When Ye Xie spoke out of China, his heart was actually not very sure. After all, the Chinese nation was only a hundred years old. How could there be a palace? She is overdone.

"That is overseas, it is a newly built country, there can be no underground palace." Ye Hao shook his head and said, "I think more."

"In any case, everything is possible," said Vatican. "What we think is impossible, sometimes it is possible."

Ye Hao thinks that Ange is still overseas, and Ah is also there. Regarding the origin of the black hole, she thinks that Abu will probably know that Huangfu is at the lakeside, but in addition to the black hole, the human continent There can be no mermaid.

"Well, wait until you have seen it in Kyoto City, and we will go out to sea." Ye Hao said.

They came to Kyoto City and saw that Murong was wounded on the wall and soldiers were building the destroyed wall.

"Auntie!" Ye Hao flew up the wall and looked at Murong Yu’s injury. "Are you injured?"

Murong Yan saw a smile on Ye Hao’s face. "Hey, you are safe and have nothing to come back! I am fine, just a little bit of flesh and blood."

"Where is the flesh wound, he almost died." Lei Bingfu came up from behind and heard Murong said so, could not help but whisper.

Ye Hao looked back and saw Lei Bingfu, showing a smile, "Hui Wei is here too."

"Qin Wang 妃." Lei Bingfu nodded with a smile, she looked at Murong squinted, "I came to give the emperor medicine, the emperor has not returned to the palace for three days."

"Hey, where have you been in the past few days?" Murong did not mind Lei Bingfu's words. Anyway, these days he listened to her chanting and was used to it.

Ye Hao was a little surprised that the way they got along with each other seemed to have changed something. This is something to be happy about.

"I... I was taken away by the shackles, she was a feather snake to attack the city." Ye Hao whispered, simply said the identity of the cockroach, "What is the situation in the city now?"

"Most of the people have fled, and there are not many left. Before, everyone has never seen the monsters. So there are so many, so that they are greatly scared. If they leave, if there are any monsters, Will not be hurt," Murong said.

Ye Hao said, "There is nothing in the underground palace. They don't have what they want to find, and they won't come to attack the city again."

Murong looked up at Ye Hao, "Hey, I have something to discuss with you."

"Okay." Ye Hao nodded, just as she had something to say to him.

Lei Bingfu stood silently. In fact, she can't say what it feels like to Murong. I only know that I don't want to see him in danger. People have feelings. They have been together for so long. It is also a common experience. If there is no feeling, it is a lie.

What kind of feelings can it be? For Lei Bingfu who has never loved, she really doesn't know.

He has been able to let go of Qin Wangyi... has it been able to let go?

Lei Bingfu found out for the first time that he would actually feel a bit minded.

This feeling is not going to be the legendary vinegar?



Ye Hao and Murong Yu went to the other side to talk.

"I only received the news from Jingzhou yesterday. Mingxi took the initiative to send troops to attack Qiguo. He seemed to have a great helper around him. He actually won all the way and was about to hit the Imperial City." Murong said quietly. The news from Mingxi’s side made him very shocked.

He has been worried that Qi Congress will not harm Mingyu’s Ningguo. After all, Ningguo’s strength is too weak, and Mingyu is so young. Zhao’s ambition is to avenge this. I really didn’t think that Mingxi could do this. degree.

Ye Hao hasn't received a reply from Ming Xi to her. She looks at Murong Yu strangely. "Ming Xi took the initiative to send troops? Isn't it necessary to discuss the truce with Song Hongwei?"

"Song Hongjun is not in Zhangzhou. It is said that he is going back to Emperor City to persuade Zhao Wei not to fight, but Zhao Wei did not agree. Song Hongyi has no news. Now nobody knows where he is going, there is one more thing..." Murong Yu frowned, his eyes flashed I was angry, "There are rumors everywhere in Qi, saying that you are a enchanting, the monsters in this world are all because of you, say you..."

"Say me to blame the world, sin should die, only when I am dead, the monsters in this world will disappear. Is that true?" Ye Hao asked with a smile, no need to know who this rumor came from.

Murong Yu said, "Song Wei refused to send troops, and Zhao Wei used this method to harm you."

"She is really sinister." Ye Hao chuckled his voice. Zhao Wei was too aware of what this rumor meant at this time. The people all over the world would hate her and turn all fears and fears into resentment. I really thought that only She is dead, this world will restore peace.

When Zhao Wei killed her, she wanted to kill him with a knife.

"I have already let people catch people who spread rumors everywhere," Murong said.

"It's useless." Ye Hao said faintly, "Zhao Wei's purpose has been reached. Now she doesn't need to send someone to spread it. Naturally, there will be a hundred people passing through the hundred. I believe that the whole world will know soon, everyone is sure. I can’t wait to kill me to destroy the monster.”

Murong said, "The appearance of the monster is not related to you."

"Of course it doesn't matter." Ye Hao smiled. "Forget it, don't care, the people will resent me and can't do anything to me."

"They can't do anything to you, but... Mingyu is still in Ningguo." Murong whispered.

Ye Hao’s face changed, she forgot Mingyu!

This is why Mingxi wants to attack Qi.

Murong said, "I have already decreed that I will pass the throne to Ming Yu. Oh, Ming Yu ruled the whole world, and no one dared to hurt her."

"If the people in this world don't accept her, how many worlds will be useless to her." Ye Hao said, "Let me imagine what to do."

"Most people are ignorant. They believe what they hear and what they think they are. It is not difficult to change their opinions." Murong said that he thinks Ye Hao definitely has a way to let Those people believe her.

Ye Hao looked at the house destroyed by the monster behind the wall. "Well, I know."

"You... find what you want in the underground palace?" Murong asked.

"No." Ye Hao said, "It doesn't matter, I will always find it."

Murong Yan looked at her. "After the reconstruction of Kyoto City, everything settled down, and I will abdicate. When I will... I will leave Jinguo."

Ye Hao frowned, "Auntie, you don't need to do this."

"I have waited for this day for too long. This throne is not suitable for me. You see, I can't protect this Kyoto city. You haven't said that only one emperor's purple gas can protect the palace?" Murong smiled Said, "Let Ming Yu come, she will be able to protect this world."

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