If he is alone and fight alone, he will not be an opponent. Now it is the four Gorefiends. It is not easy to win them. At most, it is a tie. The two sides have been fighting for so long, and they have been injured each other. Have not yet won the game.

I want to leave, but I am stalked by the glory. She can't find a gap to leave, and continue to fight with them. They join forces and she wants to kill one of them.

She had thought it would be easy to kill Vatican.

"What do you mean by that?" The questioner asked, "When the Lord was sealed by the Dragon, what did you do?"

"I want to know?" he sneered and asked, "Go to the ridiculous **** and ask."

"It seems that you know what happened to the Lord's body," said the layman.

He said, "How about knowing? You won't think I will tell you?"

She can't wait to kill Wen Tian and these Gorefiends, how could it make Wen Tian have a chance to wake up again.

"It seems that you really don't want your son to have a chance to live." Vatican suddenly cried.

He stopped the attack and stared straight at Vatican. "What are you talking about?"

"Even a small scorpion who has been slain can reincarnate. Your son's original Jin Dan is still there. Can he not be resurrected?" Vatican said in a serious way, "After killing Xiaoxiao, wait for the Lord to wake up. You can't think of him raising his son for you."

"You said that there is a way for my son to wake up?" asked her frowning. She had never heard of Wentian and she had such a skill. If he had a way, why didn't he help her in ancient times?

Lying faintly, "The Lord has the blood of the dragon, and the dragon blood can resurrect all things."

He said suspiciously, "You don't want to deceive me. If he has a way, why didn't you help me?"

"Because you injured a small scorpion at the beginning, and the war is imminent, how can the lord repair himself to repair the son for you, do you think that the dragon blood is so easy to get it?" Vatican called.

In fact, she did not know whether the Lord could resurrect his son. Anyway, how can he pull it now?

"No...Impossible!" The look of 兕 changed, although it was impossible to say it in the mouth, but it seemed to be reasonable in the heart. Wentian had a dragon lineage, otherwise it would not be robbed, or if it was From the stalk, he may have become a real dragon.

"You can't be impossible," Van Gogh said with a smile. "We don't care if your son can be resurrected anyway."

They didn't attack them again, they just meditated on them.

"Do you see the weather?" He looked at the Vatican.

"Yes." Van Gogh nodded.

He took a deep breath, "but he is just a mortal today..."

"What is the soul of the Lord?" asked the layman.

"I don't know." He blurted out.

Vatican said, "You lied, you know! Do you want to let your son come back?"

"Even if I tell you, the strange soul of Wentian can't come back, it's not in the world." She frowned and said that she loves her son too much, but she is willing to try every opportunity to resurrect him. Come, his Jin Dan has been carefully protected by her, and it is still good.

"Is it in ridiculous hell?"

Ramp, "How is it possible!"

"Where is that?" Vatican chased after asking.

"I think about it..." I glanced at them. "You want me to let me go, so I said these words?"

Lying straight and nodding directly admits, "Yes, if it is not for the sake of Xiaoyan, we will not tell you about this, but this is true."

"Why didn't you tell me before?" angered, she used to have an alliance with them, and they didn't even say it.

"Cut, why did you tell you before, your son almost killed Van Gogh, you also hurt Xiaoyan, do you think we will tell you? Or do you think that the Lord will resurrect your son?" Yao Feng smiled and asked.

I tightened my lips and had to admit that this was true. If she changed her name, she would definitely not help her.

"When the soul of the heavens is his only soul, what he lost is the most important soul. When he is destroyed by the body, this soul can not be destroyed. After all, he has the blood of the real dragon. His heart is also to find the wisdom of the smell of heaven." Unwillingly said, "I know so much. As for where the lonely soul is, I don't know."

No wonder the Lord has not yet awakened!

Lying on his fingertips, they didn't know it before.

"Who knows where the soul of the Lord is?" Vatican hurriedly asked.

"The ridiculous **** of **** should know." He said, she looked at Vatican and said, "Is it already in the world?"

Her words were just finished, and the sea in the distance suddenly made a loud noise, and an iceberg suddenly appeared.

How can there be an iceberg?

Everyone looked at it strangely, and immediately said, "Look at the past!"

That position... wrinkled frowning, isn't that where she is holding a small donkey?

"There will be no monsters?" Vatican asked in a low voice and observed whether there were monsters around.

"Not a monster." Lying in the road, did not feel the breath of the beast.

"That is……"

When the words of Vatican had not been asked, they heard a loud noise, and the iceberg suddenly exploded. A flame-like figure flew out of the iceberg.

"It's a fire!" Van Gogh screamed happily. "There is still a little!"

what? I can't believe the image of Ye Hao unbelievably, how is it possible! No one in her water tank can break open. How did this woman do it?

"Sleeping, Vatican!" Ye Hao, who was sitting on the back of the fire phoenix, saw them. He smiled and waved at them. "Are you okay?"

"We are fine, Xiao Yan, how are you?" asked Vatican.

"Things that the Lord has come back, you better not let Xiaoxiao know." The faint sigh said, "Otherwise you really don't want the Lord to help you."

The sly eyes flashed a bit strange. "She still doesn't know?"

Lying neatly nodded, Ye Hao has come to them.

“Everyone is alright?” Ye Hao asked, and when she saw the cockroaches behind her, she immediately became alert. “You...”

"Little!" Van Gogh kept Ye Hao. "Sorry, I am hurting you."

"It doesn't matter to you." Ye Hao said, "I caught her."

"This time you can leave, it won't be so easy next time." He said coldly, his heart was still shocked. Xiao Yan was not practicing ice, but how did the iceberg come out?

She glanced down and turned to sink to the bottom, and the figure disappeared instantly.

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