There are countless deaths and wounds in the beasts who are in the same position. They can become Gorefiends in ancient times, and they are used in the purgatory.

Those monsters began to regret a little, especially after so long, and still did not see the emergence of feather snakes.

The feather snake should not kill even a mortal woman.

Even if the woman is a martial artist, but... is it still on the feather snake?

"You, do you want to continue?" asked in a whisper, these monsters are not their opponents at all, and no more monsters are useless.

All the monsters face each other, not to say that the Gorefiend has been sealed for so many years, is it not as good as it used to be, or even an ordinary person? Is this the strength of ordinary mortals?

If you kill them, you probably don’t use 30% of the skill.

"Who asked you to attack the city?" asked the beam.

"Feather snake... is him! He said that he can get the demon's flag instead of smelling the sky."

The lying and the beamed eyes looked at each other. The repair of the feather snake was not enough to fear. He could not call for so many monsters.

Behind the feather snake, there must be people.

"I am here to give you, I am going to find a small donkey." The baby thought of this, his heart suddenly tightened, worried that the Ye Zi who is now dealing with the feather snake outside the city, if there are people behind the feather snake, the person’s cultivation is It must not be low.

"Good." The beam nodded.

"I will go with you." Vatican said, she is also worried about Ye Hao.

Lying softly beheaded, and Vatican and the two came to the city at the fastest speed. There is also the smell of feather snakes and leafhoppers, but they can't see the leaves, only the feather snakes lying on the ground.

"Little!" Vatican shouted loudly. "Big big brother, little sister?"

"She is not here." Lying in a low voice, "She is not in the fire."

The face of Vatican has changed. "Where will that little beggar go?"

They came out of the city and did not see Ye Hao at all.

Lying in silence, his face looked at the sky in front of him.

Van Gogh looked around and still didn't see Ye Hao's figure. She stepped on the feather snake's chest. "What about Xiao Yan?"

The wounds on the feather snakes were all beaten by the leaves. They were stepped on by the van Gogh. There was a crack in the golden Dan. He woke up in pain and saw that he was lying and Vatican. He was scared and pale. "You... Don't kill me."

"Where is Xiaoxiao?" asked coldly.

"What is a little girl, who is a small sister?" asked the feather snake. "You said that... mortal woman, I don't know... I didn't see..."

Lying to Vatican, he said, "Bring the feather snake back, I am going to find a small donkey."

"Where are you going to find? Do you know where Otaru was caught?" Vatican asked, they were too big, and they would be deceived by the feather snake.

With the repair of the feather snake, where does he have the ability to order so many monsters, let alone the demon flag.

It is not just which monster can use the demon flag.

"I don't know." Lying in a low voice, he looked at Vatican. "Do you feel it?"

Vatican’s face became more ugly, “I... I didn’t feel anything.”

"This breath... like a beggar." As he said, he knew that Vatican didn't want to mention anything about jealousy.

In ancient times, Vatican was arrested and forced to become a Gorefiend.

Van Gogh closed her eyes. "How can she still be alive..."

"If it's her..." The clenched fist, "The little cockroach is dangerous."

"We have to hurry to find a small donkey." Vatican said nervously, "You know how much you hate."

Lying lightly nodded, just because he knew, so he was worried about Ye Hao.

"You go back to the city first, I am going to find her."

Vatican is not worried about lying alone and looking for you. "Big brother, let me go with you."

"No, I am going to find it myself," said the layman. "You and Liang left to find the underground palace."

"Good!" Vatican thought about it, nodded his teeth, and if he could know what to do, at least their strength would increase a lot.



Lei Bingfu has been desperate in the palace. She knows what happened in Kyoto City. Although she did not see it with her own eyes, there are news from time to time. She is very worried about the safety of Murong, not only because he is the emperor, she I really hope that he can be safe and sound.

The news of the siege came, and the Guards of the Royal Army wanted all the shackles to flee.

There are quite a few palace people who have run around, if there is not much in the palace.

"Hui Wei, are we sitting in the palace?" Standing next to Lei Bingfu is a beautiful woman who is born beautifully. She did not flee the palace like other cockroaches. She has nowhere else to go. Anyway, there is a mixture outside. On the way, where she goes is a dead end, it is better to stay in the palace and the emperor to live and die together.

If the emperor knows that she has not left, surely... it will change her.

“What does Shen Guiren think we can do?” Lei Bingfu whispered, she also wanted to go to Murong Yu, but they didn’t even have the ability to protect themselves. What can they do? It will only become his burden.

Shen Fanta said, "Even if you can't do anything, you can let the emperor know that we are sharing the same pains with him."

Lei Bingfu looked at Shen Yuner like an idiot. At this time, he must do what he wants.

This is no longer a problem of mutual hardship.

"Hui Fu Niangniang, the emperor is back." A palace man shouted loudly.

Lei Bingfu’s face was happy and he hurried out. She followed Shen Yuner and Su Tingting behind her.

They have not yet walked outside the palace gate, and they have already seen that Murong is full of blood and carrying Song.

"Emperor!" Shen Fanta and Su Tingting called out at the same time, crying forward. "You are fine, how are you injured..."

Murong looked at them without looking at them. He said to Lei Bingfu, "Song was seriously injured."

"Chen Chen let the royal doctors wait in the palace, and quickly sent the Song Daren to the Qing Palace." Lei Bingfu said, she knew that Murong Yu was also injured, but this time she could not cry and care about him first, pointing The two palace people told me, "You two have to go to the Song Master."

Murong Yu was already extremely tired. He gave the Song to the palace without any objection and almost stumbled.

Lei Bingfu held his arm, "Emperor!"

"I'm fine." Murong whispered, "Hey, come back, she blocks those monsters."

"Qin Wang Yu..." Lei Bingfu was shocked. How can Qin Wangjun block the monster? However, she couldn't ask more and believe that she found that Murong's face was pale and gray. "Emperor, go back to the Qing Palace first."

Murong sighed and nodded, leaning half of his body on Lei Bingfu.

Lei Bingfu is close to his eyebrows and his injury is very heavy.

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