto, the purple gas of Jinguo has not disappeared, what do they want to do?"

"It is still unclear, because the purple gas of Jinguo is still there, so they have not been able to attack it. If there is no purple gas at this time, Kyoto City has long been..." whispered.

Ye Hao took a deep breath, "We have to rush to Kyoto City as soon as possible."

She really is very uneasy about the situation in Kyoto City at this time. The purple gas of Jin Guo is already disappearing. If the monsters are allowed to enter the city, they still don't know how they will hurt the people in the city.

"Then move it," said the layman.

"What should I do?" Van Gogh looked at the side of the ring, his internal injuries were good, and if it was teleported, it would definitely hurt again.

Standing next to the ring, Bai Yi said with a smile, "It doesn't matter, I can accompany him."

"No, you don't need to be with you." Vatican immediately said, "Let the jealousy and the glory accompany you."

"You are on the same road with us, isn't it just to go to Kyoto City?" Ye Hao looked at Baiyi faintly, and now she can go to Kyoto City with the fastest speed. Why she didn't want to go.

Bai said, "I am trying to help you, don't appreciate it."

"You don't need to help us, let the ring be with you, we are even more uneasy." Vatican said with a politeness, "You are better with us."

"I don't want it." Bai said, "I don't like teleportation, I want to walk slowly."

She has a good chance to get along with the customs. In the past few days, she did not talk to her at all. In his eyes, except for Xiao Xiao or Xiao Xiao, whether he was awakened before or after waking up, he never looked at her. A glance.

Anyway, this time she must smell that she likes her before she wakes up.

"Don't make a noise." Ye Hao didn't want to waste time on this issue. She was more worried about the situation in Kyoto City today. "White Tiger, you follow the warning." She looked at the white, "As for you, whatever you want." ”

Bai Yi picked up his eyebrows and looked at the white tiger behind him. Anyway, she could be with the guard.

"Small cockroaches, feather snakes are sinister and sinister, you have to be careful." White Tiger whispered.

"I know." Ye Hao, said to them, "We will go to Kyoto City first."

I looked at it with a taboo, "You stay."

There is no opinion on jealousy. "We will rush to Kyoto City and join you as soon as possible."

"Okay." Although Ye Hao didn't understand what was left in his life, it should be almost the same as the white tiger guarding it, plus jealousy...

They seem to be particularly concerned about the warning.

"Let's go." The beam has already set up the formation. He looked at the ring and looked at it. In fact, he also wanted to stay, but he knew that he would not agree.

Lying into the battle, I nodded to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao followed and walked in.



Kyoto City.

The people in the city can be seen everywhere, and the people who are worried about it are watching. They are looking up at the sky, fearing that a huge monster will suddenly fall.

Through the city walls, they can also see three tigers with a taller body than the city gate. The tigers in the mountains are already scared. The tiger has three heads, which makes people feel fearful.

Will those monsters come in?

All the people have no confidence, even if their emperor is carrying thousands of soldiers on the wall to resist the beast.

However, how do mortals stop the monster? They will also spurt fire and easily turn the entire Kyoto city into ashes.

"The emperor, there are more and more monsters outside." Song Hao came to Murong's side with a sword in his hand. The monsters have been attacking the wall. If they continue, the wall will collapse.

Murong Yu was wearing armor. He stood on the wall and looked at a middle-aged man in front of him.

He knew that the man was a huge snake before he became a human. He ordered the attack on Kyoto City for the palace of the palace.

"Continue to shoot." Murong said that he did not have the experience of fighting monsters. He did not know how to force them back. He knew that the monsters have not yet broken the walls, not because of the resistance of the soldiers, but by Ye Hao. The purple gas that I once said is guarding this place.

Once the purple gas disappears, Kyoto City loses its protection.

Never let these monsters enter the city!

Murong Yan took a step forward and looked sharply at the middle-aged man under the wall. "This is a place for mortals. What do you want to do?"

"The earth on the earth used to be the site of our monsters, mortals... but the ants are our slaves. If you don't want the blood to flow into the river, then open the gate, we can't kill the city." The feathers of the snakes are cold, even their eyes It reveals chill.

"Impossible! We swear to defend our homeland." Murong sighed and said, "Our mortal is the master of this place, not you!"

When the feather snake heard this, he only showed a sneer. "The purple gas on your body is almost gone. Soon you can't protect this place. Murong Yu, you are not the emperor of Jinguo, but with a hint of purple. Just go to today, why bother to sacrifice for things that don’t belong to you."

"Whether I am the emperor of Jinguo, you want to hurt the people of Jinguo, I will not allow it." Murong said coldly.

Feather snake sneer sneer, "Do not be self-sufficient! Continue to attack the city!"


Thunder and lightning flared up, and the city wall shook around for a while. However, the city wall seemed to have a transparent barrier. The thunder and lightning did not cause much damage, but a crack appeared.

However, the cracks will increase and become larger and larger, and the walls will collapse in the morning and evening.

"The emperor, you can't be here, it's too dangerous." Song said in a low voice, he knew that it was impossible to persuade Murong to leave, but he stood too prominent here.

"If it is Azhan..." Murong closed his eyes. If it was Azhan or Ye Hao, I believe that those monsters would not dare to attack the city.

Song Wei said, "The emperor, if Qin Wangye knows what is happening in Kyoto City, they will definitely come back."

Even if I come back, I am afraid that it will be too late.

Murong Yu looked at the front silently, more and more monsters, they came from purpose, inside the underground palace, what exactly is they want?

"No, the wall is broken!" Suddenly, a scream came over.

The purple gas has disappeared.

Murong saw the feather snake flying into the air and was sneering at him.

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