The fire of the next day!

The face of the feather snake changed slightly. He jerked his head up and saw several figures in the air. The woman in front of the front stood with the bow of the next day, and she was born with a beautiful city. A pair of dark scorpions were cold. He looked at him angrily.

"Staying adults!" Someone recognized the standing behind Ye Hao and screamed out in amazement.

Although these monsters say that Gorefiend is a mortal, but really see these big Gorefiends appear, the fear of the bottom of the heart is still uncontrollably.

"Oh..." Murong looked up at the stunned Ye Hao, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Although Murong Zhan was not here, but Ye Hao came back, she will be able to protect the people of Kyoto City.

"Murong, you are all right?" Ye Yan looked at him and asked.

They have already teleported with the fastest speed. I didn’t expect Kyoto City’s purple gas to disappear so quickly, and there are so many monsters coming to attack Kyoto City. It seems that the order of life is completely ineffective. .

"I'm fine." Murong gasped. "They are looking for the underground palace."

Ye Hao’s eyes looked coldly at the feather snake. “Do you want to find a palace?”

The feather snake looked at Ye Hao, and her eyes fell on her back.

Lying! Vatican! Beam off!

The three most admired Gorefiends in ancient times were here, and it seems that the Great Gorefiend is really awakened.

However, Wentian has not appeared, and Yinghao has not yet awakened. As long as he gets the demon flag, he can control the monsters of the whole world. Even if he hears the sky, there is no way.

"Sleeping, now is no longer the mainland of the world 10,000 years ago, we do not want to be enemies with you, I hope you will not intervene here." Feather snake turned back to the middle-aged man, faintly looked at the lying.

"Whether it is time, here is the human continent."

Ye Hao will help Murong to help. After three tigers, the bow of the next day turns into a long sword, and it is in the heart of the three tigers. He did not even say a word, and a sword stabbed in.

The three tigers have not had time to react, and Jin Dan has already taken it.

"You..." The three tigers round their eyes and couldn't believe that they had been destroyed by Jin Dan.

Ye Hao threw out Jin Dan, and the whip of the next day, Jin Dan broke open in the air.

"Stop!" Feather snake screamed and flew over Ye Hao. He was not close to Ye Hao, and he was blocked by lying.

"Who is it, give you the courage, dare to enter Kyoto City?" Ye Hao looked at the destroyed wall, and the ground can not complete the corpse, her heart burst into a burst of grief and anger.

Feather snakes only noticed that this woman seems not so simple.

In addition to the Gorefiend is protecting her, there are actually beasts.

Who is she?

"Sleeping, the mainland is so big, our river does not make well water, this place is what we first look at." Feather snakes do not want to play against the students, although they have many monsters, but they do not necessarily win. .

He also didn't want to avenge his life like this.

"On the mainland, there is no river and well water."

Everything is originally owned by the Lord, not who can destroy it.

“What are you looking for in the underground palace?” asked Ye Hao.

"That is our business." Feather said that he is not allowed to be the woman's identity, she is not a Gorefiend, but the repair is not low, but also allows the Gorefiend to protect her, it will not be rumored Qin Wang, I heard that I went to Xuantian mainland a few years ago and went to Shengzongmen. "Who are you?"

Ye Hao stood by his side. "The mainland is a place for mortals. You want to hurt mortals here. And, what do you want to do in the palace?"

"What else can I do, naturally I am going to find the demon flag." Shu Li sneered, "Feather snake, you think that the demon flag is what you want to get. Or, you think you get the demon flag, you Just like the Lord, can you order the monsters of the world to be used for you?"

"Devil's flag?" Ye Hao's twilight is colder. "What do you want to order the world's monsters to do?"

The feather snake chuckled, "What else can I do? Do you want these gossips to be like the Gorefiends, and the demon beasts must not harm the people? The mainland is originally our monsters. Why should we let the prisoners do the Lord and destroy the demon flag? The Lord is back, and he can't control the monster."

Asked, "Do you think that the Lord is relying on the demon to be able to control the entire world?"

"Isn't it?" said the feather snake. "In the era when he is no longer the Lord, it is one thing that he can come back. However, we finally came back and didn't want to be sent to the ridiculous hell." ”

"So you attack the city to kill people, just to find the demon flag?" Ye Hao whispered, clenching the whip of the day.

The feather snake looked at Ye Hao with a cold look. "You can look at the monsters. Even if you are not low, you really fight, and you will only be mortal in the city."

"A little snake that you have been practicing for less than a thousand years, dare to threaten us?" Shu Li looked like a feather snake.

"Look at the disaster you have caused." Fire Phoenix snorted and looked at his sleep. "If you didn't wake up, this world is still very calm."

"If we don't wake up, we have already been confused." Lying in a low voice, he looked at the monster behind the feather snake. "Here, I advised that I don't want to be enemies with us. Now I still have time to go. ""

The face of the feather snake has changed. "Sleeping, do you have to be against us?"

"If you are dissatisfied with the rule of the Lord, you can wait for him to wake up after he wakes up," said the faint sigh. "But now, no one wants to take the demon flag, and can't hurt the mortal."

"If we have to get it?" asked the feather snake.

Lying in a shallow smile, "then try."

The feather snake looked at the whip of the horse in the hands of Ye Hao. They have already come here. If you retreat, it will be even more impossible to attack this place in the future.

"Then don't blame us." Feather said, looking back at the other monsters.

"Is it really necessary to be an enemy?" The monsters whispered in front of him. "His magic is unfathomable. We don't know how much he cultivated."

Feather said, "Even if you don't want to be an enemy, he also treats us as an enemy."

If you can't come back to smell the sky, if you can kill and lay them away, you can cut off the left arm and right arm.

"Leaving, I want to kill him." Ye Hao whispered.

She didn't know the origin of this feather snake, but he took so many monsters to attack the city today, and his eyes did not kill so many mortals.

He can't live alive again.

"Kill!" Nodded.

The feather snake blinked slightly. "How many of you want to be enemies with so many monsters?"

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