Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 2412: Say something wrong

After I took Ye Hao away, I immediately followed the voice of Vatican. A huge phantom paw patted the Vatican.

Vatican is facing her, she doesn't know if she can find Ye Hao, but at least try it.

"Be careful!" Yao Feng discovered the appearance of cockroaches, shouted, and quickly dragged the Vatican to escape.

The huge claws made a whirlpool of water at the bottom of the water, and the sea was suddenly turbulent, more than the storms during the storm.

"Smelly rhinoceros, where did you catch the little cockroach?" Vatican screamed, and sure enough! In the past 10,000 years, she actually did not die.

At first, the Dragon and God did not kill her.

"Smelly girl! I have been looking for you for a long time. You have to send it to your door to find death." He said with a sneer, she knew that her son had been obsessed with this stinking head, otherwise she would not catch her back, but she was angry. Gorefiend and Otaru don't know how Xiaoyan found the water array.

"The person you are looking for is me, what do you do with Xiaoxiao? Let the little sister release it!" Vatican called.

"The culprit is you!" He pointed to the Vatican and said, "But my son is a small slain, and she should die!"

Vatican said, "If it wasn’t for your son to catch me, Xiao Yan wouldn’t kill him at all, it’s his self-defense!”

"I don't care, who killed my son, who will pay the price!" He almost snarled, "You want to save the little girl, then see if you can find her!"

Vatican looked anxiously around, she didn't see Xiaoyan's figure at all, and she didn't even hear the sound. I don't know if they could find her.

"Hey, you know how important Xiaoxiao is to the Lord. I tell you that the Lord has returned!" Vatican said in a low voice.

The rumor is not shocked, but laughs ridiculously. "When the sky can't come back, he is just on the mainland, it's just a walking dead like a mortal!"

In the heart of the Vatican, I was shocked. Why did you say so sure, did she already see the warning? "Even if the Lord is now a mortal, as long as he wakes up, he will be restored."

"Ha ha ha..." He laughed loudly. "Impossible! Wen Tian lacks a soul. No matter how many times he reincarnates, he will never smell it!"

"Don't you say that he betrayed you, has it soared into a real dragon? How do you say that he is missing a soul?" I don't know when I came, I came to Van Gogh's side and looked at you.

The bunch of them also appeared around them.

He looked at them with a slight gaze, a little annoyed and just too anxious to say something wrong.

"It turned out to be you!" Van Gogh pointed angrily at the embarrassment. "That is what the Lord is selling under the Ministry. These words are all passed on by you. There is no such thing!"

"Oh, Wen Tian has not done it, everyone knows, I don't need to talk about it." He said.

Lying softly beheaded, "You are right, have you ever done it, and everyone will know it later, and the Lord will wake up."

兕 This time I learned to be smart, just sneer and say nothing.

"You wait, don't hand over the little ones, wait for the Lord to come, you can't escape." Fan Fan said.

"What if you smell the sky?" He said with a smile, "Do you find the lost soul that he lost? No matter who you are, don't want Wentian to really wake up."

There is something in her words!

Lying and beaming look at each other, she is so determined that the Lord will not, and what lost soul? They have never heard of this incident. Is it something that happened after they were sealed?

"Who is awakened besides you?" asked Liang Shusheng.

He naturally asked the top ten monsters in addition to Wentian in the ancient times. It is said that all the big monsters are sealed in ridiculous hell. The name of **** is also because of them. If you have been able to The absurd **** came to the earth, and the others should wake up.

Where are they?

"The waking nature is awake," he said.

"Where are they?" Not all the big beasts are like the scorpion, and they are the best friends of the Lord. If they wake up, they will definitely find a way to find the Lord.

The sinister smiled slyly. "Why should I tell you?"

Van Gogh was mad at her, and she couldn't wait to open her mind to see what she was holding them. "Hey, where is Xiaoxi?"

"In this sea, you go find it yourself, find it, but bring it back." He smiled arrogantly and stepped on the huge waves.

"Stand up!" Lying in the cold, stopping her way.

He said, "You are not my opponent, don't look for a dead end."

"We don't want to be against you, just want you to hand over a small donkey." Lying coldly, the red snake sword appeared in his hand.

They are surrounded by her, and they are not the opponents of the shackles, but if they join hands, it is not necessarily.

Looked at them with a cold eye, a huge blisters spit out from her mouth, the sea immediately turned up the waves, and the giants of the two seawaters gathered in front of them.

Between the time, the two water giants have already played against each other.

"Sleeping, they handed it to me." Yao Feng said with his eyes.

"Okay." Nodded and turned to help Vatican to deal with you.

兕 has recovered its original form and is fighting with Vatican and her demon, her demon power is very strong, but it is not without its shortcomings.

She is too big and slow to move.

They have to beat her in speed.



On the other side, Ye Hao is looking for ways to freeze in the space.

She has the fire of the next day, and there is a fire phoenix as a beast, so she has never practiced the ice technique of the rushing. If she turns the water array into an ice rim and then breaks it with the fire of the next day, then she will not Can you leave?

At the beginning, Xiaoyan should be like this too!

She was able to open the water array because of the fire of the next day.

"Hey, do you want to practice ice?" Fire Phoenix yelled anxiously. "Isn't this the same as your next day?"

It is also very different from him!

"This is the only way to get out of the water array." Ye Hao whispered, "It is not an ice technique that is too difficult to cultivate, as long as it can make the water line freeze."

Fire Phoenix grievances and looks at Ye Hao in the practice of ice.

"You let it go, stay here." Ye Hao said, "I will go outside and try to succeed."

"Good." Fire Phoenix nodded immediately and slammed into the corner.

Ye Hao turned the sea in the way he saw in the book. Unlike the fire of the next day, ice is a completely opposite way.

She is strange and a little bit tough.


A snowflake appeared on the fingertips of Ye Hao.

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