Ye Hao didn't know how long he had been trapped in the water. It was dark all around. Even the changes of day and night could not be seen. She used a lot of methods to break the array. I don't know how to break this water array. .

They are very worried about her.

It’s strange to say that she was still full of wariness before she was able to get along with her. She could find a familiar feeling these days, as if she had been with them for a long time, and sure that they would be very worried about her.

Ye Hao re-entered the space, seeing the spirit of the fire phoenix inside, the fire phoenix lost all the spirit in the water array, only in space to get better.

"Hey, have you opened the water?" Fire Phoenix rushed over and asked.

"Not yet." Ye Hao sighed. "I have no other way to find it."

Fire Phoenix cried, "You have to rot the book in the space."

Originally thought that I could find a way to open the water array in the space, I have never forgotten the ability, but in the past, there is still no way to open it.

"I will go to see the ancient books again, there will be a way." Ye Hao said, the space that Murong Chan gave her is very strange. It seems that there is no upper limit. As long as her cultivation is up, the space will increase accordingly. There were only three layers before, and now there are four layers.

And there are a lot of books about the ancients in the space, which really surprised her.

Murong Cham's space... Where is the ancient book?

Just ask when you see him.

"Hey, isn't your space a way of thinking with the city? If we used to look for him, then we would be able to leave the waters." Fire Phoenix called.

"I tried it, no." Ye Hao whispered, "He...should not be on the mainland."

Fire Phoenix called, "Where is he going to be?"

"Azhan said that the black hole in Wangyue Lake may have something to do with the ridiculous hell. He and the emperor may go to ridiculous hell." Ye Hao said.

"What!" Fire Phoenix jumped up. "They actually went to ridiculous hell!"

Ye Hao looked at him. "You still worry about him?"

"That is ridiculous hell, don't you worry?" Fire Phoenix asked.

"Worry." Ye Hao whispered, looking at the ancient book, she felt that there would be a way to crack the water array, "but what is the solution?"

Where is it now? He was very worried about ink-capacity in his heart, but don't say ridiculous hell, even the world of the world does not know where it is.

Fire Phoenix slammed his feet. "This is a jerk."

"Her son was killed, and the killing of the enemy is not so easy to forget." Ye Hao said faintly.

"You still speak for her."

Ye Hao said, "I am not talking for her, just... In the face of awkward hatred, we must be careful, she is different from what we have encountered before." Ye Hao whispered, "She is a big one who survived in ancient times." The monster, the demon power is not comparable to the previous monster."

"That is, a water array will trap us." Fire Phoenix called.

Ye Hao pressed his hands on the book and sighed. "What happened in the past, and the hatred of Xiao Xiao was too deep."

"Hey, she is coming." The fire phoenix tightened and he felt the sigh of breath.

"I went out to see." Ye Hao went out of the space, just to see the cockroach appear outside the water array.

The cockroach is the original shape, and it has a unique angle, and the eyes are black and bright, the mouth is wide and the teeth are yellow, and the fur is blue. How to see how terrible.

"When are you going to shut me down?" Ye Hao asked.

"When will I give me the demon flag, when will I let you go." He said, slowly becoming the middle-aged woman, a pair of eyes hiding the sinister coldness.

Ye Hao frowned at her. "Have you seen lying? You want to demonize the flag?"

“Yes,” he said. “You don’t have to expect them to save you, even if they stand in front of you, you can’t see it.”

That being said, the water array is able to block the sight of others.

Even if she is to save her, she does not necessarily find her.

"Big sister, do you want to tell me about the previous grudges, you are shutting me like this, I am not clear about your previous grievances, I am very embarrassed." Ye Hao said pitifully.

"Do you really have no memory at all?" He looked around at Ye Hao, and he had a semi-Protoss lineage. She even reincarnation a few times, and to cultivate to such a degree, she would remember a little bit of previous memories. It is impossible to know nothing.

Ye Hao smiled, "I really don't know anything."

"Is there no memory for even Wen Tian?" asked an eyebrow.

"Yes." Ye Hao nodded and answered affirmatively. She did not know who was smelling.

Seeing Ye Hao is not like lying, maybe it has not yet been remembered.

"When Tian Tian sold us, maybe it was for your chance to survive." He said with a sneer, "I don't know if you have any good things. Actually, Wen Tian is so fascinated by you, and there are few emperors..."


"Small cockroach..."

The sounds of Yaofeng and Vatican passed away not far away.

Ye Hao’s face is happy, “I am here.”

He laughed ridiculously. "No matter how loud you call, they can't hear it, and you can't feel your breath."

"You..." Ye took a look at her.

"Oh, I used to be locked in the water array. You found me. You must have a way to leave." Vatican holds water-proof beads in his hand, and the water automatically avoids her. She is free to move in the water. .

Did she find Vatican?

Ye Hao was puzzled and was trying to hear what the Vatican actually said, but he saw the ugly face ugly, the big hand waved, and there was a turbulence in the bottom of the water. She was felt that she was pushed up by the big waves, and she could not hear the Vatican in a blink of an eye. sound.

She knew that she must have transferred her to somewhere else.

"I don't know what it is." He said, he decided to kill Van Gogh, who indirectly killed her son.

Ye Hao didn't care where she was transferred to, but, as Vatican said, she felt that there was something missing from her.

Van Gogh was taken away by his son before... It should have been trapped in the water array, but no one could find it. Only she found Van Gogh, so she killed her son.

In this way, Xiao Xiao used to find the water array.

So how can we open the water array... or let others discover the water array?

"Fire, you said that the water gap is in the end?" Ye Hao asked questioningly.

Fire Phoenix said, "I don't know. I only know that this water array has smashed my flames. I can't use fire to boil..."

"Fire?" Ye Hao’s eyes suddenly lit up. "Or there is a way to try."

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