Lying in the side of Ye Hao, she glanced at her and saw that she was not injured. Then he whispered, "Have you ever done anything to you?"

"No, she seems to be still jealous." She can feel the hatred of jealousy, but for a long time, she did not really do anything to hurt her, probably still afraid of smelling the sky.

Ye Hao saw that several of them were here, remembering the situation in Kyoto City before she was arrested. "I was shut down for a few days? What happened to Kyoto City now?"

"We have been looking for you for several days. The feather snake has been caught by us. He also said that he was asked to go to the city. The people in the city have already escaped seven or eight, even the soldiers are... There is not much left," said Vatican.

"It’s normal for those people to escape. So many monsters have attacked the city. They have seen it before." Ye Hao had expected this to happen. Fortunately, the death and injury were not as serious as she had worried before. "Right, you find the demon flag. No?"

Van Gogh looked at him and whispered, "Oh, this thing... We found the underground palace, just inside the Yongshou Palace in Jinguo, but we didn't find anyone when we entered."

Ye said a little, "What do you mean?"

I explained in a layman's way, "There is only a choice of the heart and the moon in the palace. There is no such thing as a deaf, let alone a demon flag."

"No response?" Ye Hao’s voice said, "Where is he?"

"We don't know," said the layman.

Van Gogh whispered, "I don't even know where to go when I choose the heart and the moon."

Ye Hao was even more surprised to hear this. "You... didn't you see the heart and the moon?"

Seeing that they all shook their heads, Ye Hao suddenly speechless, the underground palace is not easy to go in, how the blood demons inside are gone, the choice of heart and the moon can be temporarily put aside, they may be looking for a living, in the middle Missed or what, can you answer it?

"If Jinguo's underground palace is not responding, then where is he going?" What other palaces have they not found?

Van Gogh took the hand of Ye Hao. "All of our underground palaces have been there. Only the emperor's purple gas can live in the underground palace. Jin Guo is the last palace. We guess that perhaps it should not be sealed at all."

"Where did he go?" Ye Hao rounded his eyes. If he was not sealed, it must have been alive. What about his people? They have been back for so long, and they have not seen him come to them.

"We don't know..." Vatican said in a low voice.

Ye Hao took a deep breath and pressed down the anger that was about to come up. "If he has already woken up, why doesn't he appear? The world's monsters are like this, will he not know?"

"If he knows, it will definitely stop." Vatican said in a hurry.

As he said, "Ying Ying may have been sealed."

"We have been to all the palaces." Yao Feng said.

"No..." Ye Hao suddenly remembered that she had seen another palace, almost the same palace as Jinguo, "and China."

After she finished speaking, she suddenly received the melody from Mingxi. When she heard Mingxi’s words, her face changed. “There is something wrong with Xuantian mainland!”

"How?" Seeing her face was wrong, she asked me.

"Ming Xi said that there was someone on the Xuantian mainland. There was no gap on the mainland that could be sent to the mainland. It was transmitted by a large array of methods. If it was not something, they would not do it." It is said that Ming Xi is not very clear. He only said that Tang Hanyan and Ye Muxin came, saying that there are also monsters on the other side.

The Xuantian continent is not the same as the human continent. There is a existence of a monster, which can make the Great Sacred attach such importance and tension. The degree of chaos is more serious than she imagined.

"There must be a big monster to go to the Xuantian continent." Vatican shouted. "They are just like the cockroaches, they have already woken up."

Ye Hao looked at them and thought that coming to the underground palace of Jinguo would solve most of the problems. I did not expect more problems.

The last palace they knew didn't have a response. They didn't even see people in their choices and eves, and they didn't even know where to go.

What should I do next?

Ye Hao is a bit stunned.

"We..." Ye Hao looked at him and spoke with him at the same time.

"You said first," said the layman.

Ye Hao said, "In addition to looking for the underground palace, what other methods do you have to find the answer? There are also choices and eves, where will they go?"

When he was indulged for a moment, he was always thinking about a problem when he learned that Jinguo’s underground palace was not coping.

Should he set up a resurrection for them, did he have time to set himself up? If he is already awake, where will it be?

"We can first find a way to find the soul of the Lord." The beam said with a blank expression, they do not have to look for a response, as long as the Lord wakes up, he should come back no matter where he is.

Ye stunned, "What kind of soul?"

"I just said it." Vatican said in a hurry, and looked at the beam with disappointment. "We are going to hand you over. If she refuses, we will lie to her and say that the Lord will soon return," she said. If the Lord does not find a lonely soul, it will be useless if he returns."

"Do you believe what you said?" Ye Hao asked with an eyebrow.

She didn’t have a deep hatred with Wen Tian, ​​and killed her son with a small donkey. Is that relevant?

"Ning is credible." Shu said, ignoring that, it is difficult for them to believe what they said. After so long, the Lord has no signs of awakening, and it seems to be a mortal who lost his mind. There are no two things. If there is really no ghost, then the Lord may always be like this.

Ye Hao felt that he could not refute the bundled Ning Cong. "Have you seen the smell? How do you know what he is like now?"

The bundle was tight and thin, and only two words were squeezed out in a minute. "No."

"According to what you said... The soul of the Lord is not in the world or in the ridiculous hell. It is not easy to find it. We must first check it out," whispered.

"Yeah." Shuai nodded, afraid to say too much would make Ye Hao suspicious.

"Hey, aren't you saying that someone from the Xuantian mainland is coming? Do we want to go to them first?" asked the students.

Ye Hao gently shook his head. "Ming Xi will bring them to me when he says it. Let's go back to the city first."

She wanted to go to Tang Hanyan, but now she can't walk, Kyoto City is still in chaos, she can't just go.

"Well, listen to you," said the layman. "Where is the Chinese country you said?"

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