Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 2403: Who let you come

Ye Hao does not know how deep the repair of the feather snake is, but the most sinister one of the feather snake is his venom. Not to mention that the mortal has no resistance at all, even the martial artists who have practiced will die.

Her enchantment could not block the entire Kyoto city, and she could only lead the feather snake to a place outside the city without people.

They were struck by other monsters, and the scene was fierce. The house was almost wiped out of the street.

Fighting in the city, the people who are hurt are still people.

"Everyone is running to the palace." Murong looked at the scene of the scene, knowing that he could not help Ye Hao with anything left here. Maybe he would become a drag, he worried that Ye Hao’s safety would only hope her side. People can help her.

The soldiers and the people who have been watching have returned to God and looked at the monsters. They used Ye Hao as the savior in their hearts. The beasts have been besieging Kyoto City for ten days. They have not had the power to fight, except to see that there are The soldiers were killed, and the monsters were not killed or injured. Qin Wangyi easily killed the three tigers. It was just too god.

Maybe they can be saved, Kyoto City can hold it.

"Let's go!" Some soldiers finally returned to God.

Murong Yu remembered that Song Yu was injured outside the city. He asked the other people to leave the tie and then went to the city to find Song.

Song Yu fell off the wall and was seriously injured. He was lying on the side of the river and didn't know how to live and die. Murong walked over, "Song Wei!"

The river in the city river has been dyed red. Although Song Song is in a coma, but still has a sigh of relief, Murong Yu is relieved and carries him back into the city.

In the air, the voice of the beast was fighting.

Murong looked up and saw that Ye Hao and the snake had left the city wall and went to the other side.


The boy who had been with Ye Hao was a beast.

Her side is really there.

Come along with Ye Hao, it doesn't look like ordinary people, they have killed a lot of monsters.

A person... is better than his thousands of soldiers.

Murong 恪 恪 眸抿 , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"The emperor." Song Zhen did not know when he woke up, and he screamed Murong.

"Are you awake? First send you back to the palace to heal." Murong whispered.

Song Hao tried to open his eyes and looked around. "The emperor, those monsters..."

"It’s coming." Murong whispered that he used to protect Ye Hao. Now she saved him and protected Kyoto City.

"The emperor, let me down, I can go." Song Zhen remembered that Murong Yu was also injured, so carrying him will definitely increase the injury.

Murong said, "Don't talk." He knows that Song Wei's injury is even heavier.

"Those monsters..." Song Yi wanted to talk, but he was so painful that he had not finished talking and had passed out on Murong’s back.

"There will be no problem." Murong said, he believes that Ye Hao will certainly protect the people of Kyoto City.



When leaving the city of Kyoto, Ye Hao showed her true strength, the feather snake knew that he was careless.

Because Ye Hao is a mortal person, he is looking at her cultivation from the heart, even if it is so powerful, at most, it will go to the ancestral environment. The mortal who can cultivate to the ancestral territory is already a minority. In Xuantian mainland, almost It is all elders can do it.

He underestimated Ye Hao and also forgot that she was surrounded by beasts.

That is the fire phoenix...

Ye Hao set up an enchantment between them. Now there are fireworks around the enchantment, and the feather snake feels a little bad.

"You are not an ordinary mortal." Feather said, "Who are you?"

"I am an ordinary mortal." Ye Hao's white face is like a layer of ice.

Around the feather snake, there are five bows of the next day facing her. With the improvement of Ye Hao, she can transform more bows of the next day, and can simultaneously shoot the arrows of the next day.

The fire of the next day is not a general fire. The leaf scorpion absorbs the skyfire and the ground fire, and the lethality is several times more than before.

The feather snake is afraid of fire, especially the ground fire.

"How can ordinary mortals have a fire?" The feather snake's eyes stared straight at the bow of the next day, alerting that the bows would shoot at him.

He has been injured.

Originally thought that killing a mortal did not require too much effort, not to mention that he also led her here, away from lying and Vatican, so that they could not help her.

It turned out that he did not lead her, she introduced him here.

Rest assured that they will leave, apparently believe in the cultivation of this woman.

"A mortal can cultivate as much as you can, as long as you can cultivate, you can do anything!" Ye Hao whispered, "Who wants you to get the demon flag?"

The feather snake's face changed slightly, she actually asked this question? "I don't know what you are saying."

"You know." Ye Hao said coldly, the five bows are closer to the feather snake, and he is left and right.

"No monsters don't know the demon flag. We all know that the demon flag is in the hands of Ying, and it should be sealed. It is not a secret to get the demon flag before he wakes up. This is not a secret." Said.

Ye Hao gently decapitated, "It is not a secret, but with your demon power, how do you let those monsters convince you, follow you to get the demon flag?"

The feather snake had never seen Xiaoyan before, so he didn't know why he wanted to help her. He didn't survive from ancient times. He just heard the legend of Wentian in the absurd hell.

She instinctively there must be people behind him.

"Nonsense!" The feather snake called, and the body flashed, disappearing from the bow and arrow, appearing behind the leafhopper, the venom-like needle, and flew over to Ye Hao.

A shield appeared behind Ye Hao, blocking the poison needles.

An arrow of the next day shot through the shoulders of the feather snake.

He snorted, and the poison needle hanging in the air hanged weakly.

"Who asked you to get the demon flag?" Ye Hao asked in front of the feather snake.

"No one!" said the feather snake. "Can't I get the demon flag? Can't I be the Lord?"

Ye Hao smiled faintly. "With you, you are not qualified enough."

The feather snake smiled happily. "Even without me, the human continent will be ruled by other monsters. Do you think that those monsters are really afraid of lying? It is for the sake of smelling the sky, not smelling the sky... There are still many people who want to kill them."

"Including the person who wants you to come to the demon flag?" Ye Hao asked.

The feather snake does not speak tightly.

The second arrow of the next day shot through his lower abdomen, only a little bit, he would shoot his golden dragon.

"I would rather Jin Dan be destroyed, wouldn't I say it?" Ye Hao asked softly, the more the feather snake refused to say, the more she determined that someone behind him would be instructing her.

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