In the east wall of the city gate, it was hit by a thunderbolt, and the purple air was gradually disappearing over the city of Kyoto, which was invisible to the naked eye, and finally disappeared into the air.

As the wall collapsed, the beast screamed excitedly, sounding through the sky, and scared the people in the city into the house.

"Going into the city, dig the ground three feet to find out the palace, we have to find the demon flag first than the rest of the life!" The feather snake screamed coldly, since the smell is gone, why should they listen to it? Gorefiend?

They are not monsters at all, but they are trained to become Gorefiends with the help of Wentian. Now they are no longer the era of the Lord. They are going to ruin the demon flag, and they will no longer be controlled by any Gorefiend.

The eight Gorefiends have already woken up three, and Ying Ying has not yet appeared. It must be in the underground palace of Jin Guo. They only need to find the demon flag of Ying Ying first. They can’t control them when they are lying. At that time, this human continent The Lord will change people.

What about waiting for the news to come back? He is no longer the former Lord.

"Catch the city wall!" Murong screamed loudly, and definitely could not let the monster enter the wall.

However, can you keep it? Their mortal weapons have no lethal effect on the monsters. If the rain arrows are shot, they will not hurt them. If these monsters really want to rush into the city, the people behind them will definitely suffer.

"Shoulder the city wall!" A generalist stepped forward and stood in the gap of the city wall with red eyes. "Protect the family! Weiguo! Protect our family!"

Behind them, their old parents, their wives and children, can't keep the walls, and their families must become the dead souls of the beasts.

"Shoulder the city wall!"

All the soldiers stood in rows and rows, and they became the meat wall.

"Not self-reliant." Feathers looked at this scene with a sly look. For these mortal resistance, he only felt funny. Did they think that they could block them?

"The emperor..." Song Yu looked at Murong Yu excitedly, moved by the bravery of the soldiers, and also hurt the tragic and fierce face that was about to face.

Murong Yu gripped the sword in his hand and "swears to protect the city."

Everyone followed Murong and shouted, "Swear to protect the city."

The feather snake showed a cruel sneer, and a black air mass appeared in his hand. With a wave of light, the black air mass exploded on the heads of the rows of soldiers, and dozens of people were shaken out and suddenly flesh and blood were blurred.

They have never seen such a scene, they have no ability to resist at all. They used to fight. They can see the hope of victory as long as they unite, but now? There are no more people who have hope.

Looking at the generals who were blown up, the soldiers felt deeply desperate for the first time.

"Emperor, we..." Song Yu’s voice choked, and the monsters simply hated it.

"Don't say anything." Murong's voice was low, and he was trying to restrain the sadness in his heart. "I am going to kill him..."

Song Hao grabbed Murong’s arm. “The emperor, we are not their opponents.”

"That's going to kill." Murong said, pushing Song Sui's hand and walking ahead.

The feather snake did not put Murong in his eyes, and the purple gas disappeared. For their monsters, Kyoto City has not been able to resist their things. As for these mortals, they are not afraid.

The three-headed tiger opened the city gate with a punch, and Murong slammed his sword in both hands and jumped on it, just falling on the back of the three-headed tiger. He stabbed the three-headed tiger with a sword.

"Hey--" The three tigers ate pain, slammed their bodies and gave Murong a smash.

Murong fell to the ground and stood face to face with the three tigers.

"Damn mortal." The three tigers roared and turned into a young man, punching Murong with a punch.

His fists are extremely powerful. Even if Murong Yu has been blocked with a sword, he is still being beaten with a blood, and even the sword in his hand has cracked.

"Don't kill him, he is the emperor of the kingdom." The pre-trial said faintly, the tone was full of ridicule.

Murong Yu stood up and stood up, only to punch, he had no power to fight, let alone other people, no one can block these monsters.

Feather snakes no longer look at Murong Yu, he flew past the city.

Behind him are hundreds of monsters. As soon as they enter the wall, the people inside will become their slaves, and everything will be theirs.

"The Lord is invincible!" The three tigers snorted and bowed down to the feathers.

"Respect the Lord! Respect the Lord!"

The other monsters followed, and they followed the feather snake, and determined that the feather snake would be the new generation of the Lord.

Wen Tian will not come back again, they are counting on the feather snake to lead the re-occupation of the human continent.

The feather snake seems to be very satisfied with the obedience of other monsters. For the demon's flag, he is already inevitable.

"In the future, the deity will not treat you badly." Feather said with a smile, stepping on the city wall into Kyoto.

"This is our place, not your monsters." Song screamed, and a sword cut to the feather snake.

The feather snake snorted and waved, and a hurricane rolled up Song Song and others flew out.

The soldiers who rushed up were easily killed by the monsters.

The rivers of the city river have been dyed red.

The people hiding in the house came out silently, watching the people who protected them fall down one by one, and the monsters appeared in front of them.

No one can protect them.

"Shun my life, against me." The feather snake returned to its original shape. He was born like a snake and a snake. The snake was black, but he had four legs. It looked like a dragon and a dragon, but there was no dragon's majesty. More is sullen and terrible.

"Don't... don't come over!" The men held weapons in front of the women and the children, and the sounds were trembling.

"The mortal people in the district also dare to fight against our monsters." Feather snake sneered and said, "not self-reliant."

"Don't hurt us." Someone cried and cried out.

They don't want to die, but will these monsters let them go?

"Come out the underground palace." Feather snakes no longer pay attention to the people who have no power to bind the chickens. He only wants to find the underground palace and find the demon's flag.

"Yes!" The beasts shouted, and began to demonize the ground to break open.

They don't know that the underground palace is actually in the palace, only knowing that it is in Kyoto.

"Stop!" Murong dragged the injured body into the city.

There is no monster at all to understand him.

The feather snake took a look at Murong, "catch him."

The three tigers immediately went to catch Murong, "You, come to Laozi."

Murong took the sword to resist, but there was no effect at all. He was easily caught by the three-headed tiger.

Suddenly, a rocket descended from the sky and shot through the palm of the three tigers.


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